Тест "Література. Літературні жанри" 8 клас

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Тест на перевірку лексики по темі "Літературні жанри". Прочитати опис і вибрати літературний жанр.
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Test. Book Genres.

Task. Match the book genres to their definitions.

                     romance                                        atlas                                        play

                   horror novel                                  comics                                      fable

                  grammar book                              guide book                          science-fiction

                  autobiography                               instruction                          historical novel

                      dictionary                                  fairy tales                                 detective

                        fantasy                                     biography                                newspaper

               encyclopedia                                     text book


  1. It’s a magazine that has stories told in pictures.
  2. These books are about space travel.
  3. These books talk about people’s relationships and about their love.
  4. These books talk about crimes and someone finds out what happened.
  5. There are real people and these stories took place in reality in the past.
  6. These books talk about fairies and magical people.
  7. A book with list of words of a language and gives their meaning.
  8. A book or a set of books giving facts about many subjects.
  9. These books talk about imaginary stories to scare the readers.
  10. I want to drive across Poland and I need to know which roads to take. I need ______ .
  11. Suzy needs to revise different Tenses in English so that she can do her homework. She needs _________ .
  12. The story of somebody’s live written by somebody else.
  13. A book that teaches a particular subject (especially in schools).
  14. Publication printed with news and articles.
  15. A short story that teaches a moral lesson and has animals as the main characters.
  16. A book that gives information about a place to tourists or people who are travelling.
  17. These books are about imaginary words, there is a lot of magic in them.
  18. A story of a person’s life written by that person.
  19. Detailed information on how you should use something.
  20. A piece of writing performed by actors in the theatre.
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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 жовтня 2023
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