Listening task "Natural symbols of Ukraine"

Про матеріал
Прослухати аудіо, підкріплене текстом про національні природні символи України, дати відповіді на запитання за змістом тексту.
Перегляд файлу

             Natural symbols of Ukraine

             Watch the video and answer

                    the questions.


  1.     What is important for all Ukrainians except national symbols such as the flag, the trident, the anthem?
  2.     Why did the plant symbols become so popular?
  3.     What is one of the most important crops in Ukraine?
  4.     How long have Ukrainians grown wheat?
  5.     What plant is used in Ukraine as a symbol of hope?
  6.     What flower in Ukraine is associated with purity and the beauty of natural world?
  7.     Where can the stocks be found in Ukraine?
  8.     Where do the stocks spend winter?
  9.     What beautiful flower can be seen in the yards of Ukrainian houses?
  10.                        What is the other name of the snowball tree?
  11.                        What parts of the snowball tree do people use in herbal medicine?
  12.                        What bird is associated in Ukraine with the coming of spring?
  13.                        What flower is used as a symbol of Ukraine in international events?
  14.                        What plant can protect from evil spirits?
  15.                        What bird is considered to be  the best singer in Ukraine?
  16.                        What garden flowers are widely cultivated in Ukraine?

17) How do we call the low-growing  evergreen plant with little blue flowers?

     18) What insect in Ukraine is a symbol of hard work, community and productivity?

     19) What bad sides of goats are named in this video?

      20)  What tree is a symbol of Ukrainian gardens and yards?

      21)   What plant can protect people from viruses? 

До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
10 травня 2024
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