“London – the Capital of Great Britain”

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Конспект уроку по темі“London – the Capital of Great Britain” буде корисним для вчителів англійської мови та учнів .
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Husiatyn Secondary School











London – the Capital

of Great Britain

in the 9-th form









Lilia Svintitska

a teacher of English

Theme:                 London – the Capital of Great Britain



Objectives:       -   to give practice in listening;

  • to give opportunities for expression of opinions about;
  • to give opportunities for creative use of English;
  • to educate to respect to other people’s culture.



  • A map of London;
  • Sights of London;
  • Traveler’s Guide Book;
  • A Book “London’s Streets”;
  • video “London”;
  • Presentation “Welcome to London”;
  •  computer tests on the computers                              




T. -Good morning, nice to meet you!

Ps-Good morning, teacher!

 T. I see, you are ready to start our lesson.

Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We are going to fly to London, the capital of Great Britain. Would you like to pretend to be a participant of a tourist  group?

Ps - Yes.

 The dialogue between two pupils about the future trip

- Hi, Vika! Are you still busy packing your suitcase? It looks too heavy. You shouldn’t take so much clothes with you. You feel worried, don’t you?

- It’s not because of my luggage. This is the first time I’m travelling with my teacher and my classmates. I can’t speak English fluently. What if I don’t know a particular word in English? How will people understand me?

- You should definitely work harder at your English. But you will practice it during your trip. Try to use the words you know. Your gestures will also help. Besides, there will always be someone in your group to help you.

- Our teacher has planned the trip very well. I’m looking forward to visiting all the places I have read so much about the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace…

-London will open all its secrets to you.

- I think we will have a sightseeing tour by double-decker. This kind of buses has become the symbol of London. It will be wonderful to have a boat trip along the Thames River, too. I love adventures. The whole trip sounds to be great fan!

- I hope you will enjoy every minute of it!

T .First of all let’s turn on TV set and listen to the weather forecast.

P1. Good morning. The weather forecast promises us a good  weather today. Though it is autumn the sky is blue: it is not covered dark clouds. She sun is shining brightly. Maybe, it will snow a bit later. The light wind is blowing from the west. The temperature 2 degrees below zero. Thank you for you attention. Good bye!  

III. Main Part.

  1. Speaking


T. The weather is fine to start our travelling. Please, think about possible ways of getting to England.

P2. I think the fastest way of travelling is by plane.

P3. I agree with you.

T. Do you agree with them?

P5. Yes, we do.

T. So, we are going to travel by plane. You will learn many interesting facts about this country, visit beautiful places and see many sights. I hope, you will have a good time there. Now we are ready to leave for Great Britain.

               Doing the tests


2 . T. Before our tour we shall repeat new words on the topic and do the test on the computers. 

                       - Are you ready?

       Ps                - Yes, we are.

T. Please,  turn on your computers and find Programme  “10,000 words”,

Write down:

-Your name and surname;

- form 9c;


Then put the point near the task I: Read and say;

Language: Ukrainian- English;

Your time: 2 minutes;

You must translate words from Ukrainian into English.

At the end of the work you will have the result – your mark. 

Let me introduce my assistant –stewardess.

Stewardess. Good morning, everyone! Welcome to our plane!

It is Boening.

As you know we are flying to London.

Well, you fasten your seatbelts now.

Have you got any questions to me?

P1. What altitude is our plane flying at?

Stewardess. We are flying at the altitude of 15,000 feet.

P2. What is the arrival time?

Stewardess. We’ll arrive at 4 p.m.

P3. What time will lunch be served ?

Stewardess. Lunch will be served at 1p.m. The prize of the meals is included into the prize of your ticket.

(The stewardess offers coffee, soft drinks to the passengers)

  1. Listening – Watching video film

Stewardess :Now I invite you to watch a video film about London.

It consists of three parts:

  1. Bus tour of London.
  2. The London Eye.
  3. Thames River Boat.

T.  Do you like the film?

 P1. Yes, I do. I like the London Eye best of all. I hope, I shall visit it.

  1. Speaking.                      

Stewardess.   Before coming to England let’s remember English customs.

   Possible answers:

  1. People in England do not shake hands as much as we do in our country or in Europe.
  2. Men raise their hats to woven but not to each other.
  3. If you go to a friend’s house to dinner, you don’t say “Thank you” at the end of the dinner. You say “Thank you” when you go home.
  4. It is difficult to know if an Englishmen is married, because they do not wear wedding rings.
  5. The English do not talk as much as we do.
  6. Traffic keeps to the left.
  7. The English is a nation of stay-at-homes. They prefer to sit at the fireplace after the working day.
  8. English always drink tea.
  9. They always drink tea out of cups, never out of glasses.

10.In  England many people drink tea with sugar or milk. Tea with lemon is called “Russian tea”

11. The British always eat bread with their soup. They never eat and bread with meat and vegetables.

Stewardess.  We are landing. Unfasten your seatbelts, please.

I’m sure the flight was pleasant for you. Thank you for your attention. The guide will meet you at the airport and will take you on an excursion.

T. I would like to inform you about what you may find unusual in London.

First, of course it is that they drive on the left side of the road, not on the right as Europe and America do.

You should be very careful and attentive when you cross the road and look first the right and them to the left, not like in our home country. If you don’t know how to get around in the city ask the nearest policeman. They are very polite and always eager to help. There are no trams and trolley buses in London, the main transportation is buses and the metro, they  call it the Tube. London buses have two floors,  they call them “double-deckers”.

They are of different colours and that will help you find the bus you need. The London Metro or the Tube is very convenient. It can get you to any place in the city, but it is a little too expensive.

As you know there are four parts of London. And one of  them is the East End. It is an industrial centre and we shall not visit it.

P .Oh, I see our guide.


Guide.Hi, everybody! Welcome to London! What is your mood? Here’s our presents  for you” A Guide Book to London”. It helps you to find interesting places in London. /She gives guide books to the pupils/.

What do you want to see in London?

                                    /Different answers/.

I hope, you’ll  like our London.

Our excursion begins.

Look attentively on the map

Now we’ll choose our route:

The Thames, Piccadilly Circus, the British Museum, Madam Tussaud’s Museum, National Gallery.            


London is the capital of Great Britain. It stands on the river Thames and stretches for over thirty miles from east to west. London is an ancient city. It was founded more then two thousand years ago.

Its population is over then 8 million people. London is the biggest industrial and cultural centre of Great Britain.

London is a great port. Today over 50,00 ships come to London daily. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and the Westminster Abbey.

In London one meets the past and present, the old and the modern. It is a city of contrasts. It  has many wonderful places of interests.

Places of Interest in London.


London is one of the most famous cities of  the   world and every year it attracts crowds of visitors from abroad. They come to explore its historic buildings, to see its museums and galleries, its streets and parks.

Sightseeing tours in London start from Trafalgar Square. Tourists are    impressed by Nelson Column. It is the centre of the Square.

(The monument to Nelson in Trafalgar Square (photo)

Nelson Column at night (photo)

                                Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. 

  From Trafalgar Square you can see along down Whitehall and see the Houses of Parliament. It is a long building with a famous clock Big Ben in one of the Towers

(The Houses of Parliament - photo; Big Ben – photo)


                                      Buckingham Palace

Another place, which can impress you most is Buckingham Palace. It is the residence of the Queen.

       Buckingham Palace(photo)


One of the best museum is the British Museum with its library, reading room and the collection of old manuscripts. One of the greatest monument is St. Paul’s Cathedral- one of  the greatest of English churches, is situated not far from the Tower. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt it after the Great Fire of London.

The other parts of London are the rich West End, the poor East End and the City – its financial centre. The City of London is in size very small, it’s only one square mile in area but it is the most important banking and commercial centre of the country.



The best way to know London is to visit it.


I see you liked London and now we shall have another Test “What do you know about London?” I believe that you will do it the best. Then you will get your marks. Please, turn on your computers.

Test “What do you know about London?”

         Write down your name and surname.

          Are you ready? Your time is 4 minutes.

Your  marks  are…

What streets of London do you know?

Guide.   Our excursion is over.

            I wish you a pleasant way back home.

           (  Pupils    thank the guide )

IV. Summing-up.

Stewardess.   Take your seats on the plane. We are coming back to Ukraine.

T. So, let’s sum up. What did you do? What have you seen? What have you learnt about London? Your marks are…


Write the letter to your parents about what you liked most in London.
















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