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Spring Vocabulary
Complete the activity.
1. A flower often associated with Holland
2. Works best on a windy day
3. A day for pranks
4. A yellow flower with a trumpet-shaped center
5. April showers bring these
6. Set clocks ahead one hour
7. Used to keep dry
8. Precipitation
9. A season of the year
10. A small pool of water
daffodil Daylight savings tulip puddles spring flowers rain kite umbrella April Fools Day |
1. A season of the year
A. kite B. puddles C. rain D. Spring
2. A small pool of water
A. spring B. puddles C. Daylight savings D. rain
3. Works best on a windy day
A. spring B. kite C. tulip D. Daylight savings
4. April showers bring these
A. daffodil B. kite C. April Fools Day D. flowers
5. A yellow flower with a trumpet-shaped center
A. tulip B. daffodil C. Daylight savings D. April Fools Day
6. Used to keep dry
A. spring B. April Fools Day C. umbrella D. Puddles
7. Set clocks ahead one hour
A. rain B. Daylight savings C. tulip D. kite
8. Precipitation
A. flowers B. April Fools Day C. umbrella D. rain
9. A flower often associated with Holland
A. puddles B. tulip C. kite D. spring
10. A day for pranks
A. Daylight savings B. tulip C. flowers D. April Fools Day
Spring Daffodils