Ведення переговорів
Skills and Traits |
Навички і риси характеру |
аnalytical |
аналітичний |
аrrogant |
зарозумілий |
aware of other’s position |
той, що усвідомлює становище іншого |
calm |
спокійний |
competitive |
з розвинутим духом суперництва |
сonfident |
впевнений в собі |
considerate |
тактовний |
courteous |
ввічливий |
creative |
творчий |
diplomatic |
дипломатичний |
disciplined |
дисциплінований |
efficient |
продуктивний |
empathetic |
емоційний |
ethical |
етичний |
experienced |
досвідчений |
fair |
справедливий |
flexible |
гнучкий |
goal-oriented |
ціленаправлений |
honest |
чесний |
humorous |
з почуттям гумору |
logical |
логічний |
open-minded |
неупереджений |
patient |
терплячий |
persistent |
наполегливий |
realistic |
реалістичний |
serious |
серйозний |
tolerant to conflict |
толерантний до конфліктів |
Nouns |
Іменники |
negotiations/talks |
переговори |
consequence |
наслідок |
contradiction |
протиріччя |
contribution |
вклад |
drawback/obstacle |
перешкода |
hitch |
заминка |
opportunity |
шанс, можливість |
persistent |
наполегливість |
reason |
причина, привід |
shortage |
дефіцит |
strength / advantage / benefit |
перевага |
threat |
погроза |
weakness / limitation |
недостача |
Verbs |
дієслова |
bargain |
торгуватися |
be short of |
відчувати недостачу |
сapitalize on |
використати перевагу |
insist |
наполягати |
negotiate |
вести переговори |
persuade / convince |
переконувати |
Expressions |
Вирази |
avoid problems |
уникати проблем |
be in stock |
бути в наявності |
be out of stock |
бути відсутнім на складі |
come in contact with different people |
спілкуватися з різними людьми |
fail to reach a deal |
програти в переговорному процесі |
reach a deal |
добитися успіху в переговорному процесі |
solve problems |
вирішувати проблеми |
take advantage of something |
скористатися чимось |
turn out to be difficult / easy |
виявитися простим / складним |
clinch a deal |
добитися успіху в переговорному процесі |
stick a deal |
swing a deal |
Negotiations |
Недолік |
Persistence |
Наслідок |
Incentive |
Стимул |
Strength |
Перешкода |
Weakness |
Переговори |
Obstacle |
Перевага |
Bargain |
Торгуватися |
Hitch |
Наполегливість |
consequence |
затримка |
efficient |
Honest |
Convince |
Advantage |
Opportunity |
Talks |
Strength |
Limitation |
Drawback |
Chance |
Weakness |
Productive |
Fair |
Obstacle |
Negotiations |
persuade |
Negotiation Steps
Step 1
I plan to know the party with whom I will be negotiating. My objective will be keep initial interaction friendly and businesslike.
Step 2.
I expect to share my goals and objectives with the other party. At the same time I anticipate learning the goals and objectives of the other side. If possible, the atmosphere during this step will be one of cooperation and mutual trust.
Step 3
To start the process, specific issues will be raised. I plan to study all issues before the negotiations begin to identify where my advantages might lie insofar as splitting and combining issues is concerned. Once this has been done, the issues can be dealt with one by one.
Step 4
Once the issues have been defined it is essential to express areas of disagreement or conflict. Only when this have been done will it be possible to resolve the differences in a way that is acceptable for both parties.
Step 5
The key to any successful negotiation is when both parties reassess their positions and determine what level of compromise is acceptable. During this step I plan to remember the giving-get principle (basically, you have to give something in order to get something).
Step 6
The final step is when both parties affirm any agreement that have been reached. I plan to ensure that there is no misunderstanding later by putting the agreements in writing (when applicable), and sending a copy to the other side. Mutual agreement is the ultimate objective of any negotiation.
Summarizing Negotiation Steps
Fill in the words from the Active Vocabulary
Match the definitions to each of word
Give the words which correspond to the definitions: