Матеріал до уроку з теми "Охорона навколишнього середовища" Текст "Nature Protection"

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We live in a changeable world where it is very difficult to keep up with new ideas and inventions. Our life becomes more comfortable and more interesting. We get to know about the smallest details of a child's birth and space, computers have become the part of everyday life, we use new devices which make housework much easier. But we seldom think that the majority of inventions, new technologies bring harm to a man.

Today the greatest problem for humanity is pollution. Pollution is the contamination of the environment including air, water and land. This problen is extremely topical for heavily industrialized cities and towns, where metallurgical plants, steel mills, mines, chemical plants

are situated. Uncontrolled missions of harmful substances and dust pollute everything around us. Very often they are the reason of acid rains wlhich fall miles away from the plants and poison earth and water, destroy forests and even buildings.

It is worth mentioning that one third of all emissions into the atmosphere originates from automobile transport. That means that air pollution is not only the problem of big cities.

Thermal power plants are also a great source of pollution. During some period of time it was considered that nuclear power stations were safe. In 1986 Chernobyl disaster showed that nuclear energy can be extremely dangerous. Research data show that significant areas of agricultural and forest lands will remain unsafe for a man for eight thousand years.

Another problem of big cities is wastes. The wastes from plants and factories contaminate water and soil. It has become dangerous to drink unboiled water or eat vegetables and fruit. Household wastes such as all kinds of plastics, dead batteries and so on remain uruined for decades and it is very inportant to find the way of their recycling. Another reason of soil poisoning is the use of fertilizers which help agricultural products to grow fast and big but very often these products are harmful for a man.

These are only some of the problems of the environment. The list nay be endless: greenhouse effect, ozone holes, etc. All of these factors threaten mankind and nature, reduce their life, even kill them. What can be done to protect them? It is very difficult to answer this question because millions of people all over the world fight against pollution for survival of everything alive on earth. There is a special green movement which calls for nature protection. But it is clear that it is necessary to use purification equipment at the plants and factories, look for wasteless technologies, learn to use natural sources of energy, such as wind, sun, etc., use new recycling technologies. It is very important that every person should be responsible for ecologically clean world and act correspondingly.




environment - навколишнє середовище; changeable - той, що змінюється; to keep up with - бути в курсі; inventions - винаходи; to get to know - дізнатись; smallest details - найменші деталі; device - прилад; harm - шкода; pollution - забруднення; to pollute - заражати, забруднювати; contamination - забруднення; extremely - надзвичайно; topical problem - актуальна проблема; emission - викиди; substance - речовина; reason - причина; acid rains - кислотні дощі; poison- отрута, труїти; to destroy - знищувати; it is worth doing smth. - варто що-небудь робити; to mean - означати; thermal power plants - теплоелектростанції; source - джерело; to consider - вважати; nuclear - ядерний; disaster - катастрофа; dangerous - небезпечний; research data - дані досліджень; significant - значний; to remain - залишатись; unsafe - небезпечний; list - список; endless - безкінечний; ozone holes - озонові дири; greenhouse effect - парниковий ефест; to threaten - грозити; to protect - захищати; survival - виживання; to call for - закликати; purification equipment - очисні споруди; wasteless technologies - безвідходні технології; recycling - повторна обробка; wastes - відходи; household - побутові; fertilizer - хімічні добрива; soil - грунт; dead batteries - використані батарейки; decade - десятиріччя; unruined - незруйнований.




  1. Answer the questions.

1. What kind of world do we live in?

2. Do we often think that the majority of inventions bring harm to a man?

3. What is the greatest problem for humanity today?

4. What is pollution?

5. Where is the pollution problem extremely topical?

6. What pollutes air, water, soil in industrial cities?

7. What harm do uncontrolled emissions of different substances and dust bring to a man?

8. Where does one third of all emissions originate from?

9. What did Chernobyl disaster show?

10. How long will significant areas of agricultural and forest land remain unsafe for a man?

11. Are the wastes a big problem for cities and towns? Why?

12. Why are fertilizers harmful?

13. What can be done to protect nature and human life?

14. What does green movemnent do?

  1. Translate into Ukrainian.

To keep up with new ideas and inventions,  extremely topical problem, to destroy forests and

buildings, to bring harm to a man, contamination of the environment, uncontrolled emissions of harmiul substances and dust, acid rains, greenhouse effect, to remain unsafe for eight thousand years, it is worth mentioning, fertilizers poison soil, household wastes, to be a great source of pollution, an endless list, to protect humanity and life, to look for wasteless technologies, ecologically clean world, to call for nature protection, to threaten mankind, natural sources of energy, recycling technologies, to reduce life, to use purification equipment, to fight for survival of everything alive on earth.


  1. Complete the sentences with appropriate word.

1. We live in a c…   world.

2. We seldom think that inventions bring h…   to a man.

3. Uncontrolled e…   of harmful substances p...   everything around us.

4. Green movement calls for nature p… 

5. H…   wastes remain u…   for decades.

6. In 1986 Chernobyl d…   showed that nuclear energy can be extremely d…

7. Fertilizers which help agricultural products to grow fast and big p…    soil.

8. We should find the way of r…   wastes.

9. The problem of p..     is extremely t..    for industrial cities.

10. Pollution is the c…  of the environment, including air, watef and land.

11. The list of ecological problems may be e… 

12. Every person should be r...  for ecologically clean world.


(household, unruined, harm, endless, protection, pollute, topical, responsible, emissions, changeable;  disaster, dangerous, contamination, recycling, poison, pollution).


  1. Translate into English.

Безвідходні технології, загрожувати людству, використовувати природні джерела енергії, комп’ютери стали частиною повсякденного життя, знати найменші дрібниці, безконтрольні викиди шкідливих речовин, отруювати воду і грунт, знищувати ліси і будівлі, парниковий ефект, вважалось, що атомні електростанції безпечні, залишатись небезпечним для людини, не руйнуватися десятиріччями, варто зазначити, очисні споруди, Чорнобильська катастрофа, ядерна енергія може бути надзвичайно небезпечною, кислотні дощі, 1/3 усіх забруднень походить від автомобільного транспорту, боротися проти забруднення за виживання всього живого, захист природи, бути відповідальним за екологічно чистий світ.


  1. Decide if these statements are true or false.

1. Inventions never bring harm to a man.

2. Computers have become the part of our life.

3. The problem of pollution is extremely topical for low inhabited areas.

4. Uncontrolled emissions of harmfül substances pollute only the areas belonging to plants and factories.

5. New recycling technologies can help us to protect nature.