Круглий стіл з розгадування загадок
«Цей великий таємничий світ»
№ 1
I am purple, yellow, red, and green
The King cannot reach me
and neither can the Queen.
I show my colours after the rain
And only when the sun comes out again.
№ 2
I am larger than a stream
But smaller than an ocean
I can start off in mountains
Which keeps my flow in motion.
№ 3
What is fluffy?
What is white?
What can you see
When skies are bright?
What can float?
What brings rain?
What may be higher
Than a bird or plane?
Say it out loud.
№ 4
What do you call
a snowman
in the summer?
№ 5
An old man has twelve children:
Some short, some long,
some cold, some hot.
What is this?
№ 6
I can tell you all the day
Time to sleep and
time to play.
№ 7
What clothes does
a house wear?
№ 8
It’s white outside,
and yellow inside.
We have it from chicken.
№ 9
It is round, with sausage,
tomato and cheese on top.
№ 10
You smile when you name it.
The mouse likes it very much.
№ 11
I am a big
farm animal.
I can be black, white
or brown.
I like to eat green grass.
I give milk.
I can say «Moo, moo».
I am ….
№ 12
Which alphabet is
a hot drink?
№ 13
Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it?
№ 14
There was a green house.
Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?
№ 15
I can be red and yellow.
I also can be green.
I may be the home of a
hungry worm,
so make sure I am clean.
№ 17
It’s the same color
as its name.
№ 16
Name a long, thin fruit that
starts with «B».
It is yellow on the outside and
white and soft on the inside.
Monkeys like to eat it.
№ 18
I`m little and green.
I can hop and swim, and sing.
I live in the lake.
№ 19
I`m little and grey.
I like cheese very much.
I live under the house.
№ 20
It is blue
And green, and red,
It bounces higher
Than my head,
It does not want
To stop at all.
What is it?
It is my…
№ 1 - rainbow
№ 2 - river
№ 3 – cloud
№ 4 - puddle
№ 5 - year
№ 6 - clock
№ 7 –address
№ 8 - egg
№ 9 – pizza
№ 10 – cheese
№ 11 - cow
№ 12 T(tea).
T(T и tea вимовляється однаково 'ті').
№ 13 - sugar
№ 14 - watermelon
№ 15 - apple
№ 16 – banana
№ 17 – orange
№ 18 - frog
№ 19 - mouse
№ 20 - ball
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