матеріали до уроку "A man of iron will"

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           Roman Shukhevych was the Supreme Commander of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army           ( Ukrainska Povstanska Armiya, the UPA ) and the chairman of the General Secretariat of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council. Shukhevych began his nationalist activity at an early age, joining the Ukrainian Military Organization in 1923. In 1929 he joined the Organization of  the Ukrainian Nationalists and was active in its combat branch.

           As  the Supreme Commander of  the UPA, Shukhevych led the struggle of the Ukrainian insurgency against both the German and the Soviet occupations. It is largely due to Shukhevych’s organizational abilities and personal courage that the UPA carried on its struggle for the Ukrainian independence for years after the end of World War II. 

            The Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs hunted Shukhevych for years. Only in March, 1950 the MVD troops found him and surrounded the house in which he was staying. Shukhevych died in a firefight with  the MVD troops on 5 March 1950. He was posthumously awarded the UPA’s highest decorations.

          Shortly before his death, Shukhevych said that if a nation will compromise with the enemy and agree to live in danger, instead of trying to defeat it, then such nation is doomed, it will gradually disappear from the face of the earth. Fortunately, we see gradual return of the names of true Ukrainian historian personalities to modern cultural life of Ukraine. In our native town the monument to Roman Shukhevych has been erected, which symbolize the struggle for independence.


commander [ kəˈmɑːn.də ] командир

liberation [ ˌlɪb.əˈreɪ.ʃən ] визволення

military [ ˈmɪlətri ] воєнний

branch [ brɑːntʃ ] гілка

insurgency [ ɪnˈsɜː.dʒən.si ] повстання

courage [ ˈkʌrɪdʒ ] мужність

troop [ truːp ] військо

due to [ djuː ] завдяки

posthumously [ ˈpɒs.tjʊ.məsli ] посмертно

to be doomed [ duːmd ] бути приреченим

gradually [ ˈɡrædʒuəli ] поступово

surround [ səˈraʊnd ] оточувати

Reading Comprehension

1. Match the words from the text with their correct definitions.







   to no longer exist







    a person who hates or opposes another person and tries to harm







    a structure or building that is built to honour a special  person or event:







  to fight







   freedom from being governed or ruled by another       country










   to raise something to a vertical position







   to try to find something or someone




2.Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False). Correct wrong sentences.

1. Roman Shukhevych was only the chairman of the General Secretariat of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council.

2. Shukevych began his nationalist activity at an early age in 1929.

3. The Ukrainian Insurgent Army led the struggle of the Ukrainians against both the Polish and the Soviet occupations.

4. The Ukrainian Insurgent Army stopped its existence after the end of World War II in 1944.

5. The Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs hunted the Supreme Commander   for many years.

6. Shukhevych died in a firefight with the nazi troops on 5 March 1950.

7. If a nation will compromise with the enemy , it will gradually disappear from the face of the earth.

8.  In our native town we can see no monuments to historian personalities.


3. Match the headings with the paragraphs. There is one extra that you don't need.

1. The names of true Ukrainian historian personalities in modern culture of Ukraine.

2. Ukraine lost its hero.

3. The struggle of the Ukrainian insurgency against the German and the Soviet occupations.

4.  The main aim of the UPA.

5.  The Supreme Commander of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army.


4. Correct the mistakes.

1. Shukhevych begun his nationalist activity at an early age.

2. He joined the Organization of  the Ukrainian Nationalists and was active in her combat branch.

3. Shukhevych led  struggle of an Ukrainian insurgency against both  German and Soviet occupations.

4. The Soviet Ministry in Internal Affairs hunted Shukhevych by years.

5. The MVD troops finded him and surrounded the house in which he was stayed.

6. In our native town the monument for Roman Shukhevych has been erected.


5. Answer the questions.

1.  What was the role of Roman Shukhevych in the struggle for Ukraine`s independence?

2. What organization was he a member of?

3. The UPA carried on its struggle for the Ukrainian independence for years after the end of World War II, didn`t it?

4. Who hunted Shukhevych for years?

5. How and when did Shukhevych die?

6. Why is he called “A man of iron will?


6. Make up short dialogues“ Heros of my family”.

20 вересня 2018
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