Матеріали уроку за автентичними матеріалами

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Готовий урок за автентичними матеріалами The Guardian на основі короткого відео Reels з інстаграму та допису на сторінці газети. Чудово підійде для учнів, які мають рівень А2 чи В1, а також для самостійного опрацювання.

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Source: The Guardian

8 JULY 2022

imageExercise 1

Look at the picture on the previous page.

1)      Who can you see in the photo?

2)      What is he doing?

3)      Who is he with?

4)      What is unusual about the animal?

imageExercise 2

Look at the heading on the previous page.

1)      Do you know the meaning of the word "goat" in you own language? What is "goat" in Ukrainian?

2)      Why is the animal a media star?

3)      Do you know any other animals that are media stars?

imageExercise 3

You are going to watch a video. First, look at the key words. Can you explain their meaning?

a kid goat remarkably long ears to become a media star to be born to grow (grew, grown) to reach

imageExercise 4

Watch the video and answer the questions.

1)      Where is the goat from?

2)      What does it have?

3)      What is the goat's name?

4)      How long are its ears?


imageimage            Exercise 5                                    Reading

Read the article carefully.

image   Breeder Mohammad Hasan Narejo says he often has to fold Simba's ears over his back to stop the kid goat from standing on them.

Narejo says: “Within 10 to 12 days of his birth he was already appearing in all the national and international media – and won a beauty contest. Within 30 days he became so popular that even a famous personality might take 25 to 30 years to achieve this level of fame.

   He is wary of the attention Simba has attracted – including from rival breeders – and says he prays to try to fend off any ill will.

   His plan is to raise Simba as a stud to promote the image of Pakistan as a top goat-breedingnation.



   Meet Simba: the kid goat with extraordinarily long ears that has become Pakistan's latest media star.

   Simba is living a pampered life in Karachi, where he was born last month with ears that were strikingly long – and have grown to reach 54cm (21in). 


Answer the questions.

1)      What life does Simba have?

2)      Who takes care of the goat?

3)      What does he sometimes have to do?

4)      When did Simba first appear in the media?

5)      What contest did it win?

6)      What is the breeder wary of?

7)      What does he plan to do?


imageExercise 7

Match the parts of the phrases (use the underlined words in the article and a dictionary to help you).

1)            to become

2)            strikingly

3)            to raise as

4)            to live

5)            to fold

6)            to stop it

7)            to promote

8)            to appear

9)            to be wary of

10)     a famous

a)      a star

b)      personality

c)       ears

d)      long

e)      the image

f)         pampered life

g)      attention

h)      in media

i)          a stud

j)          from standing


imageExercise 8

Complete the sentences with the correct from of the verbs in brackets.

1)      The goat ___ (to have) extraordinary long ears.

2)      It ___ (to be) born in Pakistan last month.

3)      Its ears ____ _____ (to grow) to reach 54cm.

4)      The breeder ___ (to have) to fold Simba's earsover his back to stop the kid goat from standing on them.

5)      Within 10 to 12 days of his birth he ___ already_________ (to appear) in all the national and international media – and ___ (to win) a beauty contest.


imageExercise 9

Discuss the questions.

1)     Is it ethical that people make animals mediastars?

2)     What might happen to Simba in future?

3)     Can you name any other examples of animalsbeing media starts? How have they become popular?

4)     Would you like to be the owner of a famousanimal? Why?/Why not?