Методична розробка: "Формування ключових умінь 21 століття засобами англійської мови." "The main 21st century skills by means of the English language."

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Методична розробка: "Формування ключових умінь 21 століття засобами англійської мови." "The main 21st century skills by means of the English language." Use of English.
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"Формування ключових умінь 21 століття засобами англійської мови."

"The main 21st century skills  by means of the English language."


Вчитель англійської мови вищої кваліфікаційної категорії вчитель-методист

Топольняк Людмила Миколаївна

November, 2023

Формування ключових умінь 21 століття  засобами англійської мови. USE OF ENGLISH


1.   Collocations/Expressions.

Remembering.Googling.Understanding. Grouping.

2.   Phrasal Verbs.

Understanding. Paraphrasing.

3.   Derivatives.

Analyzing. Calculating.

4.   Adverbial ExpressionsAnalyzing. Correcting.

4.   Words easily confused.

Evaluating. Criticizing.Creating. Composing.

5.   Examination Practice.

Analyzing. Deconstructing.


-to develop the Use of English skills;

-to develop the 21st century skills.

1. Collocations/Expressions.

Remembering. Googling.

A.   Complete the blanks with the verbs get, reach, come, go.

--better --into trouble --an agreement

--a decision --rid of -- lost

--to terms with --ready--sleep Understanding. Grouping.

B.   Complete the sentences with the collocations/expressions in the box below. Use each one only once. Group the sentences with positive and negative meanings.

in somebody’s shoes

on top of

in search of

on the safe side

in charge of

in trouble of with

1.   Mr.Johnson is …… the company’s climate department.

2.   People who systematically pollute the environment will one day be…….with their health.

3.   The vet insisted that the endangered animal should be given a thorough check-up just to be…….

4.   The children wandered around the neighbourhood……..the plastic bays to be recycled.

5.   Nobody would want to be………, not with all that shortage of water, he had tobe careful with.

6.   After weeks of hard work, Kevin was confident he was finally…….the situation of cutting down the trees.

C. Complete the collocations below with the words in the box. You may use some of the words more than once.






a……of lightning a………of flower a…….of sheep a……of bees a………of birds a………of thunder

2. Phrasal Verbs.

Understanding. Paraphrasing.

Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the correct number in the box to each definition.

A.   come

1. While cutting down the trees, the workers came across the extinct species.


2. Joe came into a lot of money, which he spent on the 3Rs project(Reuse/Reduce/Recycle)

think and suggest

3. The scientists took years to come up with a solution to the problem of global warming.

find by chance

B.   get

1. It took months to get over the environmental disaster.

manage to live

2. A large persont age of the population in Africa get by on very little water.


3. The poaches always got away/with their hunting of wild animals.

avoid being punished

C.   be.

1. We were promised that the air pollution would be over soon.

be ready to

2. Im for the mayor’s plan to get clean water.


3. They were about to throw away the old mobile phones when some unexpected Green Peace members arrived.

support in favour of

3. Derivatives.

Analyzing. Calculating.

Look at the sentences below. What part of speech (verb, noun, adjective or adverb) is each of the words in bold type? Calculate the number of the derivatives one word can produce.


1.   He cares about nature.

2.   People are to treat the planet carefully.

3.   We must be careful with water.

4.   Endangered animals have to be looked after with care.

B. Choose the correct word A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

1. The zoo’s main …….. are the pandas.

A. attractively B. attractive C.attraction

2. What is the ……….. between destroy and ruin?

A. difference B. differently C.different

3. The scientists completed the project on global warming ………..

A. success B. successfully C. successful

C. Read the sentences below and complete them with the correct form of the words.

1.   Something is ………. with our climate happening.

2.   There were warmer periods and ice ages but now these …….. are faster change.

3.   Polar bears can ……. on ice.

4.   Adverbial Expressions.

Analyzing. Correcting.

Correct the sentences with the adverbial expressions in the box below.

as a matter of fact

on my own

by and large

1.   I used a Do-It-Yourself manual and built the birdhouse by and large.

2.   Most animals are, as a matter of fact, creative in habits.

3.   On my own, I don’t like the way my neighbours throw away the rubbish.

5.   Words easily confused.

Evaluating. Criticizing.

Use the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the sentences. More than one word may be correct. Decide whether these rules are good or bad. Criticize the rules with the easily confused words.




1.Smoking has not been …….. in all public places.

2.Despite the reasons of hygiene, animals are ……. to enter hospitals.

3.The government has not taken measures ………. the air pollution.

Creating. Composing.

Create three classroom rules for your students to obey. Use the easily confused words below.

find out



6.   Examination Practice.

Analyzing. Deconstructing.

Deconstruct the sentence and complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

1.   The tsunami was so frightful that the tourists will never forget it.

such It was ……the tourists will never forget it.

2.   There was so much traffic on the road that it was difficult to breathe.

lot There was …… on the road that it was difficult to breathe.

3.   Polluting the rivers is against the law.

forbidden It …… to pollute the rivers.


E. Moutsou use of English (B2) mm Publication.

A.Hecвiт.Тестові завдання з англійської мови. Київ ``Генеза`` 2011.

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