Методична розробка позакласного виховного заходу: “Clever and beautiful”

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Градизька гімназія імені героя України Олександра Білаша

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Методична розробка позакласного виховного заходу:

“Clever and beautiful











                                                             Підготувала учитель

                                                                                англійської мови

                                                                                      Лотиш І.В.














Ведучий 1: Dear friends, guests, participants. I greet you. Today we have competition “Clever and beautiful“. 5 beautiful and clever girls will compete.


Ведучий 2: Now, we’ll acquaint with our nice girls. Here they are. Meet them.


(дівчат під музику виводять хлопці)

The first item will be to introduce yourself.


(дівчата по черзі розповідають про себе і своє хобі, показують вироби)


Ведучий 1: We have acquainted with our girls now the next task for them.


Ведучий 2: They read many proverbs at home. And now they will tell us the one they like best of all.


Ведучий 1: They’ll explain how the girls understand it.


1. Just anything for my dear-even the ear – ring from my ear.

                  Для вірного дружка і сережка з вушка.

  1. A word warmly said gives comfort even to cat.

                   Ласкаве слово і кoту приємне.

  1. No bees; no honey; no work; no money.

                  Під лежачий камінь вода не тече.

4. He who goes into the woods should never be afraid of wolves.

                  Вовків боятися у ліс не ходити.

5. A spoon is dear when lunch time is near.

                   Дорога ложка до обіду.

Ведучий 1: All of our girls like fashion and nice clothes. First of all read the words and find the odd one out in line.


( завдання для дівчат записані на аркушах паперу)


  1. Sandals, shoes, boots, cap;
  2. Tights, dress, trousers, jeans;
  3. Mittens, blouse, jacket, cotton;
  4. T-shirt, coat, shorts, sandals;
  5. Sweater, wear, glove, scarf.


Ведучий 2: We suggest our participants solve the crossword.

Find the words for these clothes.


(Кожна з учасниць одержує кросворд,   поки дівчата розгадують кросворди,  музична пауза)
















Ведучий 1: All of us like holidays.


Ведучий 2: Dear girls tell us “ What is your favourite holiday and why?


(дівчата відповідають)


Ведучий 1: All of us like tasty dishes and prepare something especially for holidays.

Ведучий 2: We offer our hostesses to tell us their secrets of preparing delicious food.


 (дівчата розповідають про блюда, які вони готують на свята, діляться рецептами, показують фото цих блюд)


Ведучий 1: Who of us doesn’t  like  literature.

Next item will be about famous poets; writers; and their masterpieces.

Ведучий 2: We’ll read the biography of famous poets and writers. You must guess “Who is this?”


( ведучі по черзі читають біографії відомих поетів і письменників не називаючи їх імен )

B1: He was born in Scotland in 1759 in a very poor family. But his father wanted to give his son the best education he could. He began to teach him to read and to write. At the age of 15 he began to write his poems. He wrote about his native country and about the life of poor people. He died at the age of 37. He became famous in Great Britain and many other countries only after his death. He is dear to all people because he loved freedom and wanted all people to live in peace and friendship. His most famous poem is “The Tree of Liberty.”

 B2: This well-known American writer was born in 1835. His childhood was spent on the Missouri River. He told about his childhood in the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. When his father died, he was 12 and he had to go to work. He learned the profession of printer. At 20 he found a work on a ship. Later the young man worked at with gold-miners in California. Here he began to write short stories. Soon he became the best writer in the USA. The best known works are: “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” ,  “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” , “Tom Sawyer Abroad” , “Tom Sawyer Detective”.

B1: This English famous poet was born on January 22, 1788 in London. After the death of his father his mother left London and lived with his son in Scotland. When the boy was 11, his granduncle died and the boy inherited the title of Lord. At 17 he entered Cambridge University and there his literary career began. The poet became famous in England and other countries when he published his “Child Harold’s Piligrimage”. One of his poem was devoted to the Ukrainian hetman Mazepa. He took an active part in political life of England. He fought for liberation of Italy and Greece. He fell ill with typhus and died in April 1824.

B1: He was born in India in 1865. His father worked there at that time. When he was 6 his parents sent him to England where he went to school. He came to India When he was 17. He began to work in a newspaper. At 21 he published his first book of poems. He wrote about animals and history. His famous book is “Maugly”. In 1907 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. He was the first Englishman and the first writer who was awarded this prize.

B2: This great English poet and dramatist is called by his people “Our National Bard”. Little is known about his life. He was born in the heart of England, in Stratford-on-Avon, in 1564. He died in 1616. His father was a rich man and gave his son a good education. But some time later his father became poor and he had to go to work. In London he joined a group of actors. Later he wrote plays for the theatre and soon he became the greatest dramatist of his time. He found the theatre “Globe”. It was a very long time ago, but everyone knows the name of this dramatist. All people know such plays written by him, as “King Lear” , “Romeo and Juliet” , “Twelfth Night” and others.

Bедучий 1: Now our intelligence girls will recite their favourite English poems.


(дівчата декламують вірші)


Ведучий 2: That’s the end of our competition. The jury, please, summarize.

 Now we shall see ”Who is the best?”


Ведучий 1: Our jury needs some  time. Musical pause is for you.


Ведучий 2: The word for jury. It is high time to award our girls.

(Журі оголошує результати визначає переможниць )







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