Методична розробка уроку англійської мови на тему «Відпочинок і канікули» для учнів старших класів

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Методична розробка уроку англійської мови на тему «Відпочинок і канікули» для учнів старших класів
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Методична розробка уроку англійської мови

на тему «Відпочинок і канікули» для учнів старших класів



Навчальна: повторити слова по темі відпустку і канікули, вивчити нові слова і використовувати їх при виконанні різних завдань по даній темі.

Розвиваюча: розвивати вміння сприймати розмовну англійську мову на слух; розвивати навички читання і письма; навички розмовної мови, винахідливість, логічне мислення, увагу, пам'ять, самостійність; розширювати кругозір учнів; сприяти розвитку інтересу учнів та активізувати їх пізнавальну діяльність

Виховна: формувати відносини в групі, відповідальність і потребу в співробітництві; виховувати почуття взаємодопомоги, працьовитості, розвивати інтерес до предмету

Тип уроку: комбінований

Хід уроку:

Організаційний момент:

Teacher: Good morning! Today we will talk about one of the most important things in one person's life - a holiday. All people are looking forward to it.

Before we start the conversation, let's think about the translation of this word into Ukrainian. Answer my questions: What do we call a holiday for pupils or students in Ukrainian? (Students answer vacation) What do we call a holiday for adults in Ukrainian? (Students answer rest).

In conclusion, we can say that the word "holiday" in the Ukrainian language has two meanings.

Task 1: Presentation with famous places (presentation is attached).

Students are divided into two groups.

 Teacher: there are many places in the world, which are worth visiting. Let’s check how well you know these famous places.

The slides are shown to students. In a piece of paper, they should write names of famous places they know. After that, the opponent group checks answers and the winner is chosen. The winner is the team that was able to name the most famous places.

Task 2. Consolidation of lexics: word-web

Teacher: let’s check how many words referring to the given theme you know.

This type of exercise is done as an open class activity. The teacher writes the word "Holiday on the board” and offers to remember words and phrases for the following categories:

1. Holiday activities;

2. Weather (good and bad);

3. Active holiday: means of transport.

4. Active holiday: places to stay.

While students write all the words and phrases in their exercise books, this word-web is completed by the teacher on the board by means of students’ ideas.

Task 3. Describing a city.

  1. Sometimes, when we speak about holidays, we have to describe interesting places we visited to our interlocutor. After the next activity, you will be able to do it in English

The students are divided into two groups. The new words are given to them. They should match the English word with its Ukrainian analogue.

The winner is the team that was able to match faster and correctly.






Наповнений туристами



Famous for its historic monuments

Відомий істор. пам’ятниками




Нічне життя








Храм (буддистський)






Кафедральний собор

Art gallery

Картинна галерея


Нічний клуб

b)   In   this activity the words from the previous exercise are put into practice.

The small sheets of   paper   are   given to students. They should think of any big city and write it in the sheet of paper. These pieces   are then   collected  and handed out to students in random order.

Each student should describe a city using lexics from the previous  task, other students try to guess the city which is being described.

Task 4. Listening and speaking. 

In the following exercise students work with the lexics from the whole lesson. You can find this video in English Result Pre Intermediate (unit 2 – My region).

Teacher: Read the questions in the table and check you understand them.

a) Watch the video and listen to different people answering these questions. Complete the table with their answers. (Repeat the video if necessary)

-Check answers with the class.









What did you do on holiday last year?

Went to the beach in Cornwall, walk on the beach, had a picnic

Went _______ to France (the Alps)

Went to ______ for one week

Went _______ to Bahamas

Went to Italy (Forte-dei-Marmi)

Went to France to ______


What was the weather like?

Not too hot, sunny, a bit cloudy




The weather was gorgeous, warm, sunny

Fantastic weather, very hot

Did you buy souvenirs?


Key ring for her niece


Rom, postcards



b) Ask students to work in pairs and answer the questions in the table. You can also add some more questions to it if you want. Extra questions might be as follows:

1. Where did you stay?

2. How did you get there?

To check either by asking several pairs to role-play the dialogue for the class, or by telling about the holiday of the partner.

Home task: at this stage, students should analyze all the material given to them during the lesson and write a short essay called "My memorable holiday”. This task is better to do as a home task.