Методична розробка уроку "My favourite Ukrainian sportsman"

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Тема:        My favourite Ukrainian sportsman


Мета :     розвивати вміння вести бесіду з теми;

                активізувати вживання в мовленні раніше

                засвоєних одиниць;

                тренувати учнів в аудіюванні короткого тексту;

                розвивати увагу , мислення , пам’ять , в умовах гри ;

                розвивати кругозір , сприяти збагаченню мови;

                виховувати в учнів прагнення до вшанування

                спортсменів своєї  країни та займатися спортом;



Обладнання : картки,

                       oпорна схема  “My favourite  Ukrainian   sportsman”,

                       гра “Bingo” ,

                      фотографії українських спортсменів ,

                      V. P. Polupan , A. P . Polupan “Ukraine. A cultural reader”

                       (Kharkiv: 2000) p .91 –93


План  уроку


  1. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу :


  1.     Greeting and aim.


T . –Good morning, children!

Ps. –Good morning, teacher!

T . –Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?

Who is absent today?

Ps. –

T. –The topic of our today’s lesson is “My favourite Ukrainian sportsman”. Today we must learn to make up a story about favourite Ukrainian sportsmen and speak about them. We’ll speak about such famous Ukrainian sportsmen as Yana Klochkova, Serhiy Bubka, Vitaliy and Volodymyr Klychko and others.


  1.     Warming – up.


a) T . –Let’s start our English lesson with the recollection of the words, the word-combinations of the topic “Sport”. We play the game “Bingo”.


b) T . –And now turn to each other and speak each other about the best sportsman in your school:                                                                                                              

P.1:-Who is the   best sportsman in your school?                                                                                                                                                           P.2:-What kind of sports does he (she) go in for?                                                             

P.1:-Does he (she) go to the sport school?                                                                                                       P.2:-What competitions does he (she) take part in?                                                                            P.1:-What kind of boy (girl) is he (she)?                                                                                                   (ex.54 on p.102 V.M.Plakhotnyk , R.Yu.Martynova “English”(7 form) )

T.:…and …speak about the best sportsman in your school , please.


II.Основна частина уроку:


  1.     Check up.


 T.:-Now we test your hometask. …and … you’ve got cards (ex. 56 on p.102). Do them on the board, please. We speak about the best sportsman in our school (ex. 55 on p.102). And now let’s test the task on the board. Are there any mistakes in these sentences?


  1.     Oral Practice


Розвиток мовлєннєвих навичок і вмінь( діалогічного мовлення ) :                                                                                                                                                                                                           T.:-Look at the board, please. Here are the dialogues:                                                                  1)

A: -Who is your favourite Ukrainian sportsman?

B: -My favourite Ukrainian sportsman is Serhiy Bubka.


A: -What kind of sports does Serhiy Bubka go in for?

B: He goes in for vaulting.                                                                                                                                                          We work at them in a chain. I begin … And now two of us do these dialogues.




T.:-Now listen the text about my favourite Ukrainian sportsman and try to understand it.

If the statement is true you show me a green card, if it’s false show me a red one.


TextLarysa Latynina is my favourite Ukrainian sportsman


Larysa Latynina is my favourite Ukrainian sportsman. She took part at the 16th Olympic Games in 1956 in Melbourne. It was her first Olympic Games, where she won her first gold medal. Larysa Latynina was born in 1934 in Kherson. At school she was fond of gymnastics and became a Master of Sport. She finished a secondary school with a gold medal. The Kiyv Institute of physical culture was a real school of sportsmanship for Larysa. She also participated in the 17th and 18th Olympics. As famous sportsman she won 18 Olympic medals. Latynina is one of the brightest stars in gymnastics history.




False or true.


  1. Olena Latynina is my favourite Ukrainian sportsman.
  2. She won her first gold medal in Sydney.
  3. She won her first gold medal in Melbourne.
  4. Latynina was born in Poltava.
  5. At school she was fond of gymnastics.
  6. She finished a secondary school with a silver medal.
  7. She also participated in the 17th and 18th Olympics.
  8. She won 18 Olympic medals.
  9. Latynina is one of the brightest stars in swimming.
  10. Latynina is one of the brightest stars in gymnastics history.                                                            


4.Oral Practice.


T.: -Now look at the board, please. We work oraly. Complete the sentences to make up a story about your favourite Ukrainian sportsman.

As I see, three (four) of you think that the best sportsman of Ukraine is Yana Klochkova.


Опорна схема:

My favourite Ukrainian sportsman


My name is … I’m a … of the …form.

My hobby is … I go in for … .

I often watch …on TV , read … about famous … .

I want to tell you about … . His(Her) name is … .

As for me … is the best … in Ukraine.

He (She) lives in … and trains in …

He (She) goes in for … and he(she) …good results in it .

He (She) is a member of … team.

He (She) always takes part in the … .

He (She) often takes the … places in the … .

He (She) won the … medal at the Olympic Games of … .

I’m a member of …fan-club.

I have many … ,… ,… of my … and we exchange … .

I want to become as … and … as … .


T.:-And now open your exercise-books, write down the date, classwork and write a composition about your favourite Ukrainian aportsman using the table on the board.

You have 10 minutes for this task. O’K, your time is over. Let’s listen to some your stories about your favourite Ukrainian sportsman.


13 травня
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