Modern creative tools

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Cучасні технології навчання англійської мови відповідно до Концепції "Нова українська школа"
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Номер слайду 1

Modern creative tools of teaching English using digital media images. Lusine Oganesian, English teacher of Korotych Lyceum

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“This is why I loved digital media images: if you used it right, it could give you power and privacy.” Cory Doctorow Technology(digital media images)can be a great asset in English teaching classrooms, offering authentic writing, reading activities and endless resources on grammar instruction, vocabulary, lesson plans, tests and other central topics.

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Useful tool for the classroom teacher. Tool to support. Enhance learning experience Can facilitate second language instruction. Provides students interactive learning experiences. Ways to make life easier. What are digital media images (technologies)?

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How can we use the new technology?Interactive smart board. Cassette with headphone. Computers / Laptop. Audio tapes and videotapes. Language labs. Overhead. Digital camera

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Why technology is beneficial?Motivate to learn. More efficient. Share information up-date. Cover topics in more detail. Engages interactive learning. Allows for self-correction. Communication (learning with others)

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Teaching the lesson. Teach new vocabulary using words and pictures, flash cards. Ask students what they know about the colours. Incorporate technology: Power. Point, Digital camera, Digital images from Internet and Google images

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Colours(vocabulary)Singing a song (what colour is it?)Visual activity. Assist with comprehension. Practice using colours Google Images Find pictures of rainbow colours. Power. Point. Digital images

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Take pictures or video of the students singing about colours, working with pictures. Review what students have already learned. Create a class book about colours using the pictures and students’ sentences. Help ESL student to communicate. Sequence the pictures for the book. Take turns taking the class book home to read with their families (practice reading)Digital Camera

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Conclusions1. XXI century teachers need to use technology effectively to prepare students for the information and communication age, that includes for learning a language.  2. New language learning environments have generated different views of how language is learned, what language is, and what roles the teacher and the students should take.  3. New websites for language learning allow students to have agency and learn through socialization and motivation.

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References. Bagui, S. (1998). Reasons for increased learning using multimedia. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia , 7, 3 - 18. Burns, Anne and Jack C. Richards. (Eds.). (2009). Second Language Teacher Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cullen, R. (1994). Incorporating a language improvement component in teacher training programmes. ELT journal , 48 (2), 162 - 172. Fang, Liu. (2010). Using multimedia to motivate EFL students' interest in English language learning. Accessed on 12.02.11 from Http:// bitstream /handle/1793 /... / Liu, %20 Fang.pdf? 1 Jester, R. (2002). If I Had a Hammer: Technology in the Language Arts Classroom. The English Journal, 91 (4), 216 - 226. Kozma, R. (2001). Learning with media. Review of Educational Research , 61, 179 - 211. Ludwig et al. (2004). Using Multimedia in Classroom Presentations: Best Principles. Mayer, R. E. (1997). Multimedia learning: are we asking the right questions? Educational Psychologist , 32, 1 - 19.

Oganesian Lusine
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Англійська мова (підручник для спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 1 клас (Карпюк О. Д., Ростоцька М.Є.)
24 лютого 2019
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