Модульна контрольна робота

Про матеріал
Матеріал для перевірки знань на вживання умовних речень 3 типу та Perfect Tenses.
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                             Модульна контрольна робота № 2.                                                                                              

Тeма: Perfect Tences.

Утворення та вживання Present Perfect Tense.

Утворити заперечну та питальну форми речень.

I have already looked through all the magazines.

The teacher already corrected all the compositions.

He has just got up from the bed.

      Вживання умовних речень 3 типу.

     Перекласти речення.
He would not have cought cold if he had put on a warm coot.
If I had seen him yesterday, I should have asked him about it.
If your instruction had been received ten days ago, the goods would have been shipped.

     Утворити множину іменників від однини.

     A napkin, a foot, a salt-seller, a mice, a plate, a tin, a pot, a pen, a word, an arm-chair.

     Обрати вірну відповідь згідно змісту речення:


1. They'd rather go somewhere else, ........ they?

A hadn't         B didn't  C wouldn't  D would

2. You've got three sisters, ........?

A have you got B don't you       C isn't it  D haven’t you

3. She needs to be more careful, .......?

A don't she      B doesn't she C doesn't she need D needn’t she

4. You're having an operation next week, ........?

A isn't it         B don't you have  C don't you  D aren’t you

5. Let's go to the theatre tonight, ........?

A will we        B do we         C won't we         D shall we



25 січня 2021
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