Моніторинг якості знань учнів 10-11 класів

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Роботу створено з метою забезпечення проведення перевірки рівня засвоєння учнями знань, умінь та навичок із двох видів мовленнєвої діяльності: читання та письма. Запропоновано 2 варіанти письмових моніторингових робіт. Кожен варіант складається з чотирьох завдань, зміст яких будується на автентичних англомовних текстах та відповідає сферам та тематиці ситуативного спілкування, зазначеним у навчальних програмах.
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Моніторинг якості знань учнів 10-11 класів

Рівень стандарту



Роботу створено з метою забезпечення проведення перевірки рівня засвоєння учнями знань, умінь та навичок із двох видів мовленнєвої діяльності: читання та письма. Запропоновано 2 варіанти письмових моніторингових робіт. Кожен варіант складається з чотирьох завдань, зміст яких будується на автентичних англомовних текстах та відповідає сферам та тематиці ситуативного спілкування, зазначеним у навчальних програмах.






















Моніторинг якості знань учнів 10-11 класів

Перша іноземна мова / англійська

Version 1

  1. Завдання на встановлення відповідності (№1-4)

Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-4). There are four choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.



Britain is a great place for sports and games of all sorts. Both old and young do sports. The British invented and codified the rules of many of sports and games which are now played all over the world, and there is widespread interest in most kinds of sport throughout the country. In Britain the sporting life is taken very seriously. Large crowds attend occasions such as football and rugby matches at Wembley Stadium, Wimbledon lawn tennis championships, the classic horse races, Grand Prix motor racing and international cricket matches.


Television has helped to generate interest in a wide variety of sports. Levels of participation in sports have been rising due mainly to the increase in leisure time and facilities, greater mobility and rising living standards. A growing awareness of the importance to good health of regular exercise has been reflected in the upsurge of interest in jogging and dance-related forms of exercise. It has been estimated that 23 million adults regularly take part in sport or exercise, men still outnumbering women. Walking is by far the most popular recreation, followed by swimming, snooker and billiards, darts, angling, athletics, football, golf and cycling.


The British Government has long recognized the importance of physical recreation for the health and general welfare of the community. In addition, success in sport is thought to enhance Britain’s international status and prestige. The strategy for the development of sport in England is to encourage further increases in participation, particularly among young people and women, to provide adequate facilities for the whole community and to continue to encourage high standards of the performance. Government policy on sport, active recreation and children’s play is coordinated by Minister for Sport. The Government provides financial and other assistance for the development of sport. Different private organizations make grants for sport development. Increasing number of sports receive financial sponsorship from commercial organizations.


The British local authorities are the major providers of facilities for community recreation. The facilities provided include parks, lakes, playing fields, sport halls, tennis courts, golf courses, swimming pools and sport centres for a wide range of activities. Publicly maintained schools are expected to have a playing field and a gymnasium. There are “centres of sporting excellence”, which enable selected young athletes to develop their talents.


A Football and Tennis Championships

B A Cult of Good Health and Physical Recreation with the British

C The British of All Ages Do Sports and Attend Sports Occasions

D Olympic Games in London

E “Centres of Sporting Excellence” in Britain

F The Role of Local Authorities in Providing Sports Facilities

G Britain’s International Status

H Official Sport Policy





2. Завдання з вибором однієї правильної відповіді (№5-8).

Read the text below. For questions (5-8) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


(A story after W. Saroyan)

My father and I said good-bye to my mother and my sister. We walked down the hill to hitch a ride to my father’s house that is eleven miles up the highway, on the beach at Malibu. We walked about a mile to the old highway, got a ride in a truck for about eight or nine miles, walked another mile or two, and there we were.

The tide was high when we reached my father’s house, and the sun was almost all the way down in the sea. We went down to the beach to see what we could find there – driftwood, or pebbles, or shells. I found a spiral shell and he said it was a real prize. It was a good thing, about half as big as my hand, coloured white and grey and here and there black. We walked up the beach about a mile, and then back, but the only other things we found were half a dozen pebbles smaller then walnuts, and one piece of driftwood.

When we got back up the stairs to the front porch my father studied the driftwood he had long ago gathered on the beach and piled on the porch, to choose some pieces for the evening fire. “Most of this stuff is too good to burn,” he said.

I opened the front door so he could walk straight in with a load of wood for the fireplace. By the time he had set the wood on top of crumpled newspapers, it was dark, but I didn’t turn on the light, because I know he likes it when the first light of the evening comes from the fire. Then he put the burning match to the newspapers. In the time it took my father to inhale and exhale only once, the fire was filling the room with firelight, which is different from electric light, better and livelier and warmer. The shadows jumped out into the walls and ran up and down.


5. Which of the following is TRUE?

A They like fishing.

B They are four in their family.

C They walked around the town.

D Firelight isn’t different from electric lights.


6. What does the word “we” in line 4 stands for?

A My mother and my sister

B My sister and I

C My father and I

D My friends and I


7. Which is NOT mentioned in the text about their way to the sea?

A The father’s house is 11 miles up the highway.

B They traveled by car.

C They got a ride in a truck.

D They walked down to the beach.


8. What did they find on the beach?

A a big spiral shell

B walnuts and pebbles

C a lot of driftwood and stones

D crabs and fish



3. Завдання на заповнення пропусків у тексті (№9-12).

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the letter next to the correct word – A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.


The First Foot

The first visitor to enter a house on New Year’s morning is commonly known in Great Britain as the First Foot. In Yorkshire he (9)___ sometimes ______ the Lucky Bird. Wherever he (10)________, he is a personage of great (11)_________. He brings symbolic gifts of food or fuel or money and carries a bunch (12)_____ evergreens as a promise of continuing life.


9       A is calling      B is called           C has called        D will call

10     A appeared      B is appearing     C appears           D will appear

11     A important     B importance      C import             D importation

12     A for                B with                 C on                   D of


4. Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю (№13).

13. Last summer your elder brother and you were lucky to visit London. You spent a week there. It was unforgettable. But the weather was not so hot as in Ukraine. Moreover, it was difficult to buy tickets to the plane in advance. Write a letter to your friend in which:

       -    share the impressions about your trip

       -    recommend the places in London worth seeing

       -    give an advice as for buying tickets beforehand

       -    write why you were happy when you returned home.


Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.




















Моніторинг якості знань учнів 10-11 класів

Перша іноземна мова / англійська

Version 2

  1. Завдання на встановлення відповідності (№1-4)

Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-4). There are four choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.



In the old times the students’ life was very strict. They were not allowed to play games, to sing, to hunt, to fish or even to dance. They wore special dark clothes which they continue to wear in our days. Nowadays the English young people have fixed ideas about clothes. In clothes they prefer not the new but the good quality and durable. They dislike the brand new, in fact everything that looks bought yesterday. But it should be remembered that the English are distributed according to their class, their income, their education, their manners. Talking about the girls, they don’t seem to be as interested in new clothes meaning the very fashionable clothes, as the French girls.


An undergraduate at Oxford may have the time of his life. Two rooms, a bedroom and a sitting-room. Comfortable and cosy, although in some colleges the bedrooms are stone-cold. A scout makes his bed, looks after him, cleans up, puts things in order, a porter brings up his food, if is desired, his tea, cake, his drinks. Naturally a student does some work occasionally, mostly in the morning, he might even go to the library. Then in the afternoon he plays games. In the evening he goes out: to a club meeting, to the Union, to parties, to dances. In May there are the Eight Weeks of various sporting events. And finally there is the Boat Race against Cambridge.


Some of the students want to study part-time at the university. They join a firm and do a degree on a part-time basis so that when they qualify, they also have a few years’ practical experience behind them. Some can also be sponsored by a company. They pay for the studies and you work for them afterwards. That way a person is sure of a job. The more qualifications you’ve got, the better your chances are of getting a job. For example, a few years ago you didn’t need any qualification to work in the bank. Now you can’t get into the bank without “O” and “A” levels or a degree. Competition is greater, so they choose the people with the highest qualification.


The Britons, especially young, love sports, all kinds of sports, they are born sportsmen. Everywhere, in the playing field, listening to the radio, looking TV. They are supposed to have it in the blood. Most of the popular games have originated from this land: football, tennis, badminton and many others. Cricket is a national game played in England alone. The true sporting spirit, the fair play is the strict rule for all games and championships. Young people like to go to parties (dinner and birthday parties, and surprise parties and so on) and giving parties as well. They also like the nature and go for a walk in all weather. And they are fond of picnicking.


A Everyday Students’ Life in Oxford

B Modern Ideas about Clothes

C Youth’s Leisure

D Working Days and Weekends

E Youth Parties

F The Students’ Life and Clothes in the Old Times and Nowadays

G Young People Love Sports

H Part-time Education




2. Завдання з вибором однієї правильної відповіді (№5-8).

Read the text below. For questions (5-8) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.


(A story after W. Saroyan)

When I got back upstairs my father had put aside his work and he’d spread newspapers on the table. He’d put plates and cups and saucers on the table, and he was getting breakfast. I showed him the rocks and shells and the piece of driftwood and he said, “They’re great, everything you’ve found is great. Look at each of them carefully. That’s the way you learn to write – by looking at everything carefully.” So while my father got breakfast I washed the rocks and shells and the piece of driftwood. I looked at each of them very carefully, turning them around, and I saw plenty. I saw that every little thing in the world is a lot more than it seems to be. There was a pebble about half the size of a walnut. It was black with a little red in it. A perfect white line separated one part of the pebble from another, almost as if the little pebble was a whole world of some kind and that white line separated the land from the water. I was glad that I was able to see a thing so clearly, to see such a small thing so big.

“What did you dream about, Pop?”

“Well, as a matter of fact,” my father said, ”I did dream last night, and I do remember what it was about. I was walking down a street somewhere early in the morning and right there in front of me I saw a whole bundle of new currency, dropped on the sidewalk by somebody carrying a lot of money into the bank. I hoped they weren’t one-dollar bills because then I would have only about five hundred dollars. But if they were ten-dollar bills I would have five thousand dollars.”

“What were they, Pop? One-dollar bills or ten-dollar bills?”

“One-hundred-dollar bills. It would be fifty thousand dollars.”

“Oh! What did you do with the money?”

“I woke up. Wash up, and let’s have breakfast.”


5. Which of the following is TRUE about the father?

A He was a painter.

B He liked cooking.

C He worked in a bank.

D He collected shells.


6. What does the word “they” in line 3 stands for?

A Plates and cups and saucers

B Newspapers and books

C The shells and rocks and the piece of driftwood

D Walnuts and pebbles


7. Which is NOT mentioned in the text about the pebble was found?

A It was about half the size of a walnut.

B It had a perfect white line.

C It was black with a little red in it.

D It had white, black and red lines.


8. What was the father’s dream about?

A a bundle of dollar bills

B a bunch of flowers

C walking around the city

D getting breakfast



3. Завдання на заповнення пропусків у тексті (№9-12).

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the letter next to the correct word – A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.



Egg-rolling is a (9)_______ Easter pastime which takes place on Easter Sunday or Monday in England. It (10)________ of rolling coloured, hard-boiled eggs down a slope until they (11)_________ and broken after which they are eaten (12)_____ their owners.


9       A tradition             B traditionally          C traditional      D traduce

10     A is consisting       B consists                 C consisted       D will consist

11     A are cracked        B are cracking          C will crack       D were cracked

12     A for                      B of                          C to                   D by


4. Завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю (№13).

13. Your pen friend Tom was born in Great Britain. He is fond of history. Tom was so kind to invite you to visit London last summer. You decided to tell him about Kyiv historical places and agreed to meet next summer. Write a letter to your British friend in which:

       -    thank for the opportunity to visit London

       -    ask about plans for summer holidays

       -    invite to your place

       -    write about the sightseeing in Kyiv.


Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.





















Version 1                                                          Version 2


  1. 1 C                                                                 1. 1 F

2 B                                                                     2 A  

3 H                                                                     3 H

4 F                                                                      4 C


  1. 5 B                                                                 2. 5 B

6 C                                                                     6 C

7 B                                                                     7 D

8 A                                                                     8 A


  1. 9 B                                                                 3. 9 C

10 C                                                                   10 B  

11 B                                                                   11 A

12 D                                                                   12 D

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