Мовний практикум: " Освічена людина та комп'ютер".Розвиток монологічного мовлення.

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Методична розробка заняття призначена для здобувачів освіти І-ІІ курсів фахових закладів передвищої освіти І-ІІ рівня акредитації. Тип заняття:комбінований.
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Хід заняття:


І. Організаційний момент:

Good afternoon, students. I’m glade to see you again. As you can see, we have unusual  lesson today. We have many guests and I want you not to be afraid. The epigraph of our lesson is :” Necessity is the mother of invention” . How do you understand it? All know, that  we leave in age of information. It is necessary in all branches of our life. The opportunity to get this information give us the information technologies. People have to invent something that can give them the information as quickly and full as it possible. This invention is  the personal computer .So, during our lesson we’ll talk about and at the and of the lesson we must to conclusion:” is Computer  good or bad for us.?”

And let’s our lesson begin. Tell me please, who is on duty today?

  • What day is it today?
  • Who’s absent today?
  • What is the weather today?
  • What was the weather yesterday?
  • Do you like the weather today?
  • Did you like the weather yesterday?
  • What season is it now?
  • What season will be after spring?
  • What is your favourite season of the year?
  • What month is it now?
  • What spring month do you know?
  • What was our last topic?

              a)   Plan of the lesson.  You  have been learning to speak about educated man and   computer, about information technologies. What do you learn for? For communication. If you want to be an interesting  person to talk to, you should be first of all friends and be able to keep up the tale asking you partner questions on the topic, which is interesting for him too. During the lesson we’ll practice asking different                      

        kinds of questions , listen to you reports, make grammar exercises.


b) Контроль виконання домашнього завдання.

Let’s check up your home exercises. Our last grammar topic was: “Modal Verbs”.

Let’s improve your knowledge in using of modal verbs. Tell me ,please, what was the home task for today? Good.

  • Ex.III p.233-find the sentences in which verbs to have and to be are translated as мати , бути повинним.
  • 1.The lecture was to begin at 9 o’clock.
  • 2. You have to remember the names of scientists who have contributed to the designing of computers.
  • 3.The results of the experiment have carefully  been  checked up today.
  • 4. For a digital computer information has to be in the form of digits or numbers.
  • 5.The students of our Institute have at their disposal the computing centre.
  • 6.This personal computer has been constructed at our lab.


Ex. V.p. 233.- Insert modal verbs  can, may, must, should or their equivalents in the necessary tense-form :

1.Information or date can be stored in the computer ‘s memory or storage.

2.An analogue computer is  to calculate by using physical analogues of numerical measurements.

3.The first automatic computers could operate at the low speed.

4.Your scientific article on computers has to be published at our Institute.

5.My friend was happy when at last he can work at  the computing centre.

6.Our student  may to visit the computing  centre to see the operation of computers.

7.You know  must    the difference between the digital and analogue computers.


II.Основна частина заняття.

а) Лексична зарядка : повтор вивчених лексичних одиниць.

Translate ,please, following words and words –combinations from Ukrainian into English:

digit, key, digital computer,  key, keyboard, hardware, software, to store, a storage,

to store information, input, output, input unit, to perform , to perform commands,

to process, to process date, software program.


Please, translate this sentences from Ukrainian into English.

1.Апаратне забезпечення  марно без програмного забезпечення , котре є комп’ютерними програмними командами.

2. Частина комп’ютера яка зберігає інформацію називається блок пам’яті або пам’ять.

3.Слово „комп’ютер” має походження з латинського слова котре означає „рахувати”.

4. Основна робота комп’ютера –це обробка інформації.


в) Робота з текстом. Читання та переклад.

Ex.XII. P.229

And now we’ll read and translate the text.

S1-read-S2- translate

S2 –read-S3-translate

S4-read-S5-put the sentences in the interrogative form

S5-read- S6- translate and so on.


b)Виконання лексико-граматичних вправ.


1)Fill in the blank with the necessary words: ex. IV p.225

1The store …….. a numerical quantities and data which are to be  processed     .(contains, concludes, consist of).

2.The arithmetic unit normally ….. the operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and certain other special operations.(performs, carries out, carry).

3.The input and output devices to supply information and to …….. it from the computer. (obtain, receive, get)

4.Computers are a million times ……. Than humans in  perfoming  computing operation (faster, quicker, rapid).

5.The number of electronic computers used in any given field of human activity is sometimes believed to…….. the degree of its modernity.(indicate, show,      testify).


2) Disagree with me. Use communicative phrases of agreement\disagreement.


-A microprocessor is  “eyes” of a microcomputer.

-No, you are wrong. The microprocessor is the “heart ”of microcomputer.

1.Computer is universal information reading machine(processing).

2.Computer is a million times slower  than humans in performing computing operations.(faster)

3.A digital computer computes by using numbers of digits.(calculates).

4. Basic is considered to be one of the easiest programming languages to write.

(to learn).

5. Hardware is useful without software which is computer instruction programs.(useless).

6. The part of the computer that takes in information is called  the output unit.(input unit).

7.The word “computer” comes from Latin word which means “to speak”.(to count).

8. Computer was the most unimportant achievement (amazing).


3)Now, we’ll  have the test about our topic.

Доберіть вірний варіант.







1.The computer is the most  …………..                        a)funny


achievement of  mankind. b)unimportant






2.The computer is: a)A machine which performs  

        sequence of operations



 b) the most useless achievement                     of  mankind



 c) a universal information    

                                                                               processing    machine





                                                3.The word “computer “means:              a) to compute


 b) to count


 c)to calculate





4.In 1833 an England inventor and ma- a)Ch. Babbage


thematician  ……….  designed  the 1st b) H.H.Aiken


computer. C) S.O. Lebedev




5.Nowdays computers increase man’s a)reading and translating


 b) planning , computing and


                                                                                 thinking capabilities of






6.A digital computer computes by using: a)numbers and digits


 b) physical analogue and       


 numerical   measurements


                                                                              c) words and numbers







7.Computers are million times ………..                 a) slower

                 b) faster

than humans in performing  computing operations.                 C)rapid


4.    Розвиток монологічного мовлення.

 And now, let’s come to monologues. We’ll listen to your reports about followings:

S1-“What is computer?”.

S2-“Information technologies “

S3- Hardware”.


5)Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.

And now, work in pairs. Please, make your own dialogue using the expressions from exercise XI  p.229 or say what you can do with the help of the computer using the expression of exercise IV p.233.

6)Listening. Listen to this statements and say are this good or not using the words of the lesson.

III.Заключна частина заняття.

Homework 1.Домашнє завдання.

  Communicative Situations- p.236.




 2.Підбиття підсумків заняття.

 So ,we have to make a conclusion. We have made a lot  today. Tell       

        me please, in  your  opinion, is computer god or bad for modern

 people? Specify  your answer. Thank your for your work. You’ve    

 done your work properly. You were smart. I hope you’ll continue

 your work    at the  next lesson.




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25 червня 2023
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