My classroom 2 клас

Про матеріал
Розобка уроку для другого класу з англійської мовиза темою "Моя класна кімната".
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Тема уроку: My Classroom

Form: 2

Objectives (цілі)

  • To introduce new vocabulary
  • To introduce the structure “I have a pencile”
  • To practice the structures “My name is…” “I am 7” “I live in…” “I am from…” “My favourite colour(food) is…” “I am happy.” “I am sad”



  • My Classroom


Structure(структура речення)

“ Is it a panicle?”  “Yes it is” /“No it isn’t” “ It’s a book”


PB, AB, PB Audio, flashcard # 3, poster #

  • Хід уроку

І. Preparation for the reception of foreign language broadcasting(Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу)

Greeting /Aim (Привітання.Повідомлення цілей уроку)

Students sing songs “Hello how are you?”


T. I’m glad to see you. Today our lesson will be unusual. You’ll learn new words, improve your skills in speaking and reading, play games and sing English songs. You’ll learn new words according to our topic. Are you ready?

Ps. Yes, we are.


ІІ. Моtivation.(Мотивація)

Warming up.(Ведення в іншомовну атмосферу)

Look out of the window and say what the weather is today.

Lets listen the song/Answer my questions(Послухаймо пісню,відповідаймо на запитання)

 Is it suny?

Is it rainy?

Is it cloudy?

Is it snowy?

Main part of the lesson (Основна частина уроку)

Speaking (говоріння)

Lets  play question game/Children pull out the number and answer the question.

Phonetic Drills(фонетична розминка)

 Phonetic cards [Ai] [Ai] [ju:]

Vocabulary presentation(Презентація лексики до теми)

Children listen the song (Діти слухають пісню)

T. Kids, look at the screen and repeat my questions


N. What’s this?

Ps. It’s a book

Lexical Game(лексична гра)

T. Great! Kids, I suggest It’s time to play the game “Spoiled phone” and improve the knowledge vocabulary. Here are two teams, you will listen to my word, then whisper to convey to your friend and the last player will display a picture of the word he heard.


T. And now children, I think you are ready to expand your vocabulary and learn a few new words. Look at these pictures and repeat after me:




Funny activity. (фізкультхвилинка)

Song “head shoulders knees and toes”




T. And now look at this picture.

T. Okey, kids! Take that picture you like. Who is ready? Who wants to describe these things?

P. May I? This is a desk. It is my desk. It is a yellow desk. It stands in the classroom.

P. This is a bookcase. It is a big bookcase. It stands in the classroom, too.

P. This is a computer. It is a nice computer. It stands in the classroom, too.


T. Great! And now I have got a magic box. Here you can see many different school things. Who wants to be the first?

P. May I?  This is a pen. This is an eraser….

Пов’язане зображення



T.Children, you worked very well. But our lesson is coming to the end. What did  you like at the lesson?

P.-I liked to play games.

P.- I liked to sing English songs.

P.- I learnt new words.


T. Was it difficult for you?

P: No,  ”English is easy” ( a song)


Homework(домашня робота)

  1. Your homework will be  ex. 4, page 41

Look at the task  You have learn to read it very well


Evaluation (Аналіз виконаної роботи під час уроку)

T. Look. On your desks you can see different Smalleys. Now you can evaluate your work  at the lesson  Take that emoticon who is satisfied with your knowledge of English.. Today you were clever, curious and hard working.


The song “Goodbye!”(Пісня)

 The lesson is over.

Good-bye! I wish you good Luck!

Ps:Thank you, the same to you .


До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 2 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
23 березня 2020
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