Nature`s Life Matters

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Дана робота описує досить складну екологічну ситуацію, пов'язану із байдужим ставленням людини до навколишнього середовища. Цим твором мені хотілося б звернути увагу суспільства на актуальні проблеми забруднення місцевості. Ця хорор-історія написана англійською мовою, з метою привернення уваги на міжнародному рівні.
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Nature's Life Matters

Nature as the world`s key value

Attracts all men without any failure

The beauty of it really matters

U may save it performing deeds better

Rivers and forests need to be cared 

Eagles will gratefully thank you with pleasure

Lives are so shot, although said to exist

I have to defend them facing no risk

First and foremost, we`ll look at the garbage

Elevated by humans who seem to be cunning

Made from the stock and a real botcher

A bunch of used products is thrown to the water

Today we`ll refer to such significant issue

Tiny package of waste is the main hero

Eventually fear may create the real fortune which

Reduces the laziness and the absence of callousness Saved planet will be our fortress.


An old man lives in the countryside, almost in the heart of nature. His house is tiny and is not considered to be rather noticeable especially because of the shrubs which are really widespread there. 

Suffice it to mention that there are not many locals living here. The majority of them, including the youths, have initially moved to big cities, regarding them as the centers of huge possibilities which they thought they could reach having no issues. Despite the chance of living in the heart of nature`s beauty, most people preferred high skyscrapers to lovely forests.

Not long after that mass resettlement everything has eventually changed. Especially the state of that place. From time-to-time foreign tourists drive through it, although don`t stop for rest because of a nasty smell. It reaches out almost from the small pond which currently seems to look like a swamp full of garbage. 

The ducks living there don't have any other accommodation, thus are literally forced to suffer from such dreadful conditions. Poor birds die day after day having no chances to escape. This newly created swamp is the only water source situated in this place. 


“So, what is the issue?”, - you would ask. Who throws the garbage to the swamp?


The culprit is that old man, the only one, who stayed in the township. The thing is that the window of his accommodation is literally opposite the swamp. Every day he throws an enormous number of livestock out.

Will this ever change? - It definitely will, because as we know: “Everybody is held accountable for his actions”.

Here comes the day of Ecology, an International Mother Earth Day. It is said that on the 22th of April some unexpected events may happen. Most people believe that this statement is just a myth, although some of them are sure that it is inevitably considered to be true. 


An old man wakes up and limply approaches the window. He opens the curtains with the words:

-          What bad weather. The sun literally blinds the eyes. Disgusting!

Being unpleasant with every detail of the surroundings, an old man returns to his bed. He lazily takes out a pack of crackers from under the sofa. This snack isn't even fresh at all as it stinks miserably. Like unwashed socks. After the final emptying of the pack, the man approaches the window again and throws it out. This time he glanced at the window more attentively. 

-          This cannot be true… . Finally, a man noticed that there were no ducks at the swamp at all. All of them did not survive.


Suddenly a loud hum of cars was heard from the outside. Such a phenomenon seemed to be rather peculiar for the man as his house was too far from the highway.

-          OMG, - he shouts, - don`t they see that my house is here?

The only local of the countryside runs straight out into the street. 

-          What a nasty smell, - he says unpleasantly. A few seconds later, the man remembered why it was there. Actually, because of him. It took the man a week to rid the live creatures of their lives.

An old man started to realize who approached him. The police.


-          Good afternoon, Mr. Gage (this is the surname of the man), you are arrested on suspicion of the intentional contamination of the local swamp. The ducks, which lived there, were listed in the Red Book as the rare type.


The man got a fit.

-          And why do you suspect me? - he asked.

This question literally made the police officers laugh.

-          Because you are the only resident of the township. In addition, we may show you the photos which confirm the fact that you were throwing garbage into the swamp. Wanna see?

The man grimaced in displeasure, trying to come up with any idea:

-          And can we get away with a fine?

-          Not at all, - said one of the police workers. - A week ago, the law on the death penalty was approved and you are the first, who will bear this punishment. An old man started shouting disparately, even trying to escape. Although, everything was in vain.

The court sentenced him to execution.


A couple of days later, the newspapers with the story of the man`s disrespectful treatment of nature resources and its inhabitants were shared almost everywhere. All conversations concerned only this theme. 

To crown it all, the testing of such a measure really paid off. The police department no longer received cases of polluting the environment.


Moreover, some years later, a museum was built on the site of the man`s house. Millions of tourists come there every year in order to listen to the captivating narrative about the accused who didn`t value the laws of nature and was punished for this.


P.s. the following article wasn`t created to propose the solution of death penalty, but to show the positive affect which the fear may have, and to state that a person must be punished for his negative actions towards nature.  





Софія Мисник
29 червня 2023
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