Науки та науковці ( самостійна робота)

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Самостійна або контрольна робота у вигляді тестів. Мета: перевірити знання учнів з вивчених таких понять як "астрономія", "лінгвістика" та інші. Тест містить питання про видатних вчених та їх винаходи

Перегляд файлу


1.          Science about the earth, including the origin and history of rocks

imageimage                а) chemistry                                                                                         б) biology

                в) geology                                                                                             г) botany

                д) physics                                                                                             е) history

                є) mathematics                                                                                   ж) astronomy

2.          Who is a physician? Find the synonym of this word.

imageimage                а) a musician                                                                                       б) a scientist

                в) a historian                                                                                        г) a doctor

                д) a teacher                                                                                          е) a chemist

                є) a geologist                                                                                       ж) a linguist

3.          .....is a study of the way in which language works.

imageimage               а) biology                                                                                              б) astronomy

                в) meteorology                                                                                    г) linguistics

                д) pscyhology                                                                                      е) geology

є) physics

4.          Who invented the bicycle?

imageimage               а) Mask                                                                                                 б) Benz

               в) Bell                                                                                                     г) Ford

               д) Macmillan                                                                                        е) Taylor

               є) Wright                                                                                               ж) Babbage

5.          He invented light bulb.

imageimage               а) Bell                                                                                                     б) Edison

                в) Macmillan                                                                                        г) Benz

                д) Nicephore                                                                                        е) Lippershey

                є) Marconi                                                                                            ж) Pascal

6.          Hans Lillershey invented the first....

imageimage                а) an automobile                                                                                б) a light bulb

                в) an electrocar                                                                                   г) a scooter

                 д) a vacuum cleaner                                                                         е) a telescope

                 є) a washing machine                                                                      ж) a skateboard

7.          Who invented pizza fistly?

imageimage               а) Italians                                                                                               б) Chinese people

                в) Ukrainian                                                                                          г) Greeks

                д) British people                                                                                 е) Americans

                є) Germans                                                                                           ж) French women

8.          Blaise Pascal in ....invented a calculator.

image                                                                                                                                б) 1765

                                                                                                                                г) 1642

                                                                                                                                б) Benz

                                                                                                                                г) Fleming

                                                                                                                                 е) the Wright brothers

                                                                                                                                ж) Edison

10.      Find the synonym of the word "bike"

imageimage                а) bicecle                                                                                              б) bikicle

               в) bycicle                                                                                               г) bicycle

               д) motorbike                                                                                        е) electrobike

11.      In this sentence we have 2 mistakes:

A famous invented Sir Harold Thomas Flower invenor the first electronic computer.

imageimage                а) inventing ......invent                                                                      б) inventor.....invented

                в) inventer.....invent                                                                          г) invent.....invent

                д) inventor.....inventing                                                                     е) inventer inventeed

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