Навчально-методичний посібник "Classroom English Expression"

Про матеріал
Зміст посібника містить вправи в таблицях для мовної розминки учнів 5-8 класів, та тематичні діалоги. Це вправи на розвиток мовного висловлювання - діалогічного, яке згодом переростає в монологічне. За допомогою стандартних фраз, учні вчаться правильно відповідати на запитання, інколи шляхом запам’ятовування, легко можуть висловлювати свої думки.
Перегляд файлу

Зносицький ліцей

Немовицької сільської ради

Сарненського району Рівненської області























                                                       Ковальчук Софія Павлівна

                                                     вчитель англійської мови







Навчально-методичний посібник








Автор – упорядник: Ковальчук Софія Павлівна –

Вчитель англійської мови.












Зміст посібника містить вправи в таблицях для мовної розминки учнів 5-8 класів, та тематичні діалоги.

Це вправи на розвиток мовного висловлювання -  діалогічного, яке згодом переростає в монологічне. За допомогою стандартних фраз, учні вчаться правильно відповідати на запитання, інколи шляхом запам’ятовування, легко можуть висловлювати свої думки.




        Сучасне життя ставить перед учителем великі завдання: давати підростаючому поколінню глибокі і міцні знання, виробляти вміння і навички застосовувати їх на практиці, формувати світогляд. Для цього вчителю треба удосконалювати методи та прийоми навчання, зробити учня головною дійовою особою на уроці, щоб він наполегливо оволодівав іноземною мовою спільно зі своїми товаришами при допомозі вчителя.

         Оволодіти мовою – значить, в першу чергу, оволодіти навичками говоріння. Під навичками говоріння маються на увазі навички озвучування висловлювань, навички оперування лексичними одиницями та навички граматичного оформлення речень.

          Говоріння як вид мовленнєвої діяльності функціонує у двох формах – діалогічній і монологічній.

          У своїй роботі я намагаюсь застосовувати такі прийоми навчання, які сприяють підтриманню інтересу учнів до іноземної мови, допомагають залучити всіх учнів до мовленнєвої діяльності, підвищують ефективність уроку. До таких прийомів належать : навчальні ситуації; мовна зарядка; ігри, в тому числі рольові; бесіди на теми, пов’язані з інтересами учнів, їх життєвим досвідом, безпосереднім оточенням.

          Жоден урок з англійської мови не проходить без мовної розминки. Пропоную вашій увазі «Classroom English Expression» в таблицях. Це вправи на розвиток мовного висловлювання -  діалогічного, яке згодом переростає в монологічне. За допомогою стандартних фраз, учні вчаться правильно відповідати на запитання, інколи шляхом запам’ятовування, легко можуть висловлювати свої думки. Великі можливості для підвищення ефективності уроку має його початок. Треба зосередити увагу учнів на темі розмови, дати їм можливість уважно слухати один одного і одночасно думати про те, як би вони самі відповіли на питання.

                 T: Do you like listening to the radio, (watching TV,

                        working with computer)?

                  P: Yes, I do.

                  T: Do you know when, where and how TV, (radio)

                      was invented?

        The reason I asked you the second question is that today we are going to speak  about inventions and inventors.

            Такий початок створює робочий настрій в учнів. Під час проведення мовної зарядки часто використовую елементи гри, що допомагає мені зацікавити учнів і створити умови для їх активної мовної діяльності на уроці. Наприклад, у 5 класі для вживання в мовленні учнів питальних речень пропоную їм розпитати мене про те, що я робила у вихідний день.

Клас ділиться на три команди. Кожна команда по черзі ставить запитання. Команда, на питання якої я даю стверджувальну відповідь, отримує червону картку. Перемагає команда, яка по закінченню роботи набрала найбільшу кількість карток.

      Позитивний ефект при підготовці до монологічного мовлення дає і навчальна ситуація. Використання навчальної ситуації на уроці може слугувати різним цілям навчання: розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, допомагає засвоєнню лексичного і граматичного матеріалу, є засобом перевірки розуміння прочитаного і т.д.

        Наприклад, при вивченні теми “Libraries” пропоную ситуацію: You’ve got a new pupil in your class. He hasn’t been to your school library yet. Tell him where your library is situated, when it is open, what books he may find there.

         Працюючи з тематичними малюнками, також використовую ситуації. Відомо, що робота за малюнками є одним з найбільш розповсюджених способів створення ситуації на початковому етапі навчання. Вона складається ніби з двох етапів: спочатку це опис того, що учні сприймають зором, а потім відбувається більш глибоке проникнення в ситуацію. На практиці це виглядає так.

          Коли учні навчились вільно описувати те, що вони бачать на малюнку, я ставлю перед ними додаткові завдання: розповісти  все, що вони думають про той чи інший персонаж чи оточення.    Так, маючи зорову опору, вони розширюють і доповнюють сюжет.

       Наприклад, при вивченні теми “Parties and Holidays” після того як учні дадуть відповіді на питання за малюнком, пропоную таку ситуацію:

        You have a birthday too. Tell us who will come to your birthday party, what your mother and you will prepare for your birthday party, what you will do after you have had tea.

Ще одна ситуація на цю тему: Tomorrow you’ll go to Nina’s birthday. So today you must go to the shop and buy her a present. Tell us what shop you will go and what you will buy.

     Різновидом мовних вправ є створення ситуацій з опорою на мовні зразки. Тут перед учнями ставиться завдання – придумати ситуацію, в яку б органічно впліталась подана лексика. На дошці записуємо декілька виразів, наприклад: to be hungry, to come home, soon. Учні складають невелику розповідь, де використовують ці вирази.

    Ефективною також є робота в малих групах. Це є одним із інтерактивних методів навчання. Учасники, розділені на маленькі (4-7 осіб) групи, обговорюють у них поставлену проблему, а потім представляють результати всім учасникам. Найбільшою перевагою дискусії в малих групах є можливість активної участі в ній усіх присутніх.

   При роботі над темою “Books in Our Life” можна організувати дискусію в групах на тему “What Is Better: watching TV, reading books or searching the Internet?”Кожна група захищає свою точку зору(хоча члени групи насправді можуть її і не підтримувати.)














Classroom English

Starting the lesson

Good morning/afternoon.

Hello everybody.

How are you?

Very well, thank you.

Fine, thank you and you?

Who is /Who’s absent today?

Sit down, please.

Come in. Why are you late?

I am/I’m sorry, I am/I’m late.

Give me your homework, please.

Pronunciation and repetition

Listen/ listen carefully.

Listen to me/ (name).

Watch and listen.

Everyone, repeat after me: (a word or phrase).

Say it again/more slowly/louder please.

Say it in English please, not Ukrainian.

Say/repeat/read the whole sentence, please.

Working alone and together

I want you to work on your own.

 (Name), come to the front, please.

Go back to your seat, please.

Get into pairs.

Has everyone got a partner?

Compare your answers with your partner.

Get into groups of three/four/five people.

Is everyone in a group?

Pick one person from your group to write the answers/ draw a picture.

Working with books

Take out your books, please.

Who hasn’t got a book?

(Name), share your book with (name), please.

Open your books at page 23, please.

It is in the middle of the page.

It is at the bottom/top of the page.

 Find the exercise on page 10.

Turn to page 7, please.

Turn over, please.

Look at the picture/exercise 7, please.

Point to a picture, please.

Let’s read together.

Start / Go on / Stop reading.

 Close your books.

Checking understanding

(Name) is that right?

What is the right answer?

Put up your hand if you don't understand.

What don't you understand?

Tell me in Ukrainian.

Tell me in Ukrainian what you have to do.

Put up your hands if you know the answer.

Classroom control

Quiet, please!

Look at the board, please.

 Don’t start yet.

Start now!

(Name) come here, please.

Hurry up!

Who needs help?

Games and songs

Now, we’ll play a game.

Guess what/where/who it is.

Guess what’s missing.

This team has won.

Whose turn is it?

Now it’s your turn.

A point for team two.

Let’s all sing a song.

Teacher comments


Very good!

Well done!


Yes, that’s right - good!

That’s better!

That’s nearly right - try again!

Not quite right - will someone else try.

No - that’s not right. (Name), you try!

Ending the lesson

This is your homework.

Put your books away, please.

Clean the board, please.

(Name) collect the books, please.

We will finish this next lime.


Have a nice weekend.

See you again on Tuesday.
























1. How many lessons do you have today?

I have ... lessons today. This is my ordinary time-table.

2. Are your lessons difficult



Have you got difficult lessons?

I think my lessons are easy today.

It seems to me   difficult

To my mind interesting In my opinion

  1. What is the easiest lesson for you?

(most difficult, most interesting)

The easiest for me today is English

most difficult        Algebra most interesting    History                   


4.   Have you received any mark today?

- Yes, I have already received some marks.

- No, I haven't received any marks today.

5.   Were your marks good? (excellent, satisfactory, bad)

My marks were .... I have got 10 in ... .

6.   What mark are you supposed to get in English? (Ukrainian Literature)

Maybe I'll get 10 in English I think To my mind In my opinion

7.   Have you got any additional lessons in the afternoon?

I have (not) got (any) additional lessons in the afternoon today.

8.   At what time do your lessons finish today?

My lessons are over at....                    



1. How are you today?

Thank you, I am well today. Well, I am not well. I'm tired a little. I had much work yesterday.

2. How did you spend your yesterday's evening?

I spend my yesterday's evening (not) well.

3.    Were you busy (free) yesterday in the evening?

I was (not) busy (free) yesterday.

4. - What did you do yesterday in the evening?

 - What were you busy with yesterday?

I did my lessons. I was busy with... watched TV        doing my lessons, stayed at home     helping parents, helped my mother listened to music walked with friends

5.  Did you read books? 

Walk with friends do your home task

Yes, I did. I...

No, I didn't. I didn't...

6.   How much time did it take you to do your homework yesterday?

My homework was difficult easy So it took me much time to do it. (little)

7.   How many lessons did you have yesterday?

I had ... lessons yesterday.

8.   What time did you come at after classes yesterday?




My lessons finished at two.

(were over)

I came home at... o'clock.
































  1. Who is on duty today?

Who is absent today?

I am on duty today.

All are present.

Olena and Oleh are absent today.

  1. What is the matter with him?

He is ill.

  1. How are you, Olena?

Thank you, fine!


                  O. K


                   not bad

I am well

I am right

I am quite all right


just the same


  1. Is the class ready for the lesson?

Yes, it is.

  1. What makes you think so?

I think so because the classroom is clear, the duster is wet, it is on the blackboard a piece of chalk is  on the blackboard too. The children have books, exercise-books, record-books, pens and ball-pens on the desks. So we can begin the English lesson.




   1.When will you have your future week-end?

 I shall have my week-end on Sunday

2.   Will you go to school?

Of course, I shan't go to school. We don't have classes on Sunday.

3. 3. Where are you going to spend your future week-end.

I don't know, for sure, but may be.

I shall spend my week-end

at home

with parents

with friends.

4. How will you spend your week-end?

I shall do my home-work go for a walk with friends read books at home.

5.Will you go to visit your    grandparents?

watch TV or read books? stay at home with you parents?

Well, may be. I shall... .

6. Will you be free (busy) on Sunday?

Yes, I shall be free on Sunday. No   shan't

7. What are you going to do on Saturday evening?

May be I am going to .... I think

8. What do you usually do at your week-end?

Well, I usually do my lessons help my parents spend my week-end with friends.

A Talk "My Future Week-End"





1.   When did you have your last week-end?

I had my last week-end on Sunday?

 two days ago.

2.Did you go to school on Sunday?

at the week-end

Oh, no. I didn't go to school at the week-end.

3.   How did you spend that week-end?

Well, I think I spent my last

To my mind         week-end well.

In my opinion



4.   What did you do at your last week-end?


Well, I had just an ordinary busy day.

 I was busy with my lessons.

Then ....After that...

Well, I had a very interesting relaxing week-end. At first....Then ....After that....

5.   Did you do your lessons? Didn't   meet your friends spend time at home watch TV

Yes,...I did.... No, I didn't.... Of course     met...

Certainly     spent...




6.    Did anything interesting happened to you during your last week-end?

Nothing interesting happened to me. Well, something really interesting happened to me during my last week-end ....

7.   What was the weather like?

The weather was (not) fine.

8.    Were you glad to come to school on Monday?

Well, I was glad to come to school on Monday.

I wasn't glad. I would like to have more time to rest.



A Talk ‘What Are You Going to Do in The Evening

1.   What time do your lessons finish at today?

I have got 6 lessons today. They finish at....

are over

2.   Have you got any additional lessons today?

- Yes, I have got additional lesson today.

- No, I haven’t got any additional lessons.

3.   What are you going to do after classes?

I think, I shall go home after classes.

4.   – What will you do in the evening today?

-   What are you going to do in the evening today?

It seems to me I shall stay at home and

I suppose       do my home-work. In my opinion I shall meet my friends

                  I’ll help my mother

                   I’ll go shopping

                   I’ll walk with my


  1. 5. Will you stay at home?
  • do your home-work
  •  read books
  • watch TV
  •  listen to the music

Well, I am not sure, may be I’ll....

  1. How are you going to spend your evening today?

I am going to stay at home do my lessons.

  1. How much time will it take you to do your homework tonight?

I have got much home-work to do, so it will take me much time to do it.

My homework for tomorrow is not difficult, so it won’t take me much time to do my homework.

A TALK “How Are You”

1. How are you today?

I am well today, thank you.

I am bad (ill) today.

2. How are things?

Everything is all right (O’K).

It’s nothing to boast about.

3. Any problems in your life?

With your study?

That’s quite all right. Never mind.

Well, thing are not quite, what they ought to be.

4. 4. How are you getting on?

Nothing very much to speak about.

I can’t say everything is going on quite


5.5. How do matters stand?

I feel quite fit, thank you.


6.    6. How do you feel in general?

I feel quite fit as a fiddle, thank you.

Well, frankly speaking, I am quite ill.

7.   What’s the news? (What’s news?)

Well, frankly speaking, I am quite well.




A Talk “Our Home Work in English”




1. What was your homework for today?

 What did you have to do for today in English?

My home-work was to read the text.

We had to translate the text, talk about…

learn n the words.

2. 2. Was your homework difficult? Easy ? Does your homework was difficult?

I think my home-work was … In my opinion

3. How much time did it take you to do your home­work?

As my home-work was easy (difficult) it took me …

4. Were there many new words in your home-work?

There were no new words. Some


  1. Did anybody help you to

do your home-work in English?

Nobody helped me to do my

homework, because it was easy.

Yes, my friend helped me. Classmates

sister, mother

6. Did you do your homework yourself?

Yes, I did it myself.

No, I didn’t do it myself.

7. Are you ready for today’s lessons?

Sure, I am ready.

I don’t think, I am well prepared for today’s lesson.

8. What mark do you want to get today?

Well, I think I’ll get… today.




A Talk «Our Home- Reading Text»

1Are you fond of reading?

Do you like to read?

Are you keen on reading?

Are you interested in reading?

Yes, of course.

I am fond of reading.

Surely     I like to read Certainly I am keen on reading.

I think -I am interested in It seems to me   reading.

2. What kind of books do you like (prefer) to read?

Well, It's a very difficult question, but in general I like (prefer) to read ....

3. Is reading your hobby? (Reading is your hobby), Isn't it?

It seems to me reading is my hobby.

4. What text did you have to read for today?

We (I) had to read Task the text...

5. Who is the author of the text? Whom was this text written by?

The author of the text  is…

The text was written by....

6.  What can you tell about the writer? have learned

I can tell you that....

I have learned that....

7. Was the text difficult

(easy, interesting boring, dull)?

In my opinion the text was... It seems to me

8. How much time did it take you to read this text?

As the text was (wasn't) difficult (easy) It took me ... (hours) to read this text

9. Were there many new (unknown) words in the text?

There were (weren't) many new words in the text.

10. What is the text about?

Having read the text, I can tell that this text is about...

11. How did you like the text

I liked the text, because ....

didn't like


A talk About the Weather (autumn)

1.  What is the weather like today?

I think the weather is sunny. To my mind            windy

I can say                  gloomy     





2.  Do you like today’s weather?

Of course, I do, because it is …. I don’t, because …

3. What season is it now?              


It’s autumn. It is




4.Is it cold today? 



Yes, it is rather … today

No, it isn’t… today.

5. Is it snowing (raining)?

Yes, it is raining today.

No, it is not….

          It is unsettled weather

          dull, gloomy, cloudy,

          cool, chilly.

It’s raining cats and dogs, thick fog leaves fall off

A strong wind has risen.

The sky is covered with dark heavy clouds.

The sky is clear, but it is very cold.

The weather is unpleasant.

6. Do you like autumn?

Yes, I do. Autumn brings us fruits & vegetables.

No, I don’t. The weather is often rainy in autumn.




A talk About the Weather (winter)

1. What season is it today?

It is winter. It’s December today.  



2. What is the weather like today?

I can say that the weather is cold.




3. What can you tell about today’s weather?

How bitterly cold it is today.

There is a cold spell coming.

There’s a thick snowfall.

The rivers are frozen over.

My teeth are clattering with cold.

 I am shivering with cold.

The sky is covered with dark heavy clouds.

The sky is clear, but it is very cold.

It is very slippery in the street.

4.  How do children play in winter?

They like skiing, skating, sledging, making        snowman,        playing snowballs

5.  Is it snowing now?

Yes, It is snowing. Snow has already covered the ground.

No, It is   not,   but   snow   has   already covered the ground.

6. Is the sun shining?

Yes, it is. But it’s very cold. No, it is not The sky is covered with clouds.

7.  Do you like winter?

Yes. I do, because....

No, I don’t, because





A talk About the Weather (in spring)

1.What season is it now?

It is spring.

2.Is it winter or spring now?

It is spring.

3.What is the weather like in spring?

The weather is good

       very nice


    not bad in spring.

4.Do you like this season? Why?

Yes, I do. I like this season because:

   - the sky is blue

   - leaves are green

    -you can walk in the park

(forest, play in the yard)

   - birds make nests and sing songs

    - the days are long

Spring is my favourite season.

No, I don’t like this season because:

     -  the sky is overcast with clouds

       -it is thawing

      - it’s beastly wet

      - hard wind is blowing

it is chilly.


talk About the Weather (in summer)

1.What season is it now?

It is summer.

2.What is the weather like in summer?

The weather is hot and sunny

( rainy and windy ) in summer.

3.What colour are clouds in summer?

The clouds are white in summer.

4.What colour is the sky in summer?

The sky is blue in summer.

5.Is it rainy and windy in summer?

No, it is not rainy and windy in summer. It is hot and sunny in summer.


6.What is your favourite season?

My favourite season is summer. Summer is bright. Flowers are red, blue and yellow. Leaves and grass are green in summer. It’s hot and sunny. I can play and walk in summer.















1.How do you feel?

Not, so good. / Not, very well.


2.What is the matter?

I have a feaver

       a bad cold

        a toothache

         a headache

          a stomachache

           a sneezing

            a sore throat

3. What did the doctor say?

He told to take (cold tablets, cough syrup…)

You must take three peels three times a day after meal and one teaspoon of the cough syrup every three hours.




A Talk about “School life”

1. Do you like to study at school?

- Yes I do. I like to study…

- No, I do not. I don’t like to study…

2. What school subjects did you learn last year?

- We learnt Maths, Music, History, Nature study, Art, Ukrainian, English… last year.

3. What (is) your favourite  subject?

- My favourite  subject (is)  English (Maths…)

4. Will you have English lessons next year?

- Yes, I shall. I shall  English lessons next year.

- No, I shall not.  I shall not English lessons next year.

5. What subjects do you have on Wednesdays?

- On Wednesdays I have six lessons:  English,  Maths, Ukrainian Liturature, PE,  Nature study,  History.

6. Is Maths easy?

- No, it isn’t. It is difficult.

7. Which  subjects is

  • boring,
  • easy,
  • difficult,
  • important,
  • useful,
  • fun    …… interesting?


- I think,  Nature study is.

8. When does your firs lessons start?

- Our first lesson starts at…

- It is the lesson of…

- Our teacher is…

9. Do you like Mathematics?

- Yes, I do because I like doing the sums.

- No, I don’t because I don’t like doing the sums.


  1. Do you play any sports?

No, I don’t. I have no free time.

Yes, I do. I play football. It’s my favourite sport. I also like watching football matches on TV.

  1. What kind of sport do you go in for?

Tennis. I have trainings three times a week.

  1. What kind of sport are you interested in?

I am interested in football (tennis).

  1. What kind of summer (winter) sport do you know?

I know such kinds of summer sport: swimming, cycling, bating, yachting…

…winter sport: skating, skiing, tobogganing, figure skating, ski-jumping.

  1. What famous football players are you curious to know?

There are some really great players today. I have heard of Z.Zidane, D. Beckham. A. Shevchenko.

  1. What is your favourite sportsman?

My favourite sportsman is S. Rebrov, but I don’t know much about him.

  1. Do you watch him play at the stadium or on TV?

I watch him play…



  1. What do people usually wear when it is warm outside?

People usually wear…

  1. What do you wear in spring and autumn

We wear… in spring (autumn).

  1. What do you wear when it is rainy/snowy?


  1. Do you wear a school uniform?

Yes, I do.

No, I do not.

  1. What colour is it?

It is black.

  1.  Is it practical (comfortable)?

Yes, it is. No, it is not.

  1. What are you going to wear?

I’ll wear…

  1. Do you like to wear jeans?

Yes, I do. I think they are quite comfortable.

  1. When do you usually wear them?

At the weekend or after school.

I wear jeans when I go on a picnic.






  1. Where does your family buy most of the food?

Our family buy most of the food in the supermarket (department store, shop, market).

  1. What things can you buy in the supermarket (at the market)?

We can buy in the supermarket …

  1. What would you like?

I’d like a kilo of ham and half a kilo of cheese/

  1. Anything else?

No, that’s all, thanks.

  1. What does she want to buy?

Olena wants to buy…

  1. What will you buy to eat? Why?

I will you buy an orange and a banana, because there are a lot of vitamins in fruits. Besides I like these fruits very much. They are tasty.

  1. Do you often go to the market?

Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

  1. What is very (not so) important to know when you buy something?

I thing.. To my mind… In my opinion…

To my mind, the price is not so important, when you want to buy good clothes to wear



A Talk “Let’s Have a Rest”


1. What do you like to do in your free time?

- I like to read books and go for a walk with my friend.

2. Do you often go to the theatre?

- Yes, I do. I often go…

- No, I don’t. I go to the theatre once a month.

3. Would you like to…

… go to the cinema on Monday?

… play football on…?

… go for a walk with me on.?

… go to …?

- I should like to…

4. What do you like to do on holidays?

- I like to do on holidays…

5. How long do you think school holidays should be?

- a week or less

- two weeks

- three weeks

- four weeks

- others…


I think…

6. Do you prefer one long holidays or several shorter ones?

I prefer…

7. What are your favourite TV shows?

My favourite TV shows is…

8. What are the titles of your favourite films (game shows, sports programmes, ets)?

The title of my favourite film is…


Використані джерела:


  1. Іноземні мови в сучасній школі. – 2012. - № 4. – С. 9-11.
  2. Elizabeth Gray – Virginia Evans. Welcome Starter B. Teacher’s book. Pupil’s Book. Workbook. Express Publishing, 2001.
  3. Felicity Hopkins. Get Ready! – 1. Teacher’s book. Oxford University Press, 2004. – P. 1-4.
  4. Електронні ресурси:







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