Підсумкові контрольні роботи

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Підсумкові контрольні роботи з англійської мови до підручника Карп'юк О. Д. 8 клас
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Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________ 1 semester


A compliment for a compliment

     A very rich painter did not have a family, but he had a dog that he loved like a son.

     The dog was ill – perhaps because the painter gave it too much food. The animal lay in the painter’s bed: it ate nothing, only drank a little water. The painter telephoned all the hospitals in the city, but when they heard that the patient was a dog, they refused to send a doctor.

     The painter was sure the dog’s life was in danger. He telephoned one of the best doctors in London, but he did not tell him who the patient was. When the doctor came, the painter said, “I know you are a great doctor, and you don’t take care of dogs. But this is very important to me, and I hope you will not refuse”.

     The doctor was angry, but he said nothing.

     The next day, the doctor telephoned the painter and asked him to come to his house. The painter was sure it about his dog. But the doctor, who met him at the door, said nothing about the dog. “I want to talk to you about my door”, he said. “I know you are a great painter, and you don’t paint the doors, but it is very important to me. I hope you will not refuse”.

     Task 1. Put “+” if the statement is true and “ – “ if the statement is false.

  1. A very rich painter had a family.
  2. The patient was the painter’s son.
  3. The doctor was angry.
  4. The doctor asked the painter to come to the hospital.
  5. The painter was sure it was about his picture.
  6. The doctor said nothing about the door.

 Task 2. Choose the correct variant.

  1. A painter had … .
  1. a son;                    b) a family;           c) a dog.
  1. The animal lay… .
  1. in the box;            b) under the bed;   c) in the bed.
  1. The doctor was … .
  1. glad;                     b) angry;                c) happy.
  1. The ill dog ate … .
  1. bread;                   b) meat;                 c) nothing.
  1. The patient was … .
  1. a painter;              b) a doctor;            c) a dog.
  1. The hospital refused to send… .
  1. a doctor;               b) a letter;              c) food.



Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________ 1 semester


Listen to the text “A compliment for a compliment” and do the tasks.


Task 1. Put “+” if the statement is true and “ – “ if the statement is false.

1. A very rich painter had a family. ____

2. The patient was the painter’s son. ____

3. The doctor was angry. ____

4. The doctor asked the painter to come to the hospital. ____

5. The painter was sure it was about his picture. ____

6. The doctor said nothing about the door. ____


 Task 2. Choose the correct variant.

1. A painter had … .                           a) a son;                    b) a family;           c) a dog.

2. The animal lay… .                          a) in the box;            b) under the bed;   c) in the bed.

3. The doctor was … .                        a) glad;                     b) angry;                c) happy.

4. The ill dog ate … .                          a) bread;                   b) meat;                 c) nothing.

5. The patient was … .                        a) a painter;              b) a doctor;            c) a dog.

6. The hospital refused to send… .     a) a doctor;               b) a letter;              c) food.





Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________ 1 semester


Listen to the text “A compliment for a compliment” and do the tasks.


Task 1. Put “+” if the statement is true and “ – “ if the statement is false.

1. A very rich painter had a family. ____

2. The patient was the painter’s son. ____

3. The doctor was angry. ____

4. The doctor asked the painter to come to the hospital. ____

5. The painter was sure it was about his picture. ____

6. The doctor said nothing about the door. ____


Task 2. Choose the correct variant.

1. A painter had … .                        a) a son;                    b) a family;           c) a dog.

2. The animal lay… .                       a) in the box;            b) under the bed;   c) in the bed.

3. The doctor was … .                     a) glad;                     b) angry;                c) happy.

4. The ill dog ate … .                       a) bread;                   b) meat;                 c) nothing.

5. The patient was … .                     a) a painter;              b) a doctor;            c) a dog.

6. The hospital refused to send… .   a) a doctor;               b) a letter;              c) food.


Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________ 2 semester

Jane Eyre

    A woman met me in Lowood school. She took my things and we walked to a big house. We went into the house. A teacher came and took me by the hand. The woman went away with my things and the teacher took me into a long room with a lot of large tables round it. Girls of nine to twelve years old sat on benches round the tables. They all had brown dresses on. It was dark and cold in the room.

    “Sit down on one of the benches”, said the teacher. “The girls are learning their lessons for tomorrow. They will soon finish and you will have supper. Then you will go to bed”.

     For supper we had a piece of bread and some water. After that we marched to the bedroom.

It was a large room with many beds. Two girls slept in each bed. In ten minutes the teacher took away the light.

     The night passed quickly. In the morning it was very cold in the room. We washed our faces in water with ice. Then we marched to the cold schoolroom where lessons began. We read the Bible and did exercises in our exercise-books. This lasted for an hour. Then we marched to another room for breakfast. After breakfast there was reading, writing, history and geography. Before dinner we went into the cold, windy garden for an hour.

    For dinner we had some bad meat and potatoes. I ate what I could. Then we marched back to the classroom and had our lessons till five o’clock.

    The next day began as before, but we could not wash. The water in the washroom was ice.

    During January, February and march there was much snow in the garden. We had no boots and could not walk far. The rooms were very cold. The food was bad and in spring many of the pupils were ill with typhus. In May Lowood school was a hospital. We had no lessons. Many pupils went home and died there. Some girls died in the school.


 Task 1. Put “+” if the statement is true and “ – “ if the statement is false.

-1. A man took my things.

-2. The teacher took me into a short room.

-3. Girls sat on chairs. It was very cold in the room.

-4. We didn’t go into the windy garden.

+5. The water in the washroom wasn’t warm.

+6. For dinner we had some bad meat and potatoes.


Task 2. Choose the correct variant.

1. The room was with many … .   a) chairs         b) windows        +c) tables

2. The girls were dressed in … .    +a) uniforms    b) dresses           c) skirts and blouses

3. We had a piece of bread … .     +a) for supper   b) for dinner      c) for lunch

4. We read … .                              +a) the Bible     b) the text          c) the book

5. In May school wasn’t … .         a) a sad place  b) a hospital      +c) a happy place

6. Many pupils didn’t … .             +a) feel fine       b) go home       c) go from the school to die




Listening Comprehension   8 form    Name, surname ______________ date ____ 2 semester

Jane Eyre

Task 1. Put “+” if the statement is true and “ – “ if the statement is false.

1. A man took my things.

2. The teacher took me into a short room.

3. Girls sat on chairs. It was very cold in the room.

4. We didn’t go into the windy garden.

5. The water in the washroom wasn’t warm.

6. For dinner we had some bad meat and potatoes.

Task 2. Choose the correct variant.

1. The room was with many … .   a) chairs         b) windows        c) tables

2. The girls were dressed in … .    a) uniforms    b) dresses           c) skirts and blouses

3. We had a piece of bread … .     a) for supper   b) for dinner      c) for lunch

4. We read … .                              a) the Bible     b) the text          c) the book

5. In May school wasn’t … .         a) a sad place  b) a hospital      c) a happy place

6. Many pupils didn’t … .             a) feel fine       b) go home       c) go from the school to die


Listening Comprehension 8 form    Name, surname ______________ date ____ 2 semester

Jane Eyre

Task 1. Put “+” if the statement is true and “ – “ if the statement is false.

1. A man took my things.

2. The teacher took me into a short room.

3. Girls sat on chairs. It was very cold in the room.

4. We didn’t go into the windy garden.

5. The water in the washroom wasn’t warm.

6. For dinner we had some bad meat and potatoes.

Task 2. Choose the correct variant.

1. The room was with many … .   a) chairs         b) windows        c) tables

2. The girls were dressed in … .    a) uniforms    b) dresses           c) skirts and blouses

3. We had a piece of bread … .     a) for supper   b) for dinner      c) for lunch

4. We read … .                              a) the Bible     b) the text          c) the book

5. In May school wasn’t … .         a) a sad place  b) a hospital      c) a happy place

6. Many pupils didn’t … .             a) feel fine       b) go home       c) go from the school to die



Listening Comprehension  8 form    Name, surname ______________ date ___ 2 semester

Jane Eyre

Task 1. Put “+” if the statement is true and “ – “ if the statement is false.

1. A man took my things.

2. The teacher took me into a short room.

3. Girls sat on chairs. It was very cold in the room.

4. We didn’t go into the windy garden.

5. The water in the washroom wasn’t warm.

6. For dinner we had some bad meat and potatoes.

Task 2. Choose the correct variant.

1. The room was with many … .   a) chairs         b) windows        c) tables

2. The girls were dressed in … .    a) uniforms    b) dresses           c) skirts and blouses

3. We had a piece of bread … .     a) for supper   b) for dinner      c) for lunch

4. We read … .                              a) the Bible     b) the text          c) the book

5. In May school wasn’t … .         a) a sad place  b) a hospital      c) a happy place

6. Many pupils didn’t … .             a) feel fine       b) go home       c) go from the school to die

Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________ 2 semester


Jane Eyre

Task 1. Put “+” if the statement is true and “ – “ if the statement is false.

1. A man took my things.

2. The teacher took me into a short room.

3. Girls sat on chairs. It was very cold in the room.

4. We didn’t go into the windy garden.

5. The water in the washroom wasn’t warm.

6. For dinner we had some bad meat and potatoes.


Task 2. Choose the correct variant.

1. The room was with many … .   a) chairs         b) windows        c) tables

2. The girls were dressed in … .    a) uniforms    b) dresses           c) skirts and blouses

3. We had a piece of bread … .     a) for supper   b) for dinner      c) for lunch

4. We read … .                              a) the Bible     b) the text          c) the book

5. In May school wasn’t … .         a) a sad place  b) a hospital      c) a happy place

6. Many pupils didn’t … .             a) feel fine       b) go home       c) go from the school to die







Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________2 semester


Jane Eyre

Task 1. Put “+” if the statement is true and “ – “ if the statement is false.

1. A man took my things.

2. The teacher took me into a short room.

3. Girls sat on chairs. It was very cold in the room.

4. We didn’t go into the windy garden.

5. The water in the washroom wasn’t warm.

6. For dinner we had some bad meat and potatoes.


Task 2. Choose the correct variant.

1. The room was with many … .   a) chairs         b) windows        c) tables

2. The girls were dressed in … .    a) uniforms    b) dresses           c) skirts and blouses

3. We had a piece of bread … .     a) for supper   b) for dinner      c) for lunch

4. We read … .                              a) the Bible     b) the text          c) the book

5. In May school wasn’t … .         a) a sad place  b) a hospital      c) a happy place

6. Many pupils didn’t … .             a) feel fine       b) go home       c) go from the school to die


Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________ 1 semester

T: Listen to the text and do the tasks.

Eddy: Hey, I hear you and Melanie are really getting serious.

Brian: Yeah, I think she’ll be impressed with my new exercise program.

Eddy: What? What are you talking about? What exercise program? What did you tell her?

Brian: Well, you know, I enjoy keeping. First, I generally get up every morning at 5.30 a.m.

Eddy: Oh, yeah. Since when? You don’t roll out of bed until at least 7.30 p.m.

Brian: No, no, and on Mondays and Wednesdays, …

Eddy: Ah, not another unbelievable story …

Brian: I almost always go jogging for about a half hour, you know, to improve my endurance.

Eddy: Hey, jogging to the refrigerator for a glass of milk doesn’t count.

Brian: Of course, before I leave, I usually make sure I do some stretches so I don’t pull a muscle on my run.

Eddy: Right. A couple of jumps.

Brian: Then, I told her that I usually lift weights on Tuesdays and Thursdays for about an hour after work.

Eddy: Really?

Brian: This helps me build muscle strength.

Eddy: A one - kilo barbell.

Brian: Finally, I often go hiking on Saturdays with my dog and I like hiking because it helps me burn off stress that builds up during the week.

Eddy: Oh yeah, those lies.

Brian: Well, as for Fridays, I sometimes just relax at home by watching a movie or inviting you over to visit.

Eddy: If I buy the pizza.

Brian: And on Sundays, I take the day off from exercising, but I usually take my dog for a walk.

Eddy: Forget it. She’ll never buy this story.


1. What does the man usually do on Mondays and Wednesdays?

a) He runs      b) He plays tennis      c) He does aerobics 

2. What does the man do before the activity in Question 1?

a) He swims      b) He does push-ups      c) He stretches 

3. Why does the man lift weights?

a) To strengthen his muscles      b) To improve his endurance      c) To increase his flexibility 

4. Why does the man go hiking on Saturdays?

a) It helps him get rid of his worries from the week

b) Hiking allows him to burn off weight from overeating

c) Walking with his dog provides opportunities to enjoy nature

5. What does the man do on Sundays?

a) He relaxes and watches TV      b) He goes for a walk      c) He goes swimming  


Key: 1a, 2c, 3a, 4a, 5b.


Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________ 1 semester

T: Listen to the text and do the tasks.

1. What does the man usually do on Mondays and Wednesdays?

a) He runs      b) He plays tennis      c) He does aerobics 

2. What does the man do before the activity in Question 1?

a) He swims      b) He does push-ups      c) He stretches 

3. Why does the man lift weights?

a) To strengthen his muscles      b) To improve his endurance      c) To increase his flexibility 

4. Why does the man go hiking on Saturdays?

a) It helps him get rid of his worries from the week

b) Hiking allows him to burn off weight from overeating

c) Walking with his dog provides opportunities to enjoy nature

5. What does the man do on Sundays?

a) He relaxes and watches TV      b) He goes for a walk      c) He goes swimming  


Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________ 1 semester

T: Listen to the text and do the tasks.

1. What does the man usually do on Mondays and Wednesdays?

a) He runs      b) He plays tennis      c) He does aerobics 

2. What does the man do before the activity in Question 1?

a) He swims      b) He does push-ups      c) He stretches 

3. Why does the man lift weights?

a) To strengthen his muscles      b) To improve his endurance      c) To increase his flexibility 

4. Why does the man go hiking on Saturdays?

a) It helps him get rid of his worries from the week

b) Hiking allows him to burn off weight from overeating

c) Walking with his dog provides opportunities to enjoy nature

5. What does the man do on Sundays?

a) He relaxes and watches TV      b) He goes for a walk      c) He goes swimming  

Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________ 1 semester

T: Listen to the text and do the tasks.

1. What does the man usually do on Mondays and Wednesdays?

a) He runs      b) He plays tennis      c) He does aerobics 

2. What does the man do before the activity in Question 1?

a) He swims      b) He does push-ups      c) He stretches 

3. Why does the man lift weights?

a) To strengthen his muscles      b) To improve his endurance      c) To increase his flexibility 

4. Why does the man go hiking on Saturdays?

a) It helps him get rid of his worries from the week

b) Hiking allows him to burn off weight from overeating

c) Walking with his dog provides opportunities to enjoy nature

5. What does the man do on Sundays?

a) He relaxes and watches TV      b) He goes for a walk      c) He goes swimming  

Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________ 2 semester

Mass Media

    The mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in the world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views. Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively, but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information.

    It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren’t interesting in the ordinary events. That is why there are so any programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and roberries. Good news doesn’t usually make headlines. Bad news does.

    Some people say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on people’s private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments. The question is – should this be allowed?

    The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that’s an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it’s much more difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of newspapers.

    Still, many people prefer the radio. It’s good to listen to the radio in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house.

    Newspapers don’t react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information.

    The internet has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don’t have to wait for news time on TV.

I. True or False.

F 1. Three sources of information are mentioned in this article.

F 2. All the mass media report all events objectively.

T 3. People would like to know about extra ordinary events.

T 4. People are sure that journalists are given too much freedom.

T 5. Newspapers give us more details about events than TV.

F 6. TV reacts to events as quickly as the internet.

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. The mass media gives us the opportunity ______b__________ .

a) to find a job    b) to see the world    c) to do homework

2. People prefer to know about ________a_______ . a) bad news    b) good news    c) all news 

3. To attract people’s attention to their reports some journalists write ______c_______ about celebrities.           a) ordinary stories    b) true stories    c) untrue stories

4. People prefer TV because they can ________a__________ .   

a) see everything    b) feel everything    c) touch everything

5. When some people have picnics they enjoy _____b_______ .

 a) TV news    b) radio    c) reading newspapers 

6. When you see the internet you get the news _________b___________ .

a) in a day    b) just after appearing them    c) simultaneously with TV news 

Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________ 2 semester

Mass Media

I. True or False.

___1. Three sources of information are mentioned in this article.

___2. All the mass media report all events objectively.

___3. People would like to know about extra ordinary events.

___4. People are sure that journalists are given too much freedom.

___5. Newspapers give us more details about events than TV.

___6. TV reacts to events as quickly as the internet.

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. The mass media gives us the opportunity ________________ .

a) to find a job    b) to see the world    c) to do homework

2. People prefer to know about _______________ . a) bad news    b) good news    c) all news 

3. To attract people’s attention to their reports some journalists write _____________ about celebrities.           a) ordinary stories    b) true stories    c) untrue stories

4. People prefer TV because they can __________________ .   

a) see everything    b) feel everything    c) touch everything

5. When some people have picnics they enjoy ____________ .

 a) TV news    b) radio    c) reading newspapers 

6. When you see the internet you get the news ____________________ .

a) in a day    b) just after appearing them    c) simultaneously with TV news 



Listening Comprehension

8 form    Name, surname ____________________________ date ______________ 2 semester

Mass Media

I. True or False.

___1. Three sources of information are mentioned in this article.

___2. All the mass media report all events objectively.

___3. People would like to know about extra ordinary events.

___4. People are sure that journalists are given too much freedom.

___5. Newspapers give us more details about events than TV.

___6. TV reacts to events as quickly as the internet.

II. Choose the correct answer.

1. The mass media gives us the opportunity ________________ .

a) to find a job    b) to see the world    c) to do homework

2. People prefer to know about _____________ . a) bad news    b) good news    c) all news 

3. To attract people’s attention to their reports some journalists write _____________ about celebrities.           a) ordinary stories    b) true stories    c) untrue stories

4. People prefer TV because they can __________________ .   

a) see everything    b) feel everything    c) touch everything

5. When some people have picnics they enjoy ____________ .

a) TV news    b) radio    c) reading newspapers 

6. When you see the internet you get the news ____________________ .

a) in a day    b) just after appearing them    c) simultaneously with TV news 



Перегляд файлу


Reading  Form 8    I semester  Name, surname ___________________________ Date _____


I. Match the problems with the advice.

  1. My sister always takes my CDs without permission. Last week she took them to a party and lost three of them.
  2. My eyes hurt me a lot and I can’t see the blackboard at school.
  3. I’ve lost three books from our school library. I think I left them on the train. I’m scared to tell Mr. Jones (he’s my teaсher).
  4. My mother bought me a horrible shirt for my birthday. She thinks I like it and now she wants me to wear it to the party. Help!
  5. I used to like a band called “The Babes” but now I hate them. I’ve removed the posters from my bedroom wall but I’ve still got Babes curtains. They were very expensive and Mum says I can’t have any new ones.



a)   Be honest and tell her the truth! I’m sure she will understand.

b)   Come on! Be brave. We all do things like that sometimes. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be humans.

c)   If I were you, I’d hide them in a secret place.

d)   Why not? You can get some really cool ones these days.

e)    Would you be able to find some little jobs and earn some money? Then you should play for books yourself.



II. Read the article. Then match the numbered paragraphs to the summary sentences.

How to stop being a bully

    Bullying is a problem in schools from Norway to New Zealand. That’s the bad news. Now here’s the good new … bullies can learn to stop bullying and make better, more positive relationships. Here’s how.

  1. Not everyone needs to bully and control other people. Watch others and ask yourself this question: “What can I learn from their behavior?”
  2. Are you a bully because someone in your life bullies you? If the answer’s “yes”, then you understand how painful bulling can be. How do you want to be treated? Start trying not to treat other people like to want them to treat you.
  3. Why not express your energy and aggression in new ways, for example, through sport?
  4. It’s not the end of the word if someone disagrees with you. Try to see things from their point of view. Sometimes other people’s ideas are different but not wrong.
  5. Real leaders don’t have to dominate and control other people. Try to develop your leadership skills in a new way. Join a club, for example, or help young people in your local community.


  1. Who are your heroes? Do they solve their problems by force? If so, look for new ones with different kinds of strength.
  2. Why do your victims make you angry? Is it because they’re different from you? Try not to be frightened by differences in other people (or in yourself). Everyone is special and unique.
  3. Does bullying make you look ‘big’ in front of your friends? Well, you can get that feeling in other ways, too. Three examples are sport, acting and music.
  4. When and where do you bully people? Avoid these situations.
  5.  Ask for help. Talk to a teacher or a relative, for example. Ask her/ him for advice and support. Remember – you can change.


  1.  Don’t worry if people are different.
  2. Find an alternative energetic activity to do.
  3. Find other ways to gain respect.
  4. Don’t copy bullying behavior.
  5. Don’t go to places where you may bully.
  6. Find good people to admire.
  7. Get some help and advice.
  8. Bullies can learn from ordinary people.
  9. Find different ways to influence.
  10. It doesn’t matter if people don’t agree with you.





































Reading  Form 8    I semester  Name, surname ___________________________ Date _____

T: Read the text and do the tasks.

Love to languages

    Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher. He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries. Since then he has specialized in this work.

    First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessens.

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Bernard Berg is _____________ .       a) a teacher    b) a professor    c) a student

2. At school he was good at _____________ .   a) languages    b) mathematics    c) biology

3. Bernard Berg studied in ______________ .   a) Cambridge    b) Oxford    c) Eton

4. He was offered to work as a teacher __________________ .

a) two years later    b) three years later    c) four years later

5. He was offered to work during __________________ .

a) autumn holidays    b) winter holidays    c) summer holidays

6. Bernard Berg specialized in teaching ________________________________ .

a) geography of different countries     b) economy of different countries    c) languages of different countries    Key: 1b, 2a,3b, 4a, 5c,6c.

T: Read some pieces of advice and match them with the following statements.

a) Do not study all night before the exam.

b) Make your room comfortable for sleeping.

c) Do not exercise before going to bed.

d) Limit things that make you nervous.

e) Wake up with bright light.

f) Set a regular bedtime.


1. Going to bed at the same time each night signals to your body that it’s time to sleep. Waking up at the same time every day can also help to set sleep patterns. So try to do the same even at weekends. Don’t go to sleep more than an hour later or wake up more than 2 or 3 hours later than you do during the week.

2. Try not to exercise right before bed, as it can raise your body temperature and wake you up. Sleep experts believe that exercising five or six hours before bedtime (in late afternoon) may actually help a reason to sleep.

3. Do not watch violent, frightening or action films or TV shows or listen to loud music right before bed – anything that might keep you awake.

4. Don’t wait until the night before a big test to study. If you limit sleeping the night before a test, you may perform worse at the exam. It is better to study less but get more sleep.

5. Studies show that people sleep best in a dark room that is on the cool side. Close your curtains (and make sure they are heavy enough to block out light) and turn down the thermostat in your room.

Key: 1f, 2c, 3d,4a,5b.


Reading  Form 8    I semester  Name, surname ___________________________ Date _____

T: Read the text and do the tasks.

Love to languages

    Bernard Berg, Professor of Linguistics, started as an English language teacher. He was always good at languages at school, so he decided to take his degree in French and German first. When he finished his university studies in Oxford he began teaching in a secondary school in England. Two years later, however, he met someone by chance who offered him a job teaching English to foreign students during the long summer holidays. His students were adults and he enjoyed the work greatly. He soon found he was interested in languages of different countries. Since then he has specialized in this work.

    First he went to Africa for two years and then he spent a year in Spain. After that he went to Italy where he worked for three years. He hasn’t been to South America yet but he plans to go there next. He has taught men and women of all ages and of all nationalities. He has also learnt to get on with people of all walks of life. Now he is a writer but his interest in foreign languages never lessens.

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Bernard Berg is _____________ .       a) a teacher    b) a professor    c) a student

2. At school he was good at _____________ .   a) languages    b) mathematics    c) biology

3. Bernard Berg studied in ______________ .   a) Cambridge    b) Oxford    c) Eton

4. He was offered to work as a teacher __________________ .

a) two years later    b) three years later    c) four years later

5. He was offered to work during __________________ .

a) autumn holidays    b) winter holidays    c) summer holidays

6. Bernard Berg specialized in teaching ________________________________ .

a) geography of different countries     b) economy of different countries    c) languages of different countries   


T: Read some pieces of advice and match them with the following statements.

a) Do not study all night before the exam.

b) Make your room comfortable for sleeping.

c) Do not exercise before going to bed.

d) Limit things that make you nervous.

e) Wake up with bright light.

f) Set a regular bedtime.


1. Going to bed at the same time each night signals to your body that it’s time to sleep. Waking up at the same time every day can also help to set sleep patterns. So try to do the same even at weekends. Don’t go to sleep more than an hour later or wake up more than 2 or 3 hours later than you do during the week.

2. Try not to exercise right before bed, as it can raise your body temperature and wake you up. Sleep experts believe that exercising five or six hours before bedtime (in late afternoon) may actually help a reason to sleep.

3. Do not watch violent, frightening or action films or TV shows or listen to loud music right before bed – anything that might keep you awake.

4. Don’t wait until the night before a big test to study. If you limit sleeping the night before a test, you may perform worse at the exam. It is better to study less but get more sleep.

5. Studies show that people sleep best in a dark room that is on the cool side. Close your curtains (and make sure they are heavy enough to block out light) and turn down the thermostat in your room.

Reading  Form 8    II semester  Name, surname _______________________ Date _____

T: Read the text and do the tasks.

The electric guitar

    The first electric guitar was made by Adolph Rickenbacker in the USA in 1931. It was called a “Frying Pan” because it was made of aluminium. The “Frying Pan” was played horizontally, on a person’s lap (much like today’s steel guitar). Experts say that it sounded quite modern and aggressive.

    Like most new things the electric guitar had its critics who said that the instrument had no future. But the electric guitar quickly won people over because it allowed musicians to play much more creatively and expressively.

A symbol of rebellion

    In the 1950s, the electric guitar became rock’n’roll’s main instrument. Musicians like Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley introduced a new style and attitude, and young people wanted to look like them. For the first time teenagers started wearing jeans, T-shirts and leather jackets. The electric guitar became a symbol of freedom, independence and rebellion.

Guitar stars

    In the 1960s, electric guitarists in British groups like the Beatles and the Rolling Stones became the superstars of rock. Teenagers imitated them. They stood in front of mirrors and used tennis racquets as guitars. With mass production of guitars, people could finally buy them.

New sounds

    Live performances in large halls and open-air concerts demanded volume and spectacular effects, and musicians started experimenting with their guitars. George Harrison of the Beatles and Roger McGuinn of the Byrds started playing 12-string guitars.

    Jimi Hendrix, considered by many to be the greatest ever rock guitarist, experimented with the Fender electric guitar to make strange and original sounds. Hendrix was famous for throwing his guitars, smashing them and setting them on fire. He said, “Sometimes I jump on my guitar, and sometimes I play the guitar with teeth”. In 1969. Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin introduces a way of playing the guitar with a violin bow. He also started playing the double – neck guitar (instead of using two instruments).

    In the 1970s and 1980s, musicians continued experimenting. They made louder and faster music, with long guitar solos. Their new musical vocabulary became known as “heavy metal”. At the same time, punk bands in Britain thought it was cool to play the guitar badly. It was part of their rebel image.

I. True or False.

___1. Electric guitars appeared in the first half of the twentieth century.

___2. People enjoyed them because of their design.

___3. The electric guitar changed the whole music world.

___4. The electric guitar became the instrument for calm music lovers.

___5. Jimi Hendrix was very careful with his instruments.

___6. New sounds were the result of experiments.

___7. All the musicians played the guitars only in a proper way.

II. Answer the questions.

1. Why did it sound unusual? ______________________________________________________

2. How did the electric guitar influence young people? __________________________________

3. What style does the electric guitar represent? ________________________________________

4. What did the guitarists do to improve sounding? _____________________________________

5. What did the electric guitar symbolize at that time? ___________________________________





Перегляд файлу

Writing  Form 8    I semester  Name, surname _______________________ Date ______


I. Vocabulary. Underline the correct adjective.

1. She is patient/ impatient. She doesn’t mind waiting.

2. He is funny/ serious. He always tells jokes.

3. She is generous/ mean. She always spends money on other people.

4. To get a higher university/ education students have to enter an education/ a university.

5. Sixteen-year-old children go to secondary/ primary school.

6. It’s important for students to take a(an) workshop/ exam and pass it well.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. Tim _______________ (play) football when he _________ (fall) and hurt his leg.

2. Simon was working on his computer while James ______________ (talk) on the phone.

3. Frank ________________ (write) a report while his boss ______________ (read) the papers.

4. Sandra ________________ (watch) TV when her mum _________ (get) home.

5. It ______________ (rain) and a lightning _______________ (flash) in the sky as Lisa was driving to the station.

6. The children _________________ (do) their homework while their parents ______________ (pack) the bags.

II. Write a short e-mail to a pen friend describing yourself.

Include this information:

-your name and age;

-where you are from;

-your personality;

-your hobbies and interests.


Writing  form 8    I semester  Name, surname ___________________________ Date _____

I. Vocabulary. Underline the correct adjective.

1. She is patient/ impatient. She doesn’t mind waiting. 2. He is funny/ serious. He always tells jokes. 3. She is generous/ mean. She always spends money on other people. 4. To get a higher university/ education students have to enter an education/ a university. 5. Sixteen-year-old children go to secondary/ primary school. 6. It’s important for students to take a(an) workshop/ exam and pass it well.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. Tim _____________ (play) football when he ________(fall) and hurt his leg. 2. Simon was working on his computer while James _____________(talk) on the phone. 3. Frank _______ _________ (write) a report while his boss ______________ (read) the papers. 4. Sandra ________________ (watch) TV when her mum _________ (get) home. 5. It ______________ (rain) and a lightning _______________ (flash) in the sky as Lisa was driving to the station. 6. The children _________________ (do) their homework while their parents ______________ (pack) the bags.

II. Write a short e-mail to a pen friend describing yourself.

Include this information: -your name and age; -where you are from; -your personality; -your hobbies and interests.__________________________________________________________



Writing  form 8    I semester  Name, surname ________________________ Date _____

I. Vocabulary. Underline the correct adjective.

1. She is patient/ impatient. She doesn’t mind waiting. 2. He is funny/ serious. He always tells jokes. 3. She is generous/ mean. She always spends money on other people. 4. To get a higher university/ education students have to enter an education/ a university. 5. Sixteen-year-old children go to secondary/ primary school. 6. It’s important for students to take a(an) workshop/ exam and pass it well.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. Tim _____________ (play) football when he ________(fall) and hurt his leg. 2. Simon was working on his computer while James _____________(talk) on the phone. 3. Frank _______ _________ (write) a report while his boss ______________ (read) the papers. 4. Sandra ________________ (watch) TV when her mum _________ (get) home. 5. It ______________ (rain) and a lightning _______________ (flash) in the sky as Lisa was driving to the station. 6. The children _________________ (do) their homework while their parents ______________ (pack) the bags.

II. Write a short e-mail to a pen friend describing yourself.

Include this information: -your name and age; -where you are from; -your personality; -your hobbies and interests.__________________________________________________________


Writing  form 8    I semester  Name, surname ________________________ Date _____

I. Imagine that your friend spends a lot of time in front of the computer or TV. At the same time he/she complains of headache and tiredness. Give him/her some recommendations using the ideas below. Can you add your own ideas?

-to shorten the time in front of TV.

-to go for a walk.

-to spend less time playing or working on the computer.

-to consult with the doctor.

II. Write an essay.

  • Are you an easy-going person? Do you get on well with your classmates? Do you have friends?
  • Do you have a close friend?
  • Describe your relations with your friends. Do you have the same interests and hobbies? Can you rely on him/ her in a difficult situation?
  • How often do you quarrel? Are these quarrels usually serious? How can you avoid quarrels and disagreements? Do you want to improve anything in your relations?



Writing  form 8    I semester  Name, surname ________________________ Date _____

I. Imagine that your friend spends a lot of time in front of the computer or TV. At the same time he/she complains of headache and tiredness. Give him/her some recommendations using the ideas below. Can you add your own ideas?

-to shorten the time in front of TV.

-to go for a walk.

-to spend less time playing or working on the computer.

-to consult with the doctor.

II. Write an essay.

  • Are you an easy-going person? Do you get on well with your classmates? Do you have friends?
  • Do you have a close friend?
  • Describe your relations with your friends. Do you have the same interests and hobbies? Can you rely on him/ her in a difficult situation?
  • How often do you quarrel? Are these quarrels usually serious? How can you avoid quarrels and disagreements? Do you want to improve anything in your relations?


Writing  form 8    II semester  Name, surname ________________________ Date _____

Choose any topic you like and write a short paragraph.

1. Is it possible to live without books for you?

2. Imagine you are a singer. Write a paragraph about your work and how you like to relax.

3. Describe the location of a place. Use the following prompts:

-is situated/ is located…

-in the south/ east/ west/ south-east/ etc. of…

-on the south/ east/ etc. coast of …

-in the centre/ heart/ middle of …

-things to see






Writing  form 8    II semester  Name, surname ________________________ Date _____

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the past tense, passive voice.

1. This book _______________ by Charles Dickens. (write) 2. The man __________________ by a reporter. (interview) 3. These stories ________________ by the editor. (choose) 4. The photographs _______________ by Phil. (take) 5. The prize ____________ by Mary. (won)

6. The massage _______________ to the news by editor. (send)

II. Underline the correct form of the verbs.

1. Mike always goes/ is going to football training on Saturdays.

2. When I woke up yesterday morning it rained/ was raining.

3. We have/ are having dinner with some friends tonight.

4. Don’t worry about missing the film – I am download/ are downloading it at the moment.

5. Natasha was watching/ watched a documentary when I phoned her.

6. We always left/ are leaving school early on Fridays last year.

III. Articles. Choose the correct answer.

1. It took three days to cross _______________ .

a) the Sweden        b) the Mount Helena        c) the Atlantic Ocean

2. She plays ____________ every day.    a) the piano         b) the basketball           c) guitar

3. My brother hopes to become ____________ .  

a) a pilot          b) the nurse           c) train driver

4. I haven’t been to __________ recently.    a) doctor’s         b) the dentist’s         c) the optician 

5. They’re going to town by ___________ .       a) train          b) car            c) bus 

6. We’re flying to _______________ next week. 

a) the Australia            b) Sydney             c) Mediterranean   





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