Підсумкові контрольні роботи 6 клас 1 і 2 семестр

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Підсумкові контрольні роботи з англійської мови 6 клас 1 і 2 семестр. Контроль навичок читання, письма, аудіювання.
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Form 6     Writing      Name, surname ______________  I semester     1 variant

I. Mark the correct question word to complete the sentence.

What, How, Who, Whose

1._____ is her nickname?    2. _____  plays computer games every day?

3. _____  pencil is it?           4. _____  old is your brother?

II. Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence:  go, play, do.

1. The boys ____ swimming in summer. 2. My sisters ____ aerobics on Mondays and Wednesdays. 3. He doesn’t _____ football, but likes watching it on TV.

III. Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence: but, so, and, because.

1. The teacher was ready to help me, ________ I told her what the problem was.

2. I do not like watching football on TV, ________ I love playing it.

3. We didn’t play football yesterday, ________ Tom had forgotten the ball at home.

4. I tried on my new sneakers _________ they suited me perfectly.

IV. Write down some sentences on the topic: “My favourite sport.”



Form 6     Writing    Name, surname _______________  I semester   2 variant

I. Mark the correct question word to complete the sentence.

What, When, Whom, Whose

1. _____ is her nickname?      2. _____ does  she look like?

3. _____ is her birthday?        4. _____ dog is the biggest?

II. Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence:  go, play, do.

1. Why don’t you ____ fencing? 2. He doesn’t ____ athletics, but he plays chess.

3. We ____ tennis twice a week.

III. Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence: but, so, and, because.

1. The teacher was ready to help me, _______ I told her what the problem was.

2. Football is popular all over the world, _______ the home of this game is England.

3. Last summer Mark played for that club, _______ his team won several prizes.

4. British people do not often play hokey in England, ________ the winter is not very cold there.

IV. Write down some sentences on the topic: “My favourite sport.”


Form 6     Writing    Name, surname ______________  II semester     1 variant

I. Put the words into the correct order. Use “going to”.

1. I/ it/ rain/ think/ going/ don’t/ is/ to___________________________________________

2. to/ you/ going/ holidays/ are/ go/ on/ Where/ ?__________________________________

3. tell/ name/ you/ going/ his/ not/ I’m/ to________________________________________

II. Choose “much” or “many”.

1. How _________ people are you expecting? 2. How _________ money do you want for this? 3. I like that dress very _________ .

III. Complete with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple of each verb in brackets.

1. “This is my house.”  “How long have you lived here?” “I _______________ (live) here since 1997.” 2. I left home at 8.00 a.m. and I __________ (get) here at 12.00 p.m.

3. I ___________________ (not; see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.

IV. Put in “the” where necessary.

1. She went to _____ United Kingdom to study English.  2. _____ Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 3. Does _____ England have many big cities?

V. Write down a letter to your friend and tell about your last trip.____________________


Form 6     Writing    Name, surname ______________  II semester     2 variant

I. Put the words into the correct order. Use “going to”.

1. Victoria/ holidays/ go/ on/ to/ isn’t/ going/______________________________________

2. to/ you/ going/ holidays/ are/ go/ on/ Where/ ?__________________________________

3. do/ homework/ my/ going/ not/ I’m/ to________________________________________

II. Choose “much” or “many”.

1. Do you have ________ work to do? 2. Please be quick. I don’t have _______ time to spare. 3. I have got so_______ stories to tell you .

III. Complete with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple of each verb in brackets.

1. He lived in London for two years and then he ________ (go) to Edinburgh.

2. I can’t go out because I _____________________ (not finish) my work yet.

3. Here are your shoes. I _______________________ (just/clean) them.

IV. Put in “the” where necessary.

1. _____ Australia is a really enormous place. 2. Say hello to ____ Peter and _____ Mary.

3. They went to ______ Philippines on their holidays.

V. Write down a letter to your friend and tell about your last trip._____________________



Form 6     Writing    Name, surname ______________  II semester     1 variant

I. Put the words into the correct order. Use “going to”.

  1. I/ it/ rain/ think/ going/ don’t/ is/ to______________________________________


  1. to/ you/ going/ holidays/ are/ go/ on/ Where/ ?______________________________


  1. tell/ name/ you/ going/ his/ not/ I’m/ to_____________________________________


II. Choose “much” or “many”.

  1. How _________ people are you expecting?
  2. How _________ money do you want for this?
  3. I like that dress very _________ .

III. Complete with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple of each verb in brackets.

  1. “This is my house.”  “How long have you lived here?” “I _______________ (live) here since 1997.”
  2. I left home at 8.00 a.m. and I __________ (get) here at 12.00 p.m.
  3. I ________________ (not; see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.

IV. Put in “the” where necessary.

  1. She went to _____ United Kingdom to study English.
  2. _____ Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
  3. Does _____ England have many big cities?

V. Write down a letter to your friend and tell about your last trip.




Form 6     Writing    Name, surname ______________  II semester     2 variant

I. Put the words into the correct order. Use “going to”.

  1. Victoria/ holidays/ go/ on/ to/ isn’t/ going/_________________________________


  1. to/ you/ going/ holidays/ are/ go/ on/ Where/ ?_______________________________


  1. do/ homework/ my/ going/ not/ I’m/ to_____________________________________


II. Choose “much” or “many”.

  1. Do you have ________ work to do?
  2. Please be quick. I don’t have _______ time to spare.
  3. I have got so_______ stories to tell you .

III. Complete with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple of each verb in brackets.

  1. He lived in London for two years and then he ________ (go) to Edinburgh.
  2. I can’t go out because I _____________________ (not finish) my work yet.
  3. Here are your shoes. I ______________________ (just/clean) them.

IV. Put in “the” where necessary.

  1. _____ Australia is a really enormous place.
  2. Say hello to ____ Peter and _____ Mary.
  3. They went to ______ Philippines on their holidays.

V. Write down a letter to your friend and tell about your last trip.





Form 6     Writing    Name, surname ______________  II semester     1 variant

I. Put the words into the correct order. Use “going to”.

1. I/ it/ rain/ think/ going/ don’t/ is/ to___________________________________________

2. to/ you/ going/ holidays/ are/ go/ on/ Where/ ?__________________________________

3. tell/ name/ you/ going/ his/ not/ I’m/ to________________________________________

II. Choose “much” or “many”.

1. How _________ people are you expecting? 2. How _________ money do you want for this? 3. I like that dress very _________ .

III. Complete with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple of each verb in brackets.

1. “This is my house.”  “How long have you lived here?” “I _______________ (live) here since 1997.” 2. I left home at 8.00 a.m. and I __________ (get) here at 12.00 p.m. 3. I ___________________ (not; see) him for three years. I wonder where he is.

IV. Put in “the” where necessary.

1. She went to _____ United Kingdom to study English.  2. _____ Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 3. Does _____ England have many big cities?

V. Write down a letter to your friend and tell about your last trip.



Form 6     Writing    Name, surname ______________  II semester     2 variant

I. Put the words into the correct order. Use “going to”.

1. Victoria/ holidays/ go/ on/ to/ isn’t/ going/_________________________________

2. to/ you/ going/ holidays/ are/ go/ on/ Where/ ?_______________________________

3. do/ homework/ my/ going/ not/ I’m/ to_____________________________________

II. Choose “much” or “many”.

1. Do you have ________ work to do? 2. Please be quick. I don’t have _______ time to spare. 3. I have got so_______ stories to tell you .

III. Complete with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple of each verb in brackets.

1. He lived in London for two years and then he ________ (go) to Edinburgh.  2. I can’t go out because I _________________ (not finish) my work yet. 3. Here are your shoes. I ____________________ (just/clean) them.

IV. Put in “the” where necessary.

1. _____ Australia is a really enormous place. 2. Say hello to ____ Peter and _____ Mary.

3. They went to ______ Philippines on their holidays.

V. Write down a letter to your friend and tell about your last trip.




Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 2
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Карась Лідія
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Шишка Роман Дмитрович
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
19 лютого 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (2 відгука)
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