Підсумковий тест "Magic box"

Про матеріал
Підсумковий тест з теми дає змогу пригадати всі види ЗМІ англійською мовою. Він також містить граматичний матеріал (відносні займенники). Матеріали тесту відповідають чинній програмі.
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1.          Newspapers, magazines, televison,radio and the Internet together

imageimage               а) facts                                                                                                   б) the Internet

                в) the news                                                                                           г) mass media

2.          Find a synonym for the word "TV commercial"

imageimage                 а) TV serial                                                                                           б) soap opera

                 в) TV news                                                                                           г) TV adverts

д) TV programme

3.          The Internet is one of the most powerful educational ...

imageimage                а) websites                                                                                          б) tools

                в) blogs                                                                                                 г) criteria

4.          A programme about animals and plants is ...

imageimage                 а) A weather forecast                                                                      б) news

                в) A wildlife programme                                                                   г) A cartoon

д) A reality TV

5.          That is the woman____________daughter got 12 points Maths test.

imageimage               а) who                                                                                                    б) whose

               в) that                                                                                                     г) which

6.          The pair of Ukrainian scientists, __________ have studied dolphins for years, claim that they have recorded a conversation between two of the animals.

imageimage               а) who                                                                                                   б) where

               в) when                                                                                                 г) which

д) whose

7.          oin the sentences with who, which, where or whose.

Betty wants to go to the zoo. Her birthday is on Saturday.

imageа) Betty, which birthday is on Saturday, wants image  б) Betty, whose birthday is on Saturday, wants to go to the zoo.          to go to the zoo.

в) Betty, who birthday is on Saturday, wants to go to the zoo.

8.          To write about your activities and opinions on the net so that other people can read and discuss them.

imageimage                а) to blog                                                                                              б) to connect

               в) to surf                                                                                                г) to download

9.          This reality...... attracted large audience.

imageimage                 а) programme                                                                                    б) show

                 в)  advertisement                                                                              г) news

               д) films                                                                                                    е) soap opera

10.      A film made by photographing a series of drawings to give the illusion of movement

imageimageа) б) a cartoon a movie

в) a thriller г) a comedy programme д) a documentary

11.      I remember the day........   I saw her in our town.

imageimage               а) that                                                                                                    б) when

               в) where                                                                                                г) who

               д) whose                                                                                               е) why

12.      I don't know .... you live.

imageimage               а) when                                                                                                 б) where

               в) why                                                                                                    г) who

д) whose

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