"Письменники англомовних країн" урок брейн ринг для 8 класу

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матеріал про біографічні факти письменників англомовних країн для підвищення інтелектуального рівня учнів
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 Урок брейн-ринг у 8 класі

на тему «Письменники англомовних країн»

Цілі: повторити і систематизувати знання учнів про деякі біографічні факти письменників; надати учням додаткову інформацію за темою з метою підвищення їх загального інтелектуального рівня; розвивати індивідуальні творчі здібності учнів, розвивати навички і вміння працювати в групі; продовжувати навчати сприймати на слух повідомлення однокласників; удосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, говоріння, письма; виховувати повагу до літератури народу, мова якого вивчається; виховувати почуття взаємодопомоги та взаємопідтримки; прищеплювати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: постери видатних англійських письменників, роздавальні картки із завданням, комп’ютер, тест, мультимедійна дошка.

Тип уроку: комбінований

Хід уроку

І. Вступна частина

If you want to be famous after you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing. No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting.

T. The topic of today’s lesson is “Writers of English-speaking countries”.

By the end of the lesson you will be able to: recognize, understand, enrich and use vocabulary on the topic; develop your ability of speaking on the spot on the basis of information that you’ve read and heard.

ІІ. Warming-up

Now, tell me please, what proverbs and saying about book do you know?

Choose an author as you choose a friend.— Вибирай письменника, як вибираєш Друга.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.— He суди про книжку за її обкладинкою.

A room without books is a body without soul.— Кімната без книги що тіло без душі.

There is no friend so faithful as a good book.— Немає друга вірнішого, ніж гарна книга.

Wear the old coat and buy a new book.— Носи старий одяг, але купуй нову книгу.

ІІІ. Основна частина уроку

  1. We shall start our lesson with a puzzle “Literary chain”.

Look at the words in the chain. There are seven titles of the famous writer’s works. The first one is Robinson Crusoe. Find the other five. (додаток 1)

Key: Robinson Crusoe, Jane Eyre, Gulliver’s Travels, King Lear, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Tree of Liberty.

Do you know these books and the names of their authors?

  1. Презентація учнями біографій англійських письменників та їх творів.

Марк Твен, Даніель Дефо, Роберт Берне, Джонатан Свіфт, Джоан Роулінг, Ред’ярд Кіплінг, Аллан Мілн, Л’юіс Керрол.

  1. Т. Now, we shall speak about one of the famous English writers, William Shakespeare. Written hundreds years ago his works are very popular nowadays. His sonnets and plays are translated into many languages and loved by people all over the world.

Look at the screen and listen with attention.

Answer the questions after the text.

  1. What is William Shakespeare?
  2. Where and when was he born?
  3. Who was his father?
  4. Where did he study?
  5. What was the name of his theatre?
  6. What is his famous works have you heard?
  1.               What works by W. Shakespeare do you know?
  2.               Have you read books by W. Shakespeare?

4. Брейн-ринг

T. Today we are having the so-called "brain ring". For this we need three teams. Every team consists of 8 players and the captain. During the game the teams will be given tasks. If the player know the answers, the captain hands up. Only then a player can answer. Captains, please, introduce your teams.

Three teams will take part in our competition. The first team is ... .the captain is ...

5. Літературна вікторина “Who it is about”.

T. I’ll read some information about a poet or a writer. Guess who it is about. If you know the answer hands up.

  1.               Who was born in India? (Kipling)
  2.               Who studied in a grammar school?
  3.               Who was born in Scotland?
  4.               Who was born in Stratford-on Avon?
  5.               Who founded a theatre?
  6.               Who wrote Jungle Book?
  7.               Who took a degree in French and spent one year studing in Paris? (J. Rowling).
  8.               Who is Charles Dogson? ( Lewis Carol)
  9.               Who wrote under the name Samuel Langhome Clemens? (Mark Twain)
  10.          Who was the great satirical writer? ( J. Swift)
  11.          She was the queen of the detective stories (Ag. Christie)
  12.          He devoted one of his poems to a famous Ukrainian (Byron)


6 Літературна вікторина «Name the characters».

Every writer creates his own characters. Sometimes they are more known then author himself. You'll be given some information about the

characters of well known literary works. Your task is to tell their names. Don't forget to rise up you flag.

  1.              The main characters of this book travelled to the country of Giants and Lilliputs (Gulliver)
  2.             That character studied at school for poor children (Jane Eyre)
  3.             His servant's name was Friday. Who's he? (Robinson Crusoe)
  4.             This character lived on a desert island for a long time (Robinson Crusoe)
  5.              The main characters loved each other and died because their parents didn't want them to be together (Romeo and Julliet)

6) This character liked playing the violin and smoking a pipe (Sh. Holmse)

7. Tell the name of a writer

  1.       .. Bums
  1. ...London
  2. ...Conan Doyle
  1.             ..Carrol
  2.             .. Tolkien
  1. ...Shakespeare
  2. ...Defoe
  1.             ..Milne
  2.             ..Rowling
  3.        .. Swift
  1. ...Scott
  2. ...Christie


  1.              Make up a word

Every team has an envelope with the same cards, which consists of syllables and it has to make with the translation).

li-te-ra-ry po-pu-lar

po-et pa-in-ter

fa-mo-us won-der-ful

9. Matching the parts.

Mach the names of the novels with the names of their authors.

Read and match the titles of the books with the names of the writers. Which books have you read? Which books would you like to read? Do you know any other


by the same author?


“The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”. (A. Conan Doyle)


“The Lord of Rings”. (John Ronald Tolkien)


“Ivanhoe”. (Walter Scott)


“Romeo and Juliet”. (W. Shakespeare)


“The Jungle Book”. (R. Kipling)


“Treasure Island”. (R. L. Stevenson)


“Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”. (Joanne Kathleen Rowling)


“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. (Mark Twain)


“Winnie-the-Pooh”. (A, Milne)


“Marry Poppins”. (Pamela Travers)


  1. “Alice in Wonderland”. (L. Carrol)
  2.   “The Tree of Liberty”. (J. G. Byron)


  1. .  Competition between captains.

Who is Who?

Look at the portraits of some famous writers of the English-speaking countries and indicate their names.

10. Літературний кросворд (Literary Crossword)

The next task for both teams is to study this crossword attentively and find out 14 names of British writes and poets.

(Команди отримують кросворди)

III. Заключна частина

Підбиття підсумків

Teacher. Our game is over. The final score is.. .in favour of the team...

Your hometask will to write a composition "My favourite English writer".

Taking into account your activity during the game and the number of the correct answers your marks are the following...

Teacher.  Did you like the lesson? What new information have you learnt? You worked great today! Your marks for today are... Good-bye!

Thanks for your work during the lesson. I hope you liked this lesson.


Mark Twain

I like to read very much. My favourite writer is Mark Twain. He was the founder of the realistic American novel of the present day. Mark Twain wrote such famous novels as «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer», «The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn », « The Prince and the Pauper » and many others. He was also a great short story writer.

Mark Twain’s real name was Samuel Clemens. He was bom in 1835 in a small village on the Missis-sippi river. His father died when Sam was (twelve years old, and the boy had to work to support the family. All his life Twain liked to read. He spent all his free time in libraries and read the works of such famous authors as Shakespeare, Dickens, Servantes, Voltaire and others. Later he became a pilot of a steamship on the Mississippi. There he learned much about people. His pen-name — Mark Twain — comes from that period of his life. It means «mark two». Much later he became a journalist, and then a fa-mous writer known all over the world. There is much humour in most of Mark Twain’s works. But there is also social criticism and satire.



The English writer Daniel Defoe (1660—1731) was the son of wealthy parents and received a good education. His father wanted him to become a priest. But young Defoe did not like this idea. He refused to be a priest, and for many years he was a merchant. Then he became a journalist. In his articles he attacked the Church and the government.

He was an old man of sixty when he wrote his first and best book. It was a book' about the life and adventures of a sailor, Robinson Crusoe by name.

Everybody knows this book. It is translated into many languages, and grow-nups and children read it with great pleasure.

Later Daniel Defoe wrote some other books, but they are not so interesting as the wonderful book about Robinson Crusoe.

Speaking about literary of English -speaking countries I want to tell several words about Alan Milne and Rudyard Kipling. I don’t like to read them but I like to draw their main characters. My favourite book of Alan Milne is adventure stories about the Winney-the -Pooh Bear. I also like to draw the main characters of Mowgli by Rudyard Kipling. He was a well-known English writer. Many people know his book about Mowgli, a little indian boy, who lived in the jungle with the wolves. Their books are favourites with old and young alike and have been translated into many languages.


Jonathan Swift (1667—1745) was the greatest satirical writer of his time. He was bom in Ireland and spent the greater part of his life there. He saw the hard life of the people in Ireland and felt very sorry for them. ? In his articles he attacked the English government for treating the Irish people so badly.

Everybody knows his famous book Gulliver’s Travels. When it first appeared, it was read with great pleasure by many people. Readers of every age found something interesting in it. For children it was just a book of wonderful adventures. Grown-up readers found in it a bitter satire on the Church, the English government and the Court.

Gulliver’s Travels is translated from English into many languages, and people of all ages all over the world6 like to read it.

Joanne Kathleen Rowling

Joanne Kathleen Rowling (bom 1965) is a best-selling author. Her books are written for children, but adults love them, too. Rowling remembers that she always wanted to write and she did it when she was five or six. It was the story Rabbit. When Joanne was nine, her family moved to Tutshill. At high school her favourite subject was English. At university Rowling took her degree in French and spent one year studying in Paris. After college she moved to London to work as a secretary. On a long train trip in summer of 1990 the idea came to her of a boy who is a wizard and doesn't know it. In 1992 Rowling moved to Portugal to teach English as a second language. Her marriage to Portuguese journalist was not happy. She divorced and returned to Britain with her baby. Her suitcase was full of Harry Potter notes and chapters.

The 1st book was published in June 1997 and achieved a success. Since then she has written many books about Harry Potter and has become the most popular writer not only in Britain. J. K. Rowling lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, with her daughter and continues to work as a writer.


27 листопада 2019
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