План - конспект уроку на тему "Healthy way of living"

Про матеріал
Мета: Освітня: відпрацювати лексико - граматичний матеріал теми; тренувати учнів в аудіюванні; продовжувати формувати навички монологічного мовлення; Розвиваюча: розвивати пам'ять , увагу, логічне мислення; розвивати пізнавальний інтерес учнів в творчій та проектній діяльності; Виховна: виховувати дбайливе ставлення до свого здоров’я; виховувати культуру мовлення; виховувати толерантне ставлення до співрозмовника при роботі у групах, парах;
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План - конспект уроку англійської мови
















Тема:             Healthy way of living


 Освітня:           відпрацювати лексико - граматичний матеріал теми;

                            тренувати учнів в аудіюванні;

                            продовжувати формувати навички монологічного мовлення;   Розвиваюча:     розвивати пам'ять , увагу, логічне мислення;

                            розвивати пізнавальний інтерес учнів в творчій та проектній     діяльності;

 Виховна:          виховувати дбайливе ставлення до свого здоров’я;

                            виховувати культуру мовлення;

                            виховувати толерантне ставлення до співрозмовника при  роботі у групах, парах;

Обладнання:   підручник, зошит, розрізані прислів’я , фломастери, великі аркуші паперу, запис пісні Head and Shoulders”, картки для роботи  групах, самостійної роботи.


 Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

   1. Greeting / Aim

    Teacher: Good afternoon, my dear friends! I am glad to see you. Fine day, isn’t it? How are you? And you? What about you? How are you getting on today? Are you fine? How do you feel?

    2. Warming up

Teacher: You can see yellow stripes of paper in the files on your desks. Your task is to match these stripes to make up the proverbs about health. Work in pairs.

       Health is above wealth.

       An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

       A sound mind in a sound body.

       Early to bed and early to rise,

       Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

       Laughter is the best medicine.

Пара, яка першою виконала завдання читає прислів’я.

Teacher: Can you guess the theme of our lesson now?

Correct we are going to speak about the healthy way of living today.

 Boys and girls, today we have a guest, a reporter from a famous TV programme “Health”. She would like you to answer some of her questions about health and health habits. (Один  з учнів стає репортером)

 How often do you brush your teeth?

 Do you go to the swimming pool? How often?

 How often do you wash you hands?

 How often do you visit a dentist?

 Do you like to visit doctors?

 R.: Thank you very much. Don’t forget to watch our programme.


II. Основна частина уроку

     1. Check on homework

 Teacher: At home you have written the rules of healthy lifestyle. Let’s read them.

«Коло ідей» Учні по черзі представляють свої ідеї. .

     2. Speaking

Teacher:  We’ ll continue speaking  about “Health”  and what pupils should and shouldn’t do to be healthy. You will work in groups and make  up  projects “Healthy life”. Write what is good and what is bad for your health, draw pictures.

Клас поділяється  на дві групи. Учні отримують картки, аркуші паперу та фломастери.  Перша група має вибрати , записати та намалювати, що корисно для  нашого здоров’я,  а друга що ні.

Card for the first group. Write what is good for your health.

                go to bed late                     eat healthy food

                smoke                                eat much fast food

                keep your body clean        stay indoors all the time

                play sports                         do morning exercises

                stay outdoors                     drink much coffee

                overeat                               wash your hands before your eat

                drink alcohol                      laughing a lot


Card for the second group. Write what is bad for your health.

                go to bed late                     eat healthy food

                smoke                                eat much fast food

                keep your body clean        stay indoors all the time

                play sports                         do morning exercises

                stay outdoors                     drink much coffee

                overeat                               wash your hands before your eat

                drink alcohol                      laughing a lot


 По закінченні роботи кожна група представляє свій проект.

  1.  Relaxation

Teacher:  You’ve done a great work and I see that you are tired. Let’s have a rest and remember a wonderful English song “Head and Shoulders” (додатки до уроку «Пісня»)

 Head and shoulders,

 Knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes!

 Head and shoulders,

 Knees and toes, , knees and toes, knees and toes!

 Eyes and ears, and mouth and nose!

 Head and shoulders,

 Knees and toes, knees and toes,

 Knees and toes!

 Діти співають та одночасно показують частини тіла, про які йдеться в пісні

 Teacher: Thank you. Clap you hands.

      4. Listening comprehension

    Кожний учень отримує картку для самостійної роботи, в якій слід позначити  «+» тільки ті правила здорового способу життя, що згадуються в тексті


     Nowadays it is very important to be healthy. It means to be active, to study well, to look happy. If you want to stay healthy, you must follow some rules. First of all you must keep your body clean. You must clean your teeth and you must not eat food with dirty hands. It is also very important to eat healthy food. Fruit and vegetables are necessary for your active and happy life, because there are a lot of vitamins in them. You must not eat too many sweets and cakes. Your body needs fresh air, so you must go for a walk every day. You must not stay in front of the TV set or computer all day long. It is very bad for your eyes.

   Sport is necessary for your healthy life. You must go in for sports regularly.

Exercises keep your body strong.

Card for the work

  __  keep your body clean                                  __  clean your teeth

  __  keep your house clean                                      __  wash your hands before meals

  __  use vitamins                                                 __  eat fruit and vegetables

  __  go for a walk                                                __  go to bed early

  __  go in for sports                                             __  visit your dentist


ІІІ. Заключна частина

  1. Summarizing

  Teacher: I see all of you  know the rules of  being healthy. It’s high time to check how healthy you are. Let’s do the questionnaire “Do you live a healthy lifestyle?”


Put “√” if you do it and “χ” if you don’t.

  • You get up early.
  • You do morning exercises.
  • You don’t eat cakes and sweets for breakfast.
  • You don’t eat chips and drink Coke.
  • You always eat soup for dinner.
  • You visit your dentist regularly.
  • You don’t play a computer more than an hour.
  • You clean your room every day.
  • You go for a walk every evening.
  • You don’t watch TV late at night.
  • You visit some sports club.
  •   You don’t go to bed late.

Count your points: “x” = 0 and   “√” = 2.


24-20   You are a very healthy and active person. Congratulations!

18-14   You do your best to be healthy. But try to plan your free time better.

12-8     Don’t be so lazy! You have to change your way of life right now.

6-0       You are not very healthy at all. Look through the test again – these advices can help you!


 2. Рефлексія

Teacher: Please finish my sentences:

 I understood……

 I liked………

 I remembered…..

 I have some difficulties………..

    3. Homework

Teacher : We spoke about different health problems and now you know the rules of being

healthy. Your hometask  will be to make up the projects” Health and body care”

Thank you for your work, it was great today. Your marks are … Be happy! Good bye!

4 серпня 2019
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