Комунальний заклад
«Опорний заклад загальної середньої освіти «Сузір’я»
Оріхівської міської ради
London is the dream-place
of each English-learner
Вчитель вищої категорії,
старший вчитель
КЗ«ОЗЗСО «Сузір’я»
Сєліванова Оксана Василівна
"London is the dream place of each English-learner’’
практична: - формувати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення за темою;
освітня: - розширити знання учнів про столицю країни, мова, якої вивчається;
- удосконалювати фонетичні та граматичні навички;
розвиваюча: - розвивати в учнів кмітливість, уміння орієнтуватися в потоці різноманітної інформації;
- розвивати мовну здогадку, мислення учнів;
- залучати учнів до комунікаційних форм діяльності на уроці;
виховна: - виховувати увагу;
Обладнання: "Mind Мар" по темі; тематичні малюнки; карта Лондону; вислів С. Джонсона, план роботи на уроці; прапор Британії; національна емблема Англії.
Тип уроку: урок-екскурсія.
Хід уроку
І Початок уроку. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.
Т: Good morning! I'm very glad to see you. Today is the 26th of February. It is Wednesday. The topic of our lesson is’’ London is the dream place of each English-learner’’The aims are to get more information about the sights of London and develop listening, reading, speaking and writing skills. We study this topic because it is impossible to learn English without knowing the culture of London and without knowing the sights of London.
Т: Today we are having an unusual lesson. We’ll have a kind of trip. How do people travel? You know, we often travel in our dreams. So we’ 11 have an imaginary trip today.
WARM – UP: What is’’ the dream-place’’ of Each English-learner? Of course, it’s the heart of Britain -London. Why is London the heart of Britain?
Pi: In my opinion, it’s the largest city in the country. It is situated only 40 miles from the mouth of the river Thames, it’s the most important seaport, the financial and business centre.
P2: As far as I know, London is the cultural centre of Britain. There are a lot of theatres, cinemas, concert halls and museums. It is the country’s TV production centre. As for me , I’d like to visit it.
Рз: In fact London is an ancient city. It has a lot of places of historic interest to visit. If I had an opportunity, I would see all the sights of London. But I know it’s very expensive.
Основна частина уроку
1. Активізація вивчених лексичних одиниць по темі.
Т: So, today we’ll try to discover at least some of London’s treasures. Imagine you’re the winners of the competition "What do you know about Britain?" organized by the British Council. The prize - a trip to London. Let’s review some word-combinations which we have learnt at our lessons. Look at the Mind Map, choose the word-combination, translate and make up sentences with it. It is not very difficult, I know, that you will do this task. Let ’s begin.
Mind Map:
P1: Steel industry - сталеливарна промисловість. Sheffield is the centre of steel industry.
P2: To produce cloth - виробляти тканину. English factories produce cloth.
2. Монологічне мовлення за темою. ,
Т: Now you are ready for our trip. Imagine we are leaving to London. Let ’s get on a plane and will make a trip to the heart of Britain.
(у літаку: - розмова між учнями)
P1: I was looking forward for our trip to London.
T: What would you like to see in London?
P2: I want to see all (I’d love to see) the centre of London.
Рз: London hasn’ t got one centre, it has got a number of centres. The financial and business centre is called the City, the shopping centre is the West End, the government centre is the Westminster.
P4: When we come back we’re sure to be showered with questions: "Did you see Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament?". Did you go to the Tower of London? And so on.
T: Pupils, we are arriving. (Учнів зустрічають екскурсоводи).
Guide: Hello, Ladies and gentlemen! Let’s start.
(Розповідь учнів про визначні місця Лондону, використовуючи малюнки та відео : ; гості ставляють питання).
London is not only the political, economic and cultural centre of the United Kingdom. It is the main tourist attraction of the country. There are a lot of places of interest in London which attract thousands of tourists every year. They usually want to see Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London.
Westminster is now the political centre of London. In the 11th century King Edward the Confessor decided to build a great abbey church there. There are many royal tombs in the Abbey, like the tomb of Edward the Confessor himself, and memorials to famous men and women. The most popular ones are those to writers, poets and musicians in the Poet’s Corner. William the Conqueror was crowned there, and since then all the coronations have taken place in the Abbey.
During the reign of Edward the Confessor the Palace of Westminster was built, too. It was the royal residence and also the country’s main court. The Parliament met here since the 16th till the 19th century. The present Houses of Parliament were built after the fire in the Palace of Westminster in 1834. There are two houses in the Parliament: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. St. Stephen’s Tower of the Houses of Parliament contains the famous Big Ben.
Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s official London residence. Londoners usually watch the Changing of the Guards in the forecourt of the palace. It lasts about 30 minutes.
St Paul’s Cathedral is Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece. It was built since 1675 until 1709. It is crowned with a huge dome. Inside the dome there is the famous Whispering Gallery. There are many memorials in the Cathedral, including memorials to Wellington and Nelson.
The Tower of London is associated with many important events in the British history. It has been a fortress, a palace, a prison, a mint. The Tower of London is famous for its prisoners, like Sir Thomas More and Guy Fawkes. The White Tower was built by William the Conqueror to protect the city. The Tower is guarded by «Beefeaters», the Yeomen Guards.
London is noted for its museums and art galleries. Among them are the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the Tate, the Museum of London, the Museum of Moving Image, Madame Tussau’s Museum and many others.
The famous Waxworks Museum has the models of famous people from pop stars to prime ministers, displays of battles and a Chamber of Horror.
The Natural Museum
It's situated in Kensington and is one of London's greatest museums. There is a huge collection of animals and plants, including a quarter of a million butterflies, a blue whale and the famous dinosaur skeletons. There is a cafeteria, a gift shop, and a book shop.
The Royal Observatory, Greenwich
It is situated 10 miles outside London on a hill above the River Thames. The Observatory contains telescopes and displays about astronomy, including Halley's Comet and Black Holes. There is a video theatre and a souvenir shop. Picnic in Greenwich Park. You can take a river boat to Greenwich from Westminster Bridge.
Hyde Park
It's the London's largest and most fashionable park. It was once a royal hunting forest. There are restaurants and bars at each end of the Serpentine lake. Hire a boat. [1,2,3]
3. Relaxation time: Guess what place of interest it is?
T: Well, pupils, you have made and excursion about London. You’re tired. Let’ s relax a little. We’ll play a game "Do you know London?". Guess what place of interest it is?
4. Діалогічне мовлення" What do you know about the Queen of England ".
T: I see you know the places of interest of London. You have read that UK is a parliamentary monarchy. It means that a king or a queen is the head of state. But the monarch has very little power and he or she can only reign with the support of Parliament. What is the name of the Queen of England?
P1: Elizabeth II.
T: Who can tell us some words about the Queen of England?
Р2: I have an interesting information about the Queen’ s day. When the queen gets up in the morning, 7 people look after her. One starts her bath, one prepares her clothes and one feeds the Royal dogs. She has eight or nine dogs and they sleep in their own bedroom near the queen’ s bedroom. Two people bring her breakfast. She has coffee from Hairods, toast and eggs. Every day for 15 min., a pipper plays Scottish music outside her room and Queen reads the Times
Рз: - Excuse me: how often does she meet the Prime Minister?
P2: - Recently I’ve read that every Tuesday evening, she meets the Prime Minister. They talk about world news and have a drink, perhaps a gin and tonic or a whisky.
P4: - And what about the invitations to the Palace?
P2: - As far as I know when the Queen invites a lot of people for dinner, it takes three days to prepare the table and three days to do the washing-up. Everybody has 5 glasses: one for red wines, one for white-wine, one for post, and one for water and one for liqueur.
Р5: - Does the Queen speak during the dinner?
P2: - If I am not mistaken during the first and second courses, the Queen speaks to the person on her left and then she speaks to the person on her right for the rest of the meal. When the Queen finishes her food, everybody finishes, and it is time for the next course! [4]
T: Look at the blackboard, you see the British flag. What does the British flag look like?
P: The British flag is called the Union Jack. It s made of three crosses . The upright red cross on the white background is the cross of St. George, the patron of saint of England. The 23d of April, St. George s Day is regarded as England’s national day.
5. Читання та обговорення тексту "Whitehall".
Т: So, we know many places of interests in London. Now, we’ll read the text about one of the famous London street –Whitehall. Now I am giving texts about it. Let’s read and translate this text. Before reading, let’s look at the blackboard and read new words and the names of the government offices:
the Home Office – Міністерство внутрішніх справ,
The Treasury – Міністерство фінансів,
The Ministry of Defence – Міністерство оборони,
The War Office – Військове Міністерство,
The Admiralty – Міністерство військово – морського флоту,
The Air Ministry – Міністерство військово – повітряних сил.
(учні читають нові слова за вчителем, а потім індивідуально)
Reading the text.
Post - Reading Activities.
- Agree or disagree with my statements:
(You are right, You are wrong! You’re mistaken, I agree with you! I don ’t agree with you). T:1)I read, Whitehall is the residence of the Prime Minister. P: I don’t agree with you. Whitehall is the famous street.
- Complete my sentences:
P1: Whitehall is the famous London street.
P2: Its street takes its name from the white palace.
P3: Only Banqueeting House remains after fire.
P4: Opposite the Home Office is the Cenotaph.
P5: The Cenotaph is a monument to the fallen in the two World Wars.
6. London Quiz
T: We have made our imaginary trip to London. To see if you were really attentive. I’d like you to take part in a”London Quiz".
7. Relaxation time: Драматизація діалогів, T: Let’ s see some situations from Englishmen’ s life.
In a street. In a shop. In a restaurant At home.
Ш- Підсумок T: What have we done at our lesson?
IV. Hometask
T: As you see, there are so many places in London to discover. As, Samuel Johnson said, "A man, who is tired of London, is tired of life "What is your opinion? Is it possible to be tired of London? And what places would you like to visit? Write, please.
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