Розважально-пізнавальна гра “How much do we know abour Great Britain ” для учнів 6 класів
Хід заходу
І.Організаційний момент.
T:Hello, my dear boys and girls! I am glad to meet you!
It’s special day today. It’s the second day of the week of foreign language in our school, as you know. There will be plenty of interesting competitions, activities and a concert.
-And we’ll have an unusual lesson too.
- All children like to play! That’s why we’ll play the game: “How much do we know about Great Britain ” today.
-There are three teams in our classroom and we have 3 members of our jury today.
-It's time to introduce yourselves. Who is the captain of the 1(2,3)st team?
-Introduce your team!
-Tell your team name, motto and present team members!
II.Основна частина
1.Our first game is ”Warming- up”(розминка)
1. Whatistheofficiallanguagein Great Britain?
a) English
b) French
c) Russian
d) Chinese
2.Big Benis ___.
a) ahorse
b) ananimalinthezoo
c) a clock
d) a famousname
3.Great Britain is divided into ___.
a) three parts b) five parts c) four parts d) two parts
4.The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is ___.
a) the Tower of London
b) the White House
c) the Buckingham Palace
d) the Winsor palace
5.The capital of Great Britain is ___.
a) Paris
b) Moscow
c) London
d) Cardiff
6.The nameoftheriverinLondonis ___.
a) theVolga
b) TheThames
c) theNile
d) theMississippi
7.Great Britainconsistsof ___.
a) England
b) England, ScotlandandWales
c) England, Scotland, WalesandNorthernIreland
8.What holidaydoEnglishpeoplecelebrateonthe 14th ofFebruary?
a) St. Valentine’sDay
b) Halloween
c) ChristmasDay
d) NewYear’sDay
9.Madam Tussaud’sis a museumof ___
a) waxfigures
b) westernpaintings
c) ancientcoins
10.What is a double-decker?
a) abus
b) a disco
c) a taxi
11.The BritishParliamentisin ___.
a) theBuckinghamPalace
b) theHousesofParliament
c) BackerStreet
d) WestminsterAbbey
12.Britain'spopulationismorethan...... millionpeople.
a) 56
b) 55
3. What is it?
T:Childreninfrontofyouonthe TV willshowthepictures.
You should fix guess and say what a landmark you see.
1. The House of Parliament and Big Ben.
2.Westmister Abbey.
3.The London Eye
4.The Globe Theatre
5.Nelson’s Column
6. Tower Bridge
7. Trafalgar Square
8. Buckingham Palace
9.The National Gallery
4.Solve crossword.
T:The children, now you have to solve the puzzle. The team that first crossword puzzles get 3 points.
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III. Заключна частина заходу.
-So, thefinalscoreofthefirstteamis…..
-The finalscoreofthesecondteamis……
-Don’tforgetthatitwas a game. Thereallifeisbetterandmorecolourful. I wishyougoodluck.
-Thank youforthegame. Thankstoourjuryfortheirwork.