План-конспект на тему "Мого друга розклад"

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План-конспект на тему "Мого друга розклад" для 3 класу за підручником Карпюк.
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Конспект уроку англійської мови з використанням навчального посібника О. Карпюк “ English with Smiling Sam 3”

Form: 3


Lesson 34

Topic: Unit 3. School time. My Timetable

      Objectives: to introduce new vocabulary, to introduce new songs, to develop students` listening, reading and writing skills

      Outcomes: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to listen to the song and to fill in the blanks, to read the text, to complete the sentences

      Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Pupil’s book, Activity Book.



  1. Wаrm up.
  1.     Greeting. Sing the greeting song.

-         Good morning, pupils. Let’s start our lesson with the new greeting song.

-         We should learn it. So, the first time we just listen to the song. (Usually we only listen to the first verse and chorus of the song)


-         Now, let’s listen, repeat the words, movements and try to translate. (Help children with the translation if there is such necessity)

-         So, let’s sing the whole song together.


  1. Pre-аctivity.

1) Phonetic exercise.

- Let’s listen and watch the video with the reading rules. Pay attention how we read the combination of different letters. (Listen only halves of the videos. Decide yourself where to stop each video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL0hguTSVLo – “ar”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5ZInptj_BI – “ew”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJnRGRz58p4 – “ir”

  1. Mаin аctivity.
  1.     Work in Pupil’s Book. Ex. 4,5 p. 51. Reading words and sentences with the phonetic rules.

-         Listen to the first part and follow the reading.

-         Now, let’s read by line and translate the words and sentences. (Help children with the reading and translation if it is necessary)

-         Children, I want to pay your attention that the names of school subjects and days of the week we always write from the capital letter in English at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the lesson. It differs from Ukrainian. In Ukrainian we write school subjects and days of the week from the capital letter only at the beginning of the sentence. And in the middle or at the end from the little letter.

  1.     Reading the text.

-         Let’s listen and follow the second part the short text.

-         Let’s read by sentence and try to translate eat. (One more time pay children’s attention between Ukrainian and English writing names of the school subjects and days of the week.)

  1.     Physical exercise.

-         Let’s listen, watch and repeat the words and actions after the characters of the video. (I chose the video connected with hands’ movements to prepare children for the next writing activity)




  1.     Reading the timetable.

-         Now, find the timetable, please. Let’s read by day and translate the names of the subjects, which Bill has each day.

-         How should we write the names of the school subjects and days of the week in English at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the sentence? And how in Ukrainian?

  1.     Work in Copybooks. Pupil’s Book ex. 5 p. 51.

-         Open your copybooks. Let’s write down today’s date and classwork.

-         Now, using Bill’s timetable we should fill in the gaps with the names of the school subjects, which he has each day. (Ask orally by one pupil and then ask them to write at the blackboard (jamboard if it is an online-lesson) the full answer while children copy the answer into their copybooks.)


  1. Аssesssment аnd evаluаtion.
  1.     Reflection. Explanation of hometask. Activity Book ex. 1,2 p. 42.

-         For hometask, you should learn the new names of the school subjects and match the words with the suitable pictures.

-         And in the table you should write the names of the days and school subjects, which you have each day.

-         Children, you did a very great. I’m very proud of you.

  1.     Ending of the lesson. Sing the song “Goodbye!”

-         Let’s sing a new goodbye song. We should learn it. So, the first time we just listen to the song. (Usually we only listen to the first verse and chorus of the song)


-         Now, let’s listen, repeat the words, movements and try to translate. (Help children with the translation if there is such necessity)

-         So, let’s sing the whole song together.

-         Goodbye, children. See you next time.




Гулай Дарія
До підручника
Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
7 грудня 2023
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