План конспект уроку Topic: Nice and tasty. 5e Three square meals

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Topic: Nice and tasty. 5e Three square meals. 5 клас НУШ до підручника Full Blust
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Topic: Nice and tasty. 5e Three square meals

Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able:

  • to make up short dialogues,
  • tell about their eating habits,
  • using the new vocabulary,
  • to understand the main contest of the text,
  •  to use some/any in sentences.

  Equipment: multiboard, presentation, flashcards, worksheets

  1. The beginning of the lesson
  1. Greeting
  2. Warm up

Vocabulary Wheel

Do you like tomatoes? -  Yes, I do. (No, I don`t)

  1. Checking up home assignment
  1. Exercise A, p.54(PB) Complete the sentences and do the crossword
  1. The main part of the lesson

1.Presentation of new vocabulary: soup, omelette, pancakes, tuna, rice, doughnut

    a) Listen and repeat. Ex.1, p.70. Which of these do you have for breakfast, lunch, dinner?

      2. Practicing

     a)  Sort up (Group work). Students have to put the right picture with food on the right plate (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

     3. Listening ex.2 p.70. Listen to three short dialogues and answer the questions.

                    a) Pre-listening activities

     Answer the questions:  How often do you eat in a café? What do you usually order for lunch?

  1. While- listening activities

     Listen to three short dialogues and answer the questions. Choose a or b.


    4. Grammar revision. Some/Any with countable/ uncountable nouns.

    5. Reading. Exercise 3 A, p.70 Read and tick the correct pictures for Angelica`s breakfast, lunch, dinner

   6. Make up short dialogues ( Pair work)

                           - What do you usually have for breakfast?

                          - ………..

                           - What do you usually have for lunch?

                           - ………..

                           - What do you usually have for dinner?

                            - ………..

  7. Speaking.  My eating habits

                             For breakfast, I usually have ……

                             For lunch, I usually have ……

                             For dinner, I usually have ……

 8. Home assignment   Exercise A, p.55(Workbook), p.139(PB)- to learn new words

       IV.   Summery

               Teacher’s feedback

                Student’s feedback(self-assessment)








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