План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для 3 класу на тему : "Розклад уроків. Шкільні предмети".

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку для 3 класу. Це наступний урок по цій темі за підручником "Family and friends". Ми вивчаємо тему "Шкільні предмети". Учні люблять ходити до школи та навчатись, тому вони зможуть говорити про свій розклад. Фокус цього уроку на мовленні, але на початку уроку ми будемо слухати короткий текст, щоб створити контекст. Учні також будуть трохи читати та виконувати письмове завдання. Завдання, які ми використали на різних етапах уроку, взяті з підручника а також з інших джерел. This is the lesson plan for the 3rd form. It is the next lesson in the course book we are using. We are studying the topic ‘School subjects’. The learners like going to school and like learning, so they will be able to speak about their time-table. The focus of this lesson is on speaking, but they also will be listening to a short text at the beginning of the lesson to create the context. And they will also be doing some reading and writing. The tasks we are using for different stages are taken from the course book as well as from the other sources.
Перегляд файлу

Lesson length:     45 minutes                                                                      

Information about the class

  This is a group of 3rd graders. I have been working with them since last year. They are 8-9 years old. They are mixed ability group. They  are very motivated and some  of them work very quickly, have good memory ,they are good at writing and can use their reading and writing abilities when practising new words. They like speaking, doing creative tasks, they like working in pairs or groups. But some of them are slower in reading and writing, they need more time to understand the material and their memory needs to be developed.. But in general they are a very positive group.

Lesson aims:

By the end of this lesson learners will learn some new names of school subjects and will be able to ask and answer about their time-table using ‘What have we(you, they) got on Monday?’ ‘When have we(you, they) got PE?’ in the form of a dialogue. Rationale:

This is the next lesson in the course book we are using. We are studying the topic ‘School subjects’. The learners like going to school and like learning, so they will be able to speak about their time-table. The focus of this lesson is on speaking, but they also will be listening to a short text at the beginning of the lesson to create the context. And they will also be doing some reading and writing. The tasks I am using for different stages are taken from the course book as well as from the other sources.

Language analysis


When have we got PE?               

What have we got on Monday?                                                              



These are Wh-questions.                         

We use when to ask about time something happens.                                                  

We use what  to ask for other information.

On is a preposition of time. We use on before the day of the week to say when something happens.


These structures are pronounced with the falling tone. The words :When, got, PE; what,got, Monday – are stressed.


Materials :

Family and Friends 2 by Julie Penn, page 36-37. Grammar Friends 2 by Tim Ward, pp 27-30.

Extra writing tasks from the Assessment and Resource CD-ROM, Unit 5. English language training simulator by N. Vakulenko,p.40



Learners know some names of school subjects. They are familiar with the structure ‘I have got’ Learners will be able to understand the difference between what and when.

Learners will be able to ask and answer about the time table in the form of a dialogue.


Anticipated difficulties           -      Solutions

Learners may not understand the difference between what and when. - Explain and use a lot of examples .

Some learners might find it difficult to put the pictures in order while listening to the text. - Make pauses while listening.

Some learners finish doing the tasks quickly. - Prepare extra tasks.

Some learners might have difficulty reading and pronouncing the word Science . - Repeat several times in different voices to make it memorable.

We may not meet the time. - Use the timer and not do some activities.



Board Plan

Friday, the 8th of November        


 Timetable Lesson                             

What have we got on Monday?            Maths ,     Craft/Handicrafts                     

 ( you, they)                                                 PE ,          Computer Studies

When have we got PE?                             Art,            Ukrainian

On Monday…                                             English , Reading Science

 Home task: 

1.W.B. p.37(Ex.2-3)         

 2. Make a timetable.    



                                                       By Svitlana Galak Lyceum “EKO” 198 






Stage aim





           By Svitlana Galak L





To welcome Students

To switch Ls to speaking


Greet students and sing a song ‘What’s in the classroom?’(Course book p.10)


1 min

Quick revision

of the previous material

To create a positive atmosphere, to see if Ls remember  the vocabulary  from the last lesson

1.Timetable word-web( in pairs remember as many school subjects as possible) and then check in grops of four. One S is writing on the board.Then we check with the whole class

2.Real objects bags( Ss in groups of four match the objects to the school subjects) Feedback with the whole class(every student holds an object and says the name of the subject)







2 min

2 min

Lead – in

To get learners interested in what they are going to do

Ask Ss questions, if it happened to them that they left something at home, because they didn’t know the timetable well, or if they took their brother’s or sister’s thing by mistake.


1 min


To put the language into the context

1.Listening activity from the last lesson(books closed). They have to listen and answer the question: What lessons have they got on Monday?

When have they got PE?

2. Work with the Course Bookp.37,ex.2. I will explain that these are Wh-questions. We use when to ask about time something happens.



S-S (Teacher monitors)


3 min

yceum “EKO” 198

By Svitlana Galak Lyceum “EKO” 198




We use what to ask for other Information. We will practice intonation in these questions.

On is a preposition of time. We use on before the day of the week to say when something happens.

3.Ss write two names of the subjects and two days of the week, first they get the example from the teacher, then match these words to the question-words(e.g. When? On Monday; What? PE)(Optional

activity – on the handouts)



Controlled practice

To practice hearing and saying the structures. To correct pronunciation mistakes

1.Find these questions in the text and underline them(p.36)

2.           Read these questions in pairs(2- 3 pairs – weaker Ss).

3.           Gap fill activity. Individual/pairs(teacher monitors for mistakes and corrects after the activity with the whole class )




30 sec.

1 min


Learning check

To check if Ls understand and use the structures correctly

1.Put the words in order to make up a sentence.

2. Speaking Activity 4 in the Course book,




2 min 2min

Freer practice

To try out the structure on their own.

To see if Ls can use what I have taught. To personalise the structures. To give the Ss more speaking practice 

1.In groups of four Ss write their time table for one day.(E.g.Monday)  2.regroup( groups of three) to ask questions about the other days to complete the timetable on the handouts

S-S(teacher monitors)

20 min

By Svitlana Galak Lyceum “EKO” 198




3.Role play: one student is new in your school. And he asks questions about the timetable



Reflecting on the lesson

To get feedback, what they have learned

Ask Ss questions, if they enjoyed the lesson, what they have learned to do. What new words they have learned. What are their favourites.


5 min


To finish the lesson on a positive note ,to give homework, to give Ls a sense of achievement and success

 Write the home task on the board and explain


2 min





18 листопада 2019
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