План-конспект уроку з теми "Покупки"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку на закріплення вивченого матеріалу, розвиток навичок діалогічног мовлення.
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Тема уроку: Happy Lessons. Shopping.


Мета уроку:1 Закріплення ЛО за темами "Рахування", "Кольорова гама", "Фрукти".

                      2. Розвиток памяті, мислення, творчіх здібностей учнів.

                      3. Розвиток інтересу щодо вивчення англійської мови.

* забезпечити повторення лексики з теми “Shopping”, “Clothes”, “Colors”; 
*  закріпити вживання та тренуання в лексичних вправах; 
*  розвивати вміння сприймати інформацію на слух;

* формувати уміння вести этикетний діалог за темою “Shopping”;
* виховувати моральні риси, этичні норми. 
* розвивати мсшлення, увагу, память, комуникативні навички; 

Хід уроку:

I. Оргмомент.

- Hello, children!

- Hello, teacher! - I am glad to see you!

- We are glad to see you, too!

II Основна частина уроку

1. Повторення ЛО за темою "Школа" за допомогою вправи

Teacher: Today we are going to a special school. In that school all the lessons are in English.

               At first, we must gather a bag for school. Tell me, please, what do you need at school?     

               What do you need in your bag? (шкільне приладдя)

Do you need a book? - Yes, I do. 

Do you need a lamp? - No, I don't.  (a pen, a map, a cup, a pencil, a pointer, a letter, a candy, a ruler, an eraser, a brush, a spoon, a duster, a cap, a copy-book, a diary, colored pencils, a toy).

2. Повторення ЛО за темою "Рахування"вирішуючи задачи.

So, the bag is ready. Here we are at school. We are having a Maths lesson  . Be attentive! You are to count and give the answers.

Картки: 1.There are 3 rulers, 5 pens, 2 pencils in the bag. How many school things are there in the bag? (three plus five plus two is ten)

2. There are 5 red apples and 4 yellow apples on the table. How many apples are there on the table?(five plus four is nine).

3. There were 12 candies in the box. I ate 4 candies. How many candies are in the box now? (twelve minus four is eight).

The next task. You must do the sums. (На доске написано приклади, учні записують  словами).







3. Вдосконалення навичок діалогічного мовлення з теми "Shopping".

OK, it's time to rest. Let's go shopping! There are sales in the shops today! This is our first shop.

(двоє учнів відтворюють діалоги)

- Hello!

-Hello! Can I help you?

- Yes, I need a doll.

- I have a big doll and a small doll.

- How much is the doll?

- The big doll is 5 pound and the small doll is 2 pound.

- The big doll, please.

- That's 5 pound, please.

- Here you are. Thank you! Good bye!

- Good bye!


  - Hello!

-Hello! Can I help you?

- Oh, What a nice Teddy-bear! How much is it?

- It's 10 pound.

- And how much is the tou-rabbit?

- It's 1 pound.

- The toy-rabbit, please.

- That's 1 pound, please.

- Here you are. Thank you! Good bye!

- Have a nice day!

 4. Читання з метою пошуку необхідної інформації. Учні получають картки з назвами  товаров, потім розкладають їх згідно відділів в магазині під час читання.

        There is a big supermarket in our town. It is in the center of the town. There are many departments there. They are: Greengrocery department, grocery department, bakery department, milk department, butchery department, sweets department. You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables at the greengrocery. You can buy tinned food, paste, sugar, tea and coffee at the grocery. You can buy meat and sausage at the butchery. You can buy milk, cheese and cream at the milk department. You can buy bread and rolls at the bakery. I like to go to the supermarket with my mother.


III Заключна частина.

Well, children, it's time to finish our lesson. You have done a lot of work today. Tell me, please, do you know where to buy bread? ... candies? ... vegetables? ... sugar? ...

Did you like the lesson today?

Your home task is to make up Maths problems like those on the cards.

Your marks are...

- Good bye, children!

- Good bye, teacher!

11 листопада 2020
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