План навчального проєкту "Popular Professions in Ukraine"

Про матеріал
Запропонований план проєкту був розроблений для занять курсів за вибором з англійської мови у 10 класі. У матеріалі описано мету проєктної роботи, план реалізації проєкту, опис кінцевого продукту з детальними критеріями оцінювання. Крім того, розроблені і додані до плану чек-листи для учнів та вчителя, форма для надання зворотнього зв'язку учням. Вказаний проєкт може бути реалізований також на уроках англійської мови під час вивчення теми "Робота і професії" у 10-11 класах.
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Level: B1 Age Group: 10th Grade sessions)


imageStagesof the Project








 Professions Chosen: Our group picked 3-5 popular jobs in Ukraine.

Jobs: ___________________________

image Job Descriptions: We wrote clear descriptions of each job.

 Skills & Education: We explained what skills and education each job needs.

 Job Outlook: We included information about how in-demand each job is in Ukraine.

 Salary Range: We added the average salary for each job.

 Popularity: We explained why each job is popular in Ukraine .

2.   PowerPoint Presentation

image Number of Slides: Our presentation has 7-10 slides.

 Title Slide: We have a title slide with the project name and group members' names.

 Details for Each Job: Each job has its own slide with information.

imageimage Pictures: We added images, graphs, or charts to make the slides interesting.

 Conclusion Slide: We have a final slide that sums up our ideas.

 Slide Design: The slides are easy to read, with not too much text and clear fonts and colors.

3.   Presentation Delivery

image Everyone Speaks: Each group member will speak during the presentation.

 Speaking Time: We will present for 5-7 minutes.

 Speak Clearly: We have practiced speaking loudly and pronouncing words correctly.

 Engage the Audience: We will make eye contact and speak confidently.

 Time Limit: We practiced and our presentation is within the 5-7 minute time.

4.   Final Check

image Check Spelling and Grammar: We checked the slides for mistakes.

 Practice: We practiced the presentation at least two times as a group.

 Ready to Submit: Our PowerPoint is finished and ready to send.

Content (40%)

image Relevance: The project includes accurate and relevant information about 3-5 popular professions in Ukraine.

 Job Descriptions: Clear and detailed descriptions of each profession are provided.

 Skills & Education: The necessary skills and education for each profession are explained.

 Job Outlook: Information about the demand for each job in the Ukrainian job market is included.

 Salary Range: The salary range for each profession is mentioned.

 Reasons for Popularity: Reasons why each job is popular in Ukraine are clearly explained. Language (30%)

image Grammar & Vocabulary: Students used correct grammar and a wide range of vocabulary.

 Clarity of Expression: The ideas are clearly presented and easy to understand.

imageimage Pronunciation: Key words and terms are pronounced correctly during the presentation.

Presentation Skills (20%)

image Team Participation: All group members participated and spoke during the presentation.  Visual Support: The PowerPoint includes clear visuals (images, graphs, charts) that enhance the presentation.

image Engagement: The group made eye contact, spoke confidently, and engaged the audience.  Timing: The presentation is within the 5-7 minute time limit.

Organization & Design (10%)

image Slide Design: The PowerPoint is visually appealing (not too much text, good font size, clear images).  Structure: The presentation follows a logical order with a title slide, profession details, and a conclusion slide.

image Group Coordination: The group worked well together and the presentation was well-rehearsed.


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