План уроку "Choose the Career"

Про матеріал
План (конспект) уроку до теми майбутньої професії, а саме -робота в туристичній сфері, яка досить популярна серед молоді
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Choose the Career (Jobs in Tourism)

Lesson Plan


  1. Preliminary (Introduction) 

Stand up, please. Good morning, dear students! As you can see, our today’s class is not usual, we have guests for whom we’ll show our readiness for future life.


   So have a look, please, to the screen. Our today’s topic is called                                             Jobs in Tourism” and the objectives of our class are:


  • to enrich student’s vocabulary (збагатити словниковий запас учнів);
  • to develop students’ speaking and listening skills (розвинути навики говоріння і розуміння почутого);
  • to develop students’ creative thinking (розвинути креативне мислення учнів);
  • to read about working conditions in the tourism industry (прочитати про умови праці в індустрії туризму);
  • to listen to tourism professionals talking about their jobs (прослухати записи професіоналів, які працюють у сфері туризму);
  • to discuss the qualities and skills they need for their career in tourism (обговорити якості, які необхідні для майбутньої роботи).
  • to do grammar exercises on present simple and continuous (зробити вправи на повторення простих часів: теперішнього простого та тривалого).



 Let’s remember all words connected with travelling and their usage.



To go hiking      йти в туристичний похід;

   plane    летіти літаком;

   car    їхати машиною;

to go by  bus    їхати автобусом;

   train    їхати потягом;

   ship    пливти кораблем;

! to go on  foot    йти пішки

to visit     відвідувати;

to go abroad    їхати за кордон;

to go sightseeing   оглядати визначні місця;

to go to the seaside   їхати на морське узбережжя;

to fly     літати;


Let’s translate and make up sentences: Why do we travel?


  1. People like to travel to have exciting adventures and to see the world;

 (Люди люблять подорожувати, щоб отримати захоплюючі пригоди і подивитися  світ);

  1. I like to travel to make new friends and for pleasure;

 (Я люблю подорожувати, щоб мати нових друзів і для задоволення);

3. We can travel by plane, by car, by bus, by train and by ship.

 (Ми можемо подорожувати літаком, машиною, автобусом, потягом і кораблем);

  1. The fastest way of travelling is by plane.

 (Найшвидший спосіб подорожування - літаком);

  1. I prefer to travel on foot, because it’s good for your health and you can admire nature.

 (Я надаю перевагу подорожуванню пішки, тому що це добре для здоров’я і ти  можеш милуватися природою);



Main Part


  1. New material presentation and practice:


1. Teacher: Well done, and now translate, please: Я надіяюся, що моя майбутня професія буде пов’язана з подорожами і туристичним обслуговуванням – I hope that my future profession will be connected with travelling and tourist service.


Teacher:  . As you know, there are many jobs in tourism. Let’s have a look.


(We watch presentation “Jobs in Tourism” and write down all professions and their translations);


Student 1: _______(reading and translating): Є багато професій в туризмі. Для молодих і старших за віком, чоловіків і жінок, випускників шкіл і університетів. Є такі професії в туризмі як:


tour guide, travel agent, hotel manager, hotel receptionist, porter, concierge, bellboy, restaurant manager, hotel guide, chambermaid, waiter, flight attendant, entertainer.


And now, let’s read the responsibilities for each job and try to tell using the construction

to be responsible for


Ex:  Chambermaids are responsible for cleaning. (Am I right?) Now you, please:


1. Tour guide ____________is responsible for taking visitors on tours and sightseeing. Tour guides are very knowledgeable, they provide facts that help visitors interpret and understand the places they see;


2. travel agent ___________ is responsible for selling or arranging trips or tours for customers;


3. hotel manager _________ is a person who manages the operations of a hotel, motel and resort. He or she is responsible for the front desk operations, managing reception and dealing with guest’s problems;


4. hotel receptionist ____________ is responsible for making reservations and checking guests in and out. He also makes guests feel welcome and deals with requests that guests have during their stay.


5. porter ___________ is a person who carries luggage at a hotel or on a train;


6. concierge __________ is responsible for giving advice and additional services to guests. He ensures that hotel guests have everything they need for a pleasant stay.


7. bellboy _________ is responsible for carrying a guest’s luggage to or from the room;


8. restaurant manager ___________ is responsible for planning and organizing the operations of a restaurant;


9. hotel guide __________ is responsible for giving guests the information about the hotel, helping to fill in the registration forms;


10. chambermaids ___________ are responsible for cleaning and maintaining rooms and public spaces.


11. waiter __________ is responsible for serving tables in a restaurant, taking orders, informing guests about specials, answering questions about ingredients or cooking methods.


12. flight attendant _________ is responsible for serving food and drinks and looking after passengers on a plane.


13. entertainer __________ is responsible for telling jokes, singing and entertaining people.







  1.  Reading


Teacher:  Well done, now you can choose from all this professions the only one that suits you. But we know from our life that there are many advantages and disadvantages in every profession. Let’s read the article and write down the advantages and disadvantages of working in the tourism industry.



The Truth About Working in Tourism


 The main problem with the travel and tourism sector is that there is a lot of seasonal work on short-term contracts. The hours are sometimes long and hard, and many people consider working in tourism as a temporary option before they find jobs in other industries.

 The positive aspect is that the work is often interesting and varied. Tourism is a people-focused industry, which offers the opportunity to meet and help people from all over the world. Tourism professionals often say that every day is different and you never know what to expect.

 Working shifts and weekends is common but there is also more flexibility with working hours than in other industries. You can work part –time or full-time, night or day to suit your needs and interests. Tourism jobs can also be low-paid at the start but many hotel and travel organizations offer on –the-job training. Employees can earn a salary while they are learning practical skills they need to advance in the industry.

 Many companies like their employees to start at the bottom to gain experience. If you work hard and develop the right skills, there can be opportunities for fast promotion. It is possible to have an interesting long-term career in tourism, and with a university degree you move more quickly into a management position.





interesting and varied work

seasonal work


short-term contracts

opportunity to meet and help people from all over the world

hours are sometimes long and hard

every day is different

temporary option

flexibility of hours

working shifts and weekends

on-the-job training

low-paid at the start

opportunities for fast promotion


possibility of long-term career


(with a university degree) you move more quickly into a management position




Teacher: ! So, tell me please: who wants to work in tourism after naming so many disadvantages? (Students tell why they want to chose this or that job).


2. Match the expressions 1-6 with their opposites in bold in the text. (Somebody will write on the blackboard)


  1. Full-time – part-time   3. high-paid – low-paid
  2. permanent – temporary   4. short-term- long-term

    5.all year round – seasonal

    6. regular daytime hours – shifts









  1. Match the jobs in the box with the correct sector of the tourist industry  1-4.


concierge, entertainer, flight attendant, hotel receptionist,

outdoor adventure guide, pilot, restaurant manager, waiter


1.food and beverage    3. transportation

2.accommodation    4. recreation and entertainment


1. Food and beverage:    restaurant manager, waiter;

2. Accommodation:   concierge, hotel receptionist;

3. Transportation:    flight attendant, pilot;

4. Recreation and entertainment:  entertainer, outdoor adventure guide


  1.  Listening


1. Teacher:  And now, my dear students listen to three tourism professionals talking about their job. After listening, please, match the personal qualities and skills in the box with each person.




Customer-focused and efficient, energetic, enthusiastic and entertaining, organized and communicative


  1. Sumalee, travel agent (organized and communicative);
  2. Sandra, flight attendant: (customer-focused and efficient);
  3. Dev, tour guide:  (energetic, enthusiastic and entertaining – the so-called three E’s)


Ex. 2.   Complete the job description 1-3 with the words in the box.

  Listen again and check your  answers.



Customer service, IT, sales



  1. A travel agent needs to have excellent _______________ skills. He or she also needs good __________ skills to sell holiday and travel products to customers. And, of course, good __________ skills are essential to find information and make bookings online.



Communicator, first aid, team



  1. A flight attendant needs to be a good ___________ who can interact with people from other cultures and be a good __________ worker. Basic _________ and medical skills are important.



Fun, organizational, passion



3. A tour guide needs to have a(n) _________ for people. You need to be energetic because your job is about helping people to have ___________ . Good __________ skills and languages are also important.


  1. Speaking

Answer the questions:


  1. Which qualities and skills are the most important for your career in tourism?
  2. Which qualities and skills do you want to develop in the future?



  1. Writing (Grammar)

Present Simple and Continuous

Teacher:  Let’s remember, my dear students when we use these tenses. Have a   look at the table



Use the present simple to talk about facts and situations that are generally true.


Den supervises front office staff and deals with guests all day




Use the present continuous to describe current projects and temporary events.


I’m learning new things today / this morning/ week/ month.

What are you doing at the moment?


Ex.: Complete the sentences 1-8 with the verbs in brackets in the present simple or continuous.


  1. At the moment, _______________(train) two new front desk clerks;
  2. At present, I’m supervising them on the job. I ________ (help) them to learn about accommodation services;
  3. It ________ (be) very important they know how to deal with customer complaints.
  4. I ________ (be) also _________ (show) our new staff how our reservation system __________ (work).
  5. They _______ (find) that difficult because it isn’t one they normally ________ (use).
  6. Currently, I __________ (plan) a trip to the lakes with my family.
  7. I _________ (not) usually _________ (take) holidays during the busy season so I ________ (be) a bit nervous.
  8. I need to make sure my assistant _________ (know) what she has to do before I go!


  1. Crossword


Teacher:  Well done, my dear students, and now, for having some rest, let’s complete the crossword with jobs in travel and tourism you have already known.




2.person who carries a guest’s luggage to or from the room;

4.hotel employee responsible for giving advice and additional services to guests;

8. person who serves at tables in a restaurant;

9. person responsible for serving food and drinks and looking after passengers on a plane;

10. employee of a hotel who cleans and maintains rooms and public spaces;




  1. another name for the front desk clerk of a hotel;

3.someone who sells or arranges trips or tours for customers;

5.professional cook;

6. person who takes visitors on tours of sites, cities, or in nature;

7. person whose job is to tell jokes, sing and entertain people.





  1. Acting out the dialogue (


 Прибувши у відрядження до іншого міста, ви сподівалися відпочити у спокійному, затишному номері, а перед тим – смачно повечеряти у ресторані. Натомість отримали неохайний номер, шумних сусідів, ресторан, який не виправдав ваших сподівань….. Ідете на рецепцію владнати непорозуміння.


 Having arrived in other town for a business trip, you hope to rest in a cosy and calm hotel room, and before that to have a tasty dinner. But in spite of that you get a dirty room, nosy neighbors, restaurant that hasn’t met your expectations…. You go to the reception to settle misunderstandings.


Receptionist:  Can I help you?

You:   Yes, please. I’m so disappointed that cannot even speak.

Receptionist:  What’s the problem?

You:   Problem? You call it only problem? It’s disaster! I’m here on a                                            business trip. I wanted to rest quietly in a cosy room but instead what                                           I have got?

Receptionist:  Don’t be so nervous, madam.

You:   Noisy neighbours, disappointing view from my bedroom window, the                                           furniture and décor looks old and shabby, the electrical equipment in                                           the room is not working the light switches are broken and that’s not                                                         the end.

Receptionist:  Oh, really? Maybe you are very tired and after resting you won’t be so                                           angry…

You:   Won’t be angry? I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep because of a noisy                                           street and uncomfortable bed, and the worst thing – your hotel                                                         restaurant!

Receptionist:  And what about the restaurant?

You:   Rude and unhelpful waiters, overpriced dishes…..

Receptionist:  Please, dear madam, stop complaining, I understand, you are so                                            excited. Unfortunately, the hotel was fully booked that day and the                                                         reception staff put you in a room that needs some renovation. I’m very                                           sorry for the               inconvenience this caused you. I also apologize for the                                                         unhelpful attitude of the staff.

You:   You apologize? And what about my spoiled trip?

Receptionist:  As a gesture of goodwill, I would like to offer you either a full refund or a                                           complimentary one-night stay at our hotel.

You:   At your hotel? No, thank you. I’ll take a full refund and I’m leaving                                            tonight, bye.



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19 березня 2023
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