Матеріал до уроку "Живопис"

Про матеріал
Практичні поради написання неформального листа про відвідування музею Лувр.
Перегляд файлу

Матеріал до уроку з англійської мови 10 клас.

Тема «Живопис»

Написання листа другу про відвідування музею – Лувр.


  • Навчити писати неофіційний лист на запропоновану тему
  • Навчити дотримуватись структури та стилю листа
  • Формувати вміння використовувати свій досвід та самовираження у сфері культури
  • Розвивати критичне мислення
  • Виховувати повагу до світової культурної спадщини



Write a letter to a friend about your last visit to the museum according to the plan:

- how you got to the museum;

- tell about what you saw there;

- share your impressions;

- invite your friend to visit it too;

Useful tips

1) Begin with a friendly greeting: Start your letter with a warm and friendly greeting, such as "Hey" or "Hi", followed by the name of the person you are writing to.

2) Write the reason for writing: Share the information how you got to the museum. For aexample, you visited the Louvre as part of a broader trip to Paris, as it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city.

3) Describe your visit: Start by describing your overall experience at the Louvre museum. You can mention what you saw, how you felt, and what you enjoyed the most about the visit.

3)Share interesting details: Share some interesting details about the museum, such as its history, architecture, or notable works of art. This will make your letter more engaging and informative.

4)Use descriptive language: Use vivid and descriptive language to paint a picture of your experience at the museum. Use sensory details to describe the sights, sounds, and smells of the museum.

5)Share personal reflections: Share your personal thoughts and reflections about the visit. You can mention what you learned, how it impacted you, or how it made you feel.

6) End with a call to action: End your letter with a call to action, such as an invitation to visit the museum together or to share their own experiences at the museum.

Here's an example of an informal letter about your last visit to the Louvre museum:


     Hey [friend's name],

      I hope you're doing well! I wanted to share with you about my recent visit to the Louvre museum as part of a broader trip to Paris. You know it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city. It was absolutely amazing!

    The museum is so grand and beautiful, and I felt like I was transported back in time as I walked through the halls. I saw so many incredible works of art, including the Mona Lisa, which was just as stunning as I had imagined it would be.

    One of my favorite parts of the museum was the Egyptian antiquities exhibit. It was fascinating to learn about ancient Egyptian culture and see artifacts from thousands of years ago. The architecture of the museum itself is also incredible, with its grand staircases and intricate detailing.

    Overall, the experience was so inspiring and I left feeling grateful for the opportunity to see such incredible works of art. Have you ever been to the Louvre? I would love to hear about your own experiences.

Take care,

[Your name]




До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 березня 2023
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