Поетичний додаток до НМК "Wilder World 3". Авторські вірші.

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Авторські вірші до НМК "Wilder World 3" (видавництво Pearson) допоможуть учням засвоїти лексику та граматику кожної теми підручника. Ці вірші можуть бути використані при вивчені даних тем любого іншого підручника. Вони мотивують учнів до кращого вивчення англійської мови.
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Поетичний додаток

         до НМК

   «Wilder World 3»






                                                               Вчитель англійської мови

                                                                   СЗШ 33 м. Львова

                                                               Дорофеєва Люцина Григорівна






                                           Львів 2024

                                          Unit 1 

                          Everyday Technology


Computers a lot of information store.

They give it to people more and more.

Computers help children to practice and learn,

To do a lot of different operations on them.


You can go online, download or upload a video clip,

Play a video game, read e-books and post a comment or a tip.

Send instant messages, print a document or it scan,

Store data and watch music videos you also can.


You can make a video, text and chat with friends,

Listen to music, favourite songs and bands.

You can use a tablet, earphones and a selfie stick

When you want to write a blog and something speak.


We use a mobile phone to make a phone call.

But before it you need to plug in a memory stick at all.

To charge a phone and some programmes install,

Then you can take and share photos big and small.


All your gadgets are nice and useful,

Awesome, amazing, brilliant, funny and cool.

But sometimes they become uninteresting, boring,

Strange, and even terrible and worrying.


                                   Unit 2


                           The Environment



In the past twenty years the world’s weather has changed a lot.

And people began to feel themselves on the spot.

They think it is caused by global warming,

That the carbon dioxide in the air causing.


Earthquakes, avalanches, hurricanes, tornadoes more common become,

As usually forest fires, droughts, floods and tsunami come.

A lot of damage to the environment has already been done,

With all natural disasters and by someone.


Hotter weather may be melting the ice.

Then sea levels around the world would rise.

A lot of islands and small countries could disappear

And everywhere a lot of water could appear.


Our planet is getting hot because of pollution.

And to stop it we’ve got only one solution.

We should plant trees, our natural resources,

We should clean water in different sources.


We should save water in a different way,

Switch lights off when you leave a room every day.

We must protect the environment from danger.

We must take great care of nature.









                             Unit 2


             Seasons of the Year


Spring comes, everything is in blossom

From deep dream everything awakes.

It gives the chance to change the clothes,

It gives again for life a hope.


The snow melts, it becomes warm,

Sometimes it can change into a spring storm.

When the weather is wet it’s often foggy,

It’s cloudy and it’s looks like really smoggy.



          Summer gives the warm dawn

For everybody it chooses colour its own.

It gives the right to have a rest,

To do everything for your best.


The weather in summer is usually sunny

You’ve got summer holidays very funny.

Sometimes it’s rather windy and rainy,

When you’re wet you looks zany.



Autumn covers with gold the ground,

With falling leaves all around.

It presents all people with fruit

And proposes them new suits.


Strong frosty, icy, snowy winter

It teaches everyone to be a winner.

Over windy snow-storms and cold

And never feel oneself old.





                                  Unit 2

                        Outdoor Survival


       Everybody wants to have a rest

        After work or in summer for the best.

        To have much time for bowling and caving,

        And feel yourself not tired but relaxing.


        Summer gives us excellent chance for cycling,

        Building, fishing, cooking, boating and climbing.

        It helps us to feel pleased, excited, healthy and strong,

       And to survive in nature all day long.


        Everybody wants wildlife to learn and feel,

        In the forest or cave to have a good meal.

        To find wild animals, but roaring bear

        It’s very dangerous to hear there.


        It’s interesting to build a shelter and make a fire,

        To sit or sleep outside it’s a big desire.

        To discover unusual plants in the wood

         If you’ve got really a good mood.


         To count stars in the sky at night in the tent,

         Near the beautiful waterfall a good time to spend.

         To see amazing sunset and wonderful sunrise,

         To collect a lot of different leaves so nice.


         Everyone can make his or her own choice.

         Somebody can hear the waves of the sea noise.

         Awesome swim in the sea and get a sunburn

         And a lot of interesting things learn.


         It depends upon our mood

         How to survive and spend our time good.

         If you to God sincerely pray

         Then everything will be OK.

                 Unit 3                   Food and Drink

              It’s important for everyone to eat good food,

                To be always in good health and mood.

                To eat more carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, garlic and fruit,

                Less bread rolls, crisps, pasta, sweets, cakes and junk food.


                 It’s very useful to eat tuna and different nuts,

                 Honey, peaches, pineapples for children and adults.

                 To drink delicious smoothie and fresh fruit juice,

                  Less coffee and different fizzy drinks we must use.


                 Some cheese, fish, meat is also useful for us

                 As well as milk, eggs, butter, yoghurt, sour cream thus.

                 You must be careful in choosing fresh goods,

                 Always to see the dates on the labels of any food.


                 Spicy and very sweet food is harmful for you,

                 Bitter, sour, dry, icing, fried and stale food too.

                 You should eat tasty and rich in vitamins food,

                 Then you’ll be always strong, fit and in good mood.


                 I want to give advice to you

                 First morning exercises regularly do,

                 Then be outdoors every day,

                 To unhealthy food “Good bye” say.


                 It’s also important to get enough sleep

                 To take vitamins regularly you need.

                 To go in for sports during all your life

                 Then you’ll live a healthy lifestyle.

                                        Unit 4




Everybody has at home a TV

Because people like interesting programs to see.

Sport, cartoons, soap operas, comedies,

Films, quiz show, the news, documentaries.


Some of them are boring and sad.

Other programs are simply bad.

Most of them are very exciting,

But horror films are very frightening.


Cartoons for children are always funny,

Especially about their favourite character bunny.

Soap operas are serious and dramatic,

Some films are simply fantastic.


The news and documentaries are interesting always

And people watch them usually all days.

A quiz show is an intellectual game

And sport programs have also their fame.


Our cinemas are popular too

With thrillers, fantasy, horror and action films new.

Different characters famous film stars create,

A lot of popular films nowadays are made.








                                    Unit 4



Everybody likes going to the cinema or watching TV,

Especially interesting and exciting films to see.

Because they give us lots of useful information.

And they certainly develop our imagination.


There are different types of films to see:

Horror, romantic, historical, adventure, science fiction and a comedy.

Children are keen on watching a cartoon

In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon.


Most of films are very exciting,

But horror films are very frightening.

Historical films are serious and dramatic,

Science fiction films are certainly fantastic.


Adventure films are full of action.

They give us lots of experience and satisfaction.

Special effects are very popular now,

And very often we ask ourselves: «But how»?



It’s a long difficult process some films to make,

To write a script, an incredible plot to take.

To film a scene and stunts, making necessary sound tracks

And also to create beautiful special effects.


It’s also important to choose famous film stars,

Talented stuntmen or stuntwomen, making stunts in the cars.

Then a director and a producer release a film.

It’s great success to win an award and star in a film.

                                                 Unit 5




There are different kinds of sport,

Games, field and track events a lot.

We like sailing, diving, swimming and climbing to go,

Do athletics, gymnastics, karate and judo.


There are a lot of useful and interesting games

Where take part teams of different names.

We play volleyball, basketball, football and chess.

We practice and train, have fun, win or lose as you can guess.


Of all outdoor games first

I like football matches best.

When the players kick the ball and roll

And the goalkeeper can’t catch it, it’s a goal.


It’s amazing to be a bungee-jumper

As well as a snowboarder or a rock climber.

Surfing is a sport which is very cool,

But you can’t go it in any pool.


Caving, skydiving, skateboarding are activities great,

A lot about them we can certainly debate.

But we always must be careful everywhere:

In the water, on the land and in the air.


           It’s difficult, dangerous but important a lot of records to beat.

           Always to have a strong body, to keep fit.

           To take up sports we really need,

           To be healthy and get enough sleep.





                                          Unit 5


              Sport and Games in Britain



 Britain invented many sports and games

 And it gave them their special names.

 Rugby, football, cricket and golf,

 Boating, sailing and boxing are old.


             These games are played all over the world

              The most popular football matches are held.

              In Britain there are several national football teams

              Best of them in the FA Cup competition are seen.


   Tennis or lawn tennis is another popular game

   Now the International Championship at Wimbledon is main

   But skiing and skating are not so popular, you know

   Because in Britain in winter there is no much snow.


   A long path walking through forests and along the hills

   A possibility to enjoy fresh air and beauty of nature gives.

   Pony tracking helps people to spend free time outdoors

   As well as ice-skating, hiking, horse-riding, without any efforts.








                                                 Unit 6

               Holidays and Travelling


           Everybody wants to have a rest

           After work or in summer for the best.

           To have much time for bowling or caving

           And feel yourself not stressful but relaxing.


           Summer gives us excellent chance for cycling,

           Swimming, boating, yachting, sailing and scuba diving.

           It helps us to be slim, healthy and strong

           And to communicate with nature all day long.



 Summer is coming! It is a happy time,

 Not only for schoolchildren it’s so fine.

 Grown-ups usually go on the vacations

 Then they will share their experiences and impressions.


           There are different places in the world to go,

           And everybody must them well know.

           Cathedrals, pyramids, temples, ruins, castles and caves,

           Tombs, reefs, rainforests, lighthouses and coastline’s waves.


            Every place to visit we want and need.

            Every place is interesting and exciting indeed.

            All places are important and needful for us

            Because they give for our life some moves and fuss.


            People often their homes leave

            To visit interesting places and lots of emotions give.

            They plan a trip, buy a guidebook and a suitcase pack,

            Set off, get on a train, then get off and have a snack.

People spend their holidays in different ways,

Some people explore different places far away

Some of them like a new language to learn,

To meet local people and a good time with them spend.


Some people like living in sleeping bags in tents

Others enjoy comfort in hotels.

          Some like on camping and cycling to go

More about the nature to get to know.


And people choose the way they like,

          A lot of means of transport, even by bike.

          By scooter, van, bus and car we drive,

          By moped and motorbike we certainly ride.


          By kayak, canoe, gondola we row,

          But people sometimes say they are slow.

          The fastest way of travelling is by plane.

          We have speed and comfort travelling by train.



Everyone can make his or her own choice.

          Somebody can hear the sea noise.

Swim in the sea and get a sunburn

And a lot of interesting things learn.


          We can travel on business and for pleasure,

          Having a good rest and leisure.

          At any time, at any place

          Travelling is very popular nowadays.








                                               Unit 7

                                  Family and Friends



I live in a big house with an aunt, an uncle, Mum and Dad,

My sister, my brother, two cousins, grandparents and a little pet.

My family isn’t small, but friendly and nice.

We won the family competition twice.


My sister Susan is a good musician

My brother Sam is good at writing a composition.

My cousins very well play the guitar

And they want to be pop stars.


My Mum is a teacher at our local school.

Her lessons are always interesting and cool.

My Dad is very kind and a great cook.

He works in a restaurant in our nook.


My Grandma tasty breakfasts for us makes.

My Grandad from school us always takes.

I’m fond of playing cards with Grandpa

And I’m keen on making toys with Grandma.


We help each other our problems deal with,

We always try not to nave an argument but get on with.

We help each other not to give up but go ahead

We always support each other and never laugh at.


 We motivate each other to do lots of good things,

 We enjoy each other’s company and great satisfaction it brings.

 The same sense of humour and a lot of in common we have,

 Share interests in everything and try a good time together spend.












                                                     Unit 7





Liz:      I’m Liz. What’s your name?

Jane:    Hello, Liz. My name’s Jane.

Liz:      How are you?

Jane:   I’m fine. Thank you.

Liz:      How old are you? Are you in your teens?

Jane:   Yes, you’re right. I’m thirteen.

Liz:      Where are you from? If you can tell.

Jane:    I’m from Oxford. There I dwell.

   It’s a fantastic town, you see

   And if you want, you can visit me.

   When’s your birthday? Tell me, please.

   I want to send you a postcard, my dear Liz.

Liz:      My birthday is on the 7th of May.

   Who’s your favourite pop star, can you say?

Jane:    My favourite pop star is Robbie Willians. He’s cool!

Liz:       I know him. He also swims well in the pool.

Jane:    I’m a good swimmer and singer too.

   And now tell me: «What about you»?

Liz:      I like to dance more than sing.

   For me it’s a very important thing.

   I’m glad to you to speak.

   Send me an e-mail and here click.



















                                    Unit 8




Unfortunately in the world there is a crime,

That sometimes it’s difficult to define.

Some people are furious, disappointed and upset,

And the offence they can’t forget.


They can forge the documents and cheat,

And a lot of other crimes commit.

A shoplifter can certainly something steal

And any fault in this case feel.


Some people can kidnap a person and kill.

And hide the body somewhere on the hill.

Robbers and burglars rob a bank and a flat.

They certainly know their work off pat.


Escaping from the police criminals have to do different actions:

Pull, push, hide, jump, climb and even fall into satisfaction.

Detectives have to interview a witness and look for clues,

Take fingerprints, search the area and nothing lose.


Everybody must always to the law keep,

Learn a lot and gain some knowledge deep.

Before doing something, think all the time,

If it’s really worth committing a crime.










                                                     Unit 9


Children learn at school lots of information

Because they need to have a secondary compulsory education,

To take practical, speaking, written exams and further go

And to all difficulties say: “No!”.


Different subjects students must learn, different texts,

Geography, History, Science, Art, Music and Maths,

English, Information Technology, Chemistry, Citizenship and PE,

Ukrainian, French, Spanish, Literature, Physics, Biology and Philosophy.


Children must learn how to write and read

How introduce themselves and other people meet.

How to do sums, experiments, create their website

How different compositions and tests in a proper way write.


They have to cheer up each other,

To improve their skills, not to bother,

To memorize a lot of dates and facts,

To take part in different events.


There are a lot of well-equipped schools

And study there it’s really cool.

It’s important great progress there to make

Study teamwork and critical thinking to take.



To achieve a success they must behave well,

To have no punishment and nothing bad tell.

To be clever, honest, active, creative and polite,

Confident, talented, hard-working, truthful and kind.


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