Показовий урок для 6-го класу на тему: “My Family Members. Appearance of the family members.”

Про матеріал
Даний матеріал спрямований, в першу чергу, на заохочення дітей до вивчення англійської мови та вдосконалення їхніх вмінь користуватися сучасними технічними засобами. Очікуваними результатами уроку є: навчитися розуміти новий вокабуляр при зоровому сприйнятті та вміти продукувати інформацію, використовуючи його. Бути здатними безпомилково писати лексику з вказаної теми, вправно будувати діалоги при усній взаємодії та презентувати групові роботи , як в писемному, так і в усному продукуванні.
Перегляд файлу


Theme: “My Family Members. Appearance of the family members.”

Expected results: The children will be able:

  •                         to understand the new vocabulary in the text and use it in     writing or their oral speech;
  •             to match the questions with the answers to make up micro dialogues;
  • to represent the projects about their families, likes and dislikes.


Equipment: presentation for the lesson; book “English” 6th Grade

by Oksana Karpiuk; a magic stick and a toy microphone; stickers

for revision of the words; photos, glue, paper, crayons, felt-tip pens and markers.


Type of the Lesson: lesson-project.























Greeting, Expected results and Warming-up:

 The teacher greets children and tells about the expected results of the lesson.

Картинки по запросу клипарт фея динь-динь c gfkjxrjq      Suddenly a pupil comes into the classroom and says:

One, two, three,

Look at me!

Without any row

I am a teacher now!

She becomes the teacher and continues the lesson.


The Main Body of the Lesson:

  1. Vocabulary Revision: (ex.1, p.36):

Look at the table. Read and translate the words, put them in the correct column.








The girl comes to any other child, touches him with the magic stick and he or she should conduct the next part of the lesson.

  1. Writing; (ex.2,p.36):

Choose the words from the box and fill them into the text:






One pupil is working at the blackboard and all of you are able to check the answers with the help of the presentation.

If you are fast enough, you may exchange the copybooks with your partner and evaluate the task.

The pupil comes to any other person, touches him or her with the magic stick to turn into the teacher.

  1. Speaking: (ex,4, p.36):

T: Match the questions with the answers and check your reply with the help of the presentation.

I need my assistant with a toy microphone.







  1. PT minute (Vocabulary Game with Stickers):

   The group is divided into two teams, BOYS and GIRLS.

Each member of the team must run up to the first desk and stick the image with the word under it. The team which copes with the task the first, will win the contest.

Then the teacher asks two pupils from each team to help her check the answers and find out the winner.

Another child is touched with the magic stick and comes out as a teacher.

  1. Listening and Reading(ex.6, p.37):

I’ve got a penfriend and he has sent the video letter for you. Please, don’t be very strict to him because he is afraid of cameras and can make mistakes in pronunciation.

  Watch the video, name the mistakes, if there are any, announce the name of the boy and say what he wants you to do.

The boy’s name is Dan and he has sent the e-mail about his family. Read and translate the letter and be ready to prepare your answer for the guy.













  1. Project Work (ex.3, p.36):

Another pupil, like a teacher, explains the task and gives the home assignment:

Imagine if you were Steve. Work in groups and write a letter-reply for Dan. Tell him about your family and what you like.          Do it in the form of project work, using your photos, and represent it in front of your classmates. But first, open your daybooks and write down the home assignment.

Final Part of the Lesson:

  1. Home assignment: p.37, ex.5 (wr.) – Put the dialogue  in the correct order   &   p.39, ex.10  - Read and translate the text.
  2. Summarizing:

Discussion of the lesson and evaluation of the pupils’ work.

До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
29 серпня 2020
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