Позакласний захід на тему: "Spring is Coming!"

Про матеріал
Позакласний захід у 2-му класі на тему «Весна іде!» Spring is Coming! Практична мета: збагачувати словниковий запас з теми, розвивати непідготовлене мовлення та креативні здібності учнів; удосконалювати навички монологічного мовлення на рівні мікровисловлювання з опорою на наочність (малюнки); закріпити вживання запитання: What’s the weather like today? і відповіді на нього. Освітня мета: поглибити знання учнів з даної теми, познайомити з віршами, піснями та іграми дітей з англомовних країн. Виховна мета: прищеплювати любов до природи, виховувати дбайливе ставлення до тварин, рослин, птахів; вчити помічати прекрасне навколо та цінувати його; виховувати повагу до культури своєї країни та країни, мова якої вивчається. Розвиваюча мета: розвивати та тренувати увагу, пам’ять, мислення; удосконалювати фонематичний слух та артикуляційний апарат; розвивати вміння працювати в колективі та позитивні особисті якості.
Перегляд файлу







Позакласний захід з

англійської  мови

у 2-му класі

на тему: «Весна іде!»




Мельничук Надія Павлівна


Учитель англійської мови


СЗШ № 9

Оболонського   району м. Києва









Київ 2016


Позакласний захід у 2-му класі на тему «Весна  іде!»

Spring is Coming!

Практична мета: збагачувати словниковий запас з теми, розвивати непідготовлене мовлення та креативні здібності учнів; удосконалювати навички монологічного мовлення на рівні мікровисловлювання з опорою на наочність (малюнки); закріпити вживання запитання: What’s the weather like today? і відповіді на нього.

Освітня мета: поглибити знання учнів з даної теми, познайомити  з віршами, піснями та іграми дітей з англомовних країн.

Виховна мета: прищеплювати любов до природи, виховувати дбайливе ставлення до тварин, рослин, птахів; вчити помічати прекрасне навколо та цінувати його; виховувати повагу до культури своєї країни та країни, мова якої вивчається.

Розвиваюча мета: розвивати та тренувати увагу, пам’ять, мислення; удосконалювати фонематичний слух та артикуляційний апарат; розвивати вміння працювати в колективі та позитивні особисті якості.

Оформлення: Клас прикрашений квітами. На дошці – тема уроку, назви пір року, весняних місяців. І багато квітів









Хід заняття:

  1. Teacher: Hello dear pupils, teachers and guests. We are glad to see you at our Spring Holiday! We prepared for you a nice performance, devoted to such a nice season – spring. There are many songs, poem and games about this season. So let’s start.

Слайд 1. Дод. 1 - презентація

2. (Nastia) The weather is good                 Слайд 2.

The morning is bright.

How are you?

I’m all right.

The sun is shining,

The star is smiling.

Hello, my friends.

Hello my darling!

3. Song – What’s the weather like today?                   Слайд 3.

What’s the weather, what’s the weather,

What’s the weather like today?

Is it cold or is it sunny?

Can we go outside to play?

When it’s windy, when it’s windy,

We go outside, we fly a kite.

The kite goes high up in the sky


And we play until it’s night.

When it’s snowing, when it’s snowing,

We make a snowman in the snow.

We wear our coats and play together,

Until it’s time to go.

When it’s sunny, when it’s sunny,

We wear our hats and go outside.

We play together at the park,

And have a fun time on the slide.

What’s the weather, what’s the weather,

What’s the weather like today?

Is it cold or is it sunny?

Can we go outside to play?

4. (Masha) Poem – Spring                             Слайд 4.

The sunshine gleams so bright and warm.

The sky is blue and clear.

I run outdoors without a coat

And spring, is almost here.

5. (Marina) Spring.                                  Слайд 5.

Spring, spring is coming soon, 


Grass is green and flowers bloom,

Birds returning from the south,

Bees are buzzing all around,

Leaves are budding everywhere,

Spring, spring is finally here.

6. (Arina)  - Springtime   Слайд 6.

A small green frog
On a big brown log;
A black and yellow bee
In a little green tree;
A red and yellow snake
By a blue-green lake,
All sat and listened
To red bird sing,
"Wake up, everybody,
It's spring! It's spring!"

7. (Sophia) - What the Robin Told   Слайд 7.

The wind told the grasses, 
And the grasses told the trees. 
The trees told the bushes, 
And the bushes told the bees. 
The bees told the robin, 
And the robin sang out clear: 
Wake up! Wake up! Spring is here!

6. Teacher: Yes, it is spring now, but what are the other seasons of the year? Can you


match the seasons of the year with the given pronouns.                                                        


















7.Teacher: Well done. And now listen to the poem about all the seasons:

8: (Ira) Spring is green  Слайд 8.

Summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

9. Teacher: In different seasons we wear different clothes. We wear different clothes in different weather too. Now, let’s read the weather forecast and choose the right clothes.

P1: It’s 6 o’clock in the morning. It’s very cold outside. Wear warm coats and hats.

P2: It’s nine o’clock. It’s raining now. Don’t forget your umbrellas and your raincoats. Don’t get wet.

P3: It’s two o’clock in the afternoon. The weather now is sunny and hot. Don’t forget your sun hats and sunglasses. Have  nice afternoon.

P4: It’s seven o’clock. It’s very windy outside. It’s a good time to fly a kite. But don’t let your hats fly away.

(children read the forecast on the cards and then choose the right clothes)

10. Teacher: What month is it now? What are the other months of spring? Let’s listen to the poems about all the months of this season.


11. (Polina) – March Wind                      Слайд 9.

March wind is a jolly fellow;

He likes to joke and play.

He turns umbrellas inside out

And blows men’s hats away.

He calls the pussy willows

And whispers in each ear,

“Wake up, you, lazy seed,

Don’t you know that spring is here?”

12. (Vania) March Wind

The wind is pushing
Against the trees,
He'll take off your hat
Without asking you "please",
He rattles the windows
And puffs at a cloud,
Then scoots down the chimney
And laughs aloud.


13. Teacher: Now, who can describe March? (parts of the picture – bare trees, birds, wind, rain, pussy willow, snow melts)

14. Teacher: The next spring month is April. Let’s listen to the poems about it.

15. (Vova) April                    Слайд 10.


April is a rainbow month,
Of sudden springtime showers.
Bright with golden daffodils
and lots of pretty flowers.

16. (Nikita) April

The roofs are shining from the rain,
The sparrows twitter as they fly,
And with a windy April grace
The little clouds go by.

Yet the backyards are bare and brown
With only one unchanging tree--
I could not be so sure of Spring
Save that it sings in me.

17. Poem- Rain, rain, April rain,

You are feeding seed and grain.

You are rising plants and crops,

With your gaily sparkling drops.

18.Game – Rain, rain, go away.                      Слайд 11.

(Діти співають пісню, танцюючи під парасолькою і  передаючи її один одному)

19. Teacher: Let’s describe the weather in April. (parts of a picture – buds, first green leaves, grass, flowers – tulips, daffodils, …)

20. Teacher: The last spring month is May. Let’s listen about it.

21. (Vika) May   Слайд 12.

May's a month of happy sounds,

The hum of buzzing bees,
The chirp of little baby birds
And the song of a gentle breeze.

22. (Zhenia) Spring

 The grass is green.
Flower blossoms I have seen.
The days are warm.
By evening it cools.
It's time to find the garden tools.

23. Teacher: We can see that May is the month of flowers. So, let’s revise their names, then play and guess the flower.  (Вчитель показує малюнки квітів)

(tulip, narcissus, daffodil, snowdrop, lily of the valley, ……)

24. Poem Five Spring Flowers 
Five spring flowers, all in a row.
The first one said, “We need rain to grow!”
The second one said, “Oh my, we need water!”
The third one said, “Yes, it is getting hotter!”
The fourth one said, “I see clouds in the sky.”
The fifth one said, “I wonder why?”
Then BOOM went the thunder
And ZAP went the lightning!
That springtime storm was really frightening!
But the flowers weren’t worried–no, no, no, no!
The rain helped them to grow, grow, GROW!

25. (Sasha)- Tulips  Слайд 13.

In the garden tulips grow,


Straight and golden in a row.

Each one holds its empty cup

Drinking rain and sunshine up.

26. (Polina) – Yellow Daffodils   Слайд 14.

Out in the garden

Early in the morning

See the little daffodils

All in a row.

See them lift their heads

And fire the horns and blow   

Toot, toot, toot, toot!

Fast and slow.

27.  Song – I like the Flowers

I like the flowers,

I like the daffodils,

I like the mountains,

I like the rolling hills.

I like the fireplace,

When the light is low.



Bum die Dari


28. Daffodils Finger play

(Make finger daffodil puppets from paper)
One little daffodil had nothing much to do,
Out popped another one, then there were two.
Two little daffodils were smiling at a bee,
Out popped another one, then there were three.
Three little daffodils were growing by the door,
Out popped another one, then there were four.
Four little daffodils were glad to be alive,
Out popped another one, then there were five.
Five little daffodils were wearing golden crowns,
They danced in the breeze in green satin gowns

29. Circle game- All around the daffodils.

All around the daffodils

1, 2, 3.

If you want to find a friend

Just choose me.

30. Song – If You are Tired.  Слайд 15.

If you are tired and you know it, go to bed.

If you are tired and you know it, go to bed.

If you are tired and you know it, and you really want to show it.


If you are tired and you know it, go to bed.

If you are angry and you know it, stamp you feet…….

If  you are happy and you know it, clap your hands……

31. (Marina) - March brings sunny days and winds,

So we know, that spring begins.

April brings the primrose sweet

We see daisies at our street.

May brings flowers, joy and grass,

And the holidays for us.

32. (Seva) Spring is dancing without rest

In a beautiful green dress.

Flowers grow under the feet,

Singing birds her coming greet!

33.  (Masha) Poem (children give flowers to the guests)  Слайд 16.

Red, yellow, pink and blue,

The flowers in spring are all for you.

See them dancing in the breeze,

Come on, and smell them, please.

34. Teacher: Our holiday is over. Thanks our guests for attention, and our pupils for good work. Well done! Have a nice day!!!               



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