Позакласний захід "Save Santa"

Про матеріал
Пропоную вашій увазі сценарій позакласного заходу на новорічну тематику. Підійде для учнів 3-4-х класів.
Перегляд файлу

Позакласний захід у 3-А класі  на тему:

«Save Santa»



  • ознайомити учнів з історією, традиціями та обрядами святкування Різдва;
  • навчити оперувати новою лексикою  з теми;
  • розширити знання учнів про культуру країни, мова якої вивчається;
  • стимулювати комунікативну мотивацію учнів шляхом вказівки на сферу вживання запропонованої лексики;
  •  розвивати вміння ситуативного спілкування;
  • Навчити дітей бачити результати колективної діяльності;

Обладнання: пенал з необхідним приладдям (маркери, папір, ножиці, фломастери, кольорові фломастери);
Обладнання для вчителя: зображення новорічних героїв, телевізор, новорічний  пазл, зображення ялиночок та ліхтарик, паперові стаканчики та новорічна гра «At the shop», гра «Хто я?», новорічні подарунки – закладки.
Підготовка до проведення квесту: зал прикрашений ялинкою, сніжинками, новорічними героями та іншими декораціями.




The evil wizard

Santa Claus


Входить Зима: Good morning girls and boys, and our guests! Welcome to our New Year Party! Do you know who am I?

-Children(Діти): Yes, you are Winter!


-Winter(Зима): Tell the poem about me.


-Children: (розповідають вірш про зиму)

The wind is blowing

The snow is falling

The ground is white

All day and all night.


Smooth and clean

And frosty white,

The world look good

Enough to bite.

That’s the season

to be young,

Catching snowflakes

On your tongue.


Snowflakes, snowflakes

Twirling around.

Snowflakes falling to the ground.

What a pretty sight to see

Winter fun for you and me.


Snowflakes, snowflakes

Twirling around.

Snowflakes falling to the ground.

Snowflakes, snowflakes

Tickle my tongue

Let’s throw snowballs one by one.


Build a snowman, sled and skate

Come outside, don’t be late!

Snowflakes, snowflakes

Tickle my tongue

Let’s throw snowballs one by one.


Winter: Oh, look around! It is snowing everywhere. The ground is covered with snow, the rivers and the lakes are covered with snow too. Fantastic! Completely white! Oh, what a lovely world!


-Winter: Children, who is absent on our  New Year`s Party?


-Children: Santa is absent!

-Winter: Where is Santa Claus??


Заходить The evil wizard: I have stolen your Santa and turned him into a Christmas tree decoration. And now Christmas and New Year will never come. Hah-hah-hah (злий сміх).


Winter and children: But Why?


The evil wizard: No Santa, no Christmas, no problems (потираючи руки).

Winter: Where is Santa now? Tell us!

The evil wizard: With pleasure! I'll even show you! Look at my magic mirror!

(Діти переглядають відео «Santa»)

Winter:  Oh, poor Santa! We need to help him! Do you agree?(до дітей)

-Children: Yes!

The evil wizard: You can`t help him!

Winter and children:  No, we can!

Winter: Dear children, I know who can help us!  Santa`s true friends: Elf, deer, snowman and Christmas tree. But to find them you have do many tasks!

Are you ready?

-Children: Yes!

Winter: Let`s go!

Teacher: You see, Santa is absent. The evil wizard has stolen him and turned into a Christmas  tree decoration. Let’s help him.


 Quiz Task 1 «Seasons of the year»:


  • What’s your favourite season?
  • Do you like winter? And why?
  • How about spring or summer?
  • Let’s sing the song about four seasons of the year!


(Учні виконують пісню «Seasons of the year»)


Here we go, oh, oh

Seasons of the year

Here comes the spring with the rain pouring down.

Here comes the spring with the flowers in the ground.

Here comes the spring with the rainbow in the sky.

Here comes the spring to bring new life.


Here comes the summer with the heat from the sun.

Here comes the summer with the kids having fun.

Here comes the summer with the warm breeze.

Here comes the summer with the trees so green.


Here comes the fall with the leaves changing color.

Here comes the fall with the climate getting cooler.

Here comes the fall with the leaves falling down.

Here comes the fall with the wind blowing loud.


Here comes the winter with the ice and the snow.

Here comes the winter with the freezing cold.

Here comes the winter with the days getting shorter.

Here comes the winter with the nights getting longer.


Quiz Task 2 «What’s behind the Christmas tree»:


  • You see many Christmas trees in my hands. Is there anything on them?
  • Can you see any ornaments or lights?
  • You need a torch to do this task? Why the torch? Have you got any ideas?
  • Light through each Christmas tree  and find out what’s behind.


Quiz Task 3 «Cryptogram»:


  • I know you like presents.  Now you have an opportunity to order one for you by solving a cryptogram. Take a piece of paper and a marker.
  • What’s your present?
  • What do you want for Christmas?


Quiz Task 4 «At the shop»:


  • For the next task we need two brave boys. Put on this things (tights) on your heads and try to shoot down as many coffee cups as you can.
  • Look, there are some pictures under the coffee cups. Gather them into the trolley.
  • Pretend you are at the shop to buy traditional Christmas presents.

(Діти розігрують сценку «У магазині»).


Quiz Task 5 «Puzzle»:


  • We need two boys and two girls to solve a very difficult puzzle. It’s very unusual. Put the words and the pictures together.
  • Outstanding! You did it!


Quiz Task 6 «Who am I?»:


  • While our friends are working hard, let’s have fun and play the game «Who am I?»
  • Is there any volunteer?
  • Without any word perform pictures to your classmates.


Quiz Task 7 «Best wishes»:


  • You know that all your wishes and dreams come true on New Year Eve.


  • May all your friends and relatives be healthy!
  • May Christmas brings joy to your heart and happiness to your home!
  • May your home be filled with love!
  • Hope your holiday season will be fun and positive!
  • Love, joy and happiness is all I wish for you!
  • May you wake up on Christmas morning and find them all in your shoe!
  • Santa told me you were so kind this year, hope this gift brings you much joy and cheer!


(На сцені з’являється Санта Клаус із подарунками в мішку).

Santa: Dear boys and girls. You are real heroes! You saved Christmas! Thank you so much! Come to me and sing a song together!

Діти виконують пісню з Сантою та Зимою «We wish you a merry Christmas».


We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
And bring it right here

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

We won't go until we get some
We won't go until we get some
We won't go until we get some
So bring it right here

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

We all like our figgy pudding
We all like our figgy pudding
We all like our figgy pudding
With all its good cheers

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Santa: Kids, all boys and girls thank you! I must to hurry now and prepare presents for all children. But I have something for you.

(Санта роздає дітям подарунки і прощається).


Лотоцька Ольга
15 лютого 2021
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