Позакласний захід "The ABC Party"

Про матеріал
Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови для учнів 1-4 класів НУШ. Мета цього заходу;- розвивати інтелектуальні, мовленнєві та творчі здібності учнів та формувати позитивну мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови;
Перегляд файлу

   Сценарій позакласного заходу з англійської мови для учнів 1- 4 го класів                                 

« The ABC Party ».


Мета та завдання:

-розширити загальноосвітні знання учнів,удосконалити лексичні та граматичні навички по темі «Цифри», «Дозвілля», «Пори року», «Кольори»

- розвивати інтелектуальні, мовленнєві та творчі здібності учнів;

- формувати позитивну мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови;

- вчити дітей колективній діяльності, співпраці.




T: Our dear guests, teachers, parents, grandparents! Today you are present at a great party in the Kingdom of the English language. You will meet the Queen of the ABC Kingdom, Princess Yes and Princess No, and you’ll get acquainted with true servants of the Queen-letters of the ABC. So welcome to our ABC ball!


(The Queen with her two daughters enters the hall.)


Queen: Good morning, dear guests! Glad to meet you at our ball. I am the Queen of the ABC Kingdom, these are my daughters Princess Yes and Princess No.

Princess Yes: Hello, I’m Princess Yes. I never say “ No”, and always agree with everything and everybody.

Princess No: Hi, I’m Princess No. I think it is silly to agree with everybody. That’s why my favourite word is ”No”.

Queen: Ladies and Gentlemen! I’m happy to open our party with my true servants: The letters of the ABC.

( The letters enter the hall in pairs singing the ABC song : ABC


Queen: Dear letters, I’m glad to greet you all together at our ABC party.


Letters: Together, together

             We study and play.


Незнайко: Доброго дня. Ой, а що це?

Ведучий:Це  букви .

Незнайко::Та я бачу, але букви якісь незрозумілі.

Ведучий:Та це ж букви англійського алфавіту.

Незнайко: А хіба існують інші мови?

Ведучий: Звичайно. У світі є кілька тисяч мов. У кожній країні розмовляють своєю мовою. У Італії – італійською, в Німеччині – німецькою. Всі ці мови – іноземні.

Незнайко: А де розмовляють англійською?

Ведучий: Англійська – це міжнародна мова. Нею розмовляють у багатьох країнах світу. Але її Батьківщина – Великобританія.


Незнайко: Я також хочу її вивчити. Що ж мені робити?

Ведучий: Не хвилюйся. Я знаю учнів, які залюбки тобі допоможуть. Вони й самі зовсім недавно почали вивчати цю мову, але готові тебе навчити того, що знають. Тож вирушаємо у чарівну подорож в країну англійської мови. Перша зупинка – іграшковий магазин.

Виходять учні з іграшками в руках і кожен з них декламє вірш про улюблену іграшку

It is a cat,                              

He looks for a rat,                

His name is Pete,                 

He likes to eat.                                    


It is a fox,                           

She looks at a box,            

She makes a plan               

To catch a hen.                   


My doll is so pretty.        

My doll is so nice.           

She has a small hose

And beautiful eyes.


It is a dog,                             

He sit at a frog,

His name is Mark.

He likes to bark.


It is a monkey,

He is on a donkey,

His name is Pride,

He likes to ride.


        I have a hare,

       I have a bear,

       My toys are here,

       My toys are there.




I have a ball

It doesn’t stop at all


Ведучий: Наступна зупинка – математична. Послухай, Незнайко, як наші діти навчились гарно рахувати.


 Учень 1: рахує до 10



Учень 2

1, 1, 1 – Little dog run

2,2,2 – Cats see you

3, 3, 3 – Birds on the tree

4, 4, 4 – Toys on the floor


One, one, one – I love sun.

Two, two, two – I love my mummy too!

Three, three, three – my mummy loves me.

Four, four, four – I love her more and more!


Ведучий: Вирушаємо далі. Попереду – кольорова зупинка.


Учні називають кольори.


Щоб навчитись малювати, треба кожен колір знати:

Green- зелений, як травичка;

blue - блакитний, як водичка.

Yellow-  жовтий, як курчатко;

grey - це сіре мишенятко.

Red - червоний, наче мак;

purple -  схожий на буряк.

Pink - рожевий, наче ружа;

black - це чорний, як калюжа.

White - це білий-білий сніг, що на землю м’яко ліг.


Пісня Про кольори

Ведучий: А тепер дорогі друзі дозвольте Вас познайомити з дуже цікавими гостями. Зустрічайте Mr. Cloud, Mrs. Rainbow and The Colours.


Входить веселка,хмара та кольори

Rainbow 1: Hello my dear friends

                        I’m glad to see you.

                        I have different colours.

                       What are they?

                       Let me introduce them.

Mr. Cloud: I see green I see yellow

                       I see that funny fellow

                       I see white I see black

                       I see this and that and that.

                       I see pink I see brown

                       I stand up and sit down

                       I see red I see blue

                       I see you and you and you!


RED:  Red is an apple

             Red is a cherry

             Red is a rose

             And a strawberry.


ORANGE: Orange is an orange

                       Orange is a carrot

                       Orange is the colour

                       Of the beak of a parrot.


YELLOW:  Yellow is a lemon

                        Yellow is a star

                        Yellow is the sun

                        In the sky so far.


GREEN: Green is grass

                   Spring beans and peas

                   Green are the branches –

                   On Christmas tree.



BLUE: Blue is the ocean

               Blue are my eyes

               Blue is the sky where

               The lonely eagle flies.


PURPLE: Purple is the colour of love

                     Purple is the colour I dream of

                     Purple is the colour of me

                     Purple is the best you see!

Ведучий: А ще дітки приготували пісню про кольори


Queen: Dear children, come to me,

            Let us sing “ ABC “.

            Do you know all letters well?

            Can you sing them, can you spell?

Children: Yes, we can.

 (виходять літери)

Queen :Now I'd like to see if all the letters of the English alphabet are here. You are welcome, letters!

(Діти виходять на сцену з літерами та розповідають про них).

1. A A is for Apples and Apple-trees

You can see apples on apple-trees.

2. B B is for Books and for Bookcase.

I have many books in my bookcase.

3. C C is for Cat. My cat is grey,

And with me it likes to play.

4. D D is for Dog and for Doggy.

I have a dog, not a doggy.

5. E E is for Eight and for Eleven.

How much is eight and eleven?

6. F F is for Flowers: red and blue,

White and yellow and rosy, too.

7. G G is for Girl, and also for Garden.

I see a girl going to the garden.

8. H H is for Hand. I have two hands.

This is the way I clap my hands.

9. I I is for I. I'm a boy, and I'm ten.

I like to play with my brother Ben.

10.J J is for Jam. This is apple jam.

Jimmy likes it, and so does Sam.

11.K K is for Kite. Kate has a kite.

It is little, and it is white.

12.L L is for Letter. This letter is for me.

It is from my sister, as you can see.

13.M M is for May and for May Day

For March and for Mother's day.

14.N N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-Nine.

Children, how much is Ninety and nine?

15.O O is for One. One and two is three.

Three little cats are in a tree.

16.P P is for Pencils. With them I draw:

A red pen, a green tree and a blue door.

17.Q Q is for Questions: How are you?

How old are you? And How do you do?

18.R R is for Red. Many things are red.

What can be red? Do you know, Fred?

19.S S is for Street. This is my street.

I have many trees in my street.

20.T T is for Tick and for Tock.

"Tick-tock", - says the clock.

21.U U is for Under, but not for At.

"I'm under the tree", says Pat.

22.V V is in five and also in seven.

It is in twelve and eleven.

23.W W is for Winter, when it is cold.

But I like winter and I like cold.

24.X X is in Six. Let's count up to six!

One, two, three, four, five, six!

25.Y Y is for Yard where children play.

They play in the yard every day.

26.Z Z is for the Zoo. Let's go to the Zoo.

I like go to the Zoo. And you?

let's sing the song "The ABC"



(  A SAD GIRL appears on the stage with a crown of a letter “I” / a girl is crying and looking for someone)

T1: Oh, my little child! Good afternoon!  Why are you crying , poor girl?


Girl: Oh, I have lost my family! Where is my mum? Where is my brother?

Where is my father?

T1;  I’ll help you. Don’t cry.

Girl : thank you!

T1:  Letter A! Come here, please!

Letter B! Come here please!

Letters C…F..G…U…M…S…

5 Letter M : Hello!  My name is M. I’m your mother.


6Letter F: Hello! My name is F. I’m your father.


7Letter B : Hello! My name is B. I’m your brother.


8Letter S : hello! My name is S. I’m  your sister.


9 Letter C: Hello! My name is C. I’m your cousin.


10 Letter A: Hello! My name is A. I’m your  aunt.


11Letter U : Hello! My name is U. I’m  your uncle.


12 Letter G : Hello! My name is G. I’m your granny!


4Girl: Oh! This is my family. Thank you dear teachers

T2: and how are you now, girl?

4Girl: I’m wonderful!!!








Queen: Now, my dear friends, will you recite a poem?

Children: Yes, of course.

  A BCD- ми сусіди,

  EFGHIJK- буде все у нас ОK,

  LMNOPQR- хай працює голова,

  STUVW- вчити віршики люблю я,

  XYZпо секрету каже Тед : « вивчи віршик цей як слід,будеш знати alphabet.

Mr. Alphabet: That is all the letters.

      Can you say them too?

      We have found all the letters.

      Big and small, short and tall.

      Now we know them all

      Once for all, once for all.

Хлопчик: Ой, як цікаво. Мені дуже сподобалось. Я дуже хочу вчитися з вами! Візьмете мене у свій клас?


Ведучий: Звичайно, не хвилюйся! На цьому наша подорож не закінчується, адже все найцікавіше ще попереду!



Queen: It’s high time to entertain.

Princess” Yes”: Oh, yes! I love games. They are great.

Princess” No” : Oh, no! I hate games. They are so boring.

Queen: Stop it! A good ball is nothing without games! You may start.

( Pupils play game “ Cats and mice “:

 Little mouse, little mouse,

 Where is your house?

 Little cat, little cat,

 I’m a poor mouse,

I have no house.

 Little mouse, little mouse

 Come to my house.

 Little cat, little cat,

I cannot do that.)


Princess” Yes”: Do you liketales  ? ( Yes, we do.)

            Queen: Then let’s see a tale “ Gingerbread»

Granddad: I am so tired, tired. So many things I did.

To the forest, to the yard, here, there, everywhere.

Even haven't got a pear. Granny, what about food?

Granny: What about food?

There is no food at all.

Will you wait another call?

Granddad: Granny dear, listen,

Do you hear mouse near?

Will you go there quickly

And on the shelves, on the shelves

Take some flour for gingerbread?

Granny: Will you go to the river

And some water will you bring for gingerbread?

I shall go, I shall go,

I shall take some flour for gingerbread.

Granddad: There's water, cold water.

Granny: Pour it here.

Granny sings:


Granddad: Put it quickly in the oven!

Granny: Will you wait? Will you wait?

For a sweety gingerbread.

Granddad: I can't even imagine that the oven can make it itself.

Granny and Gingerbread appear on the stage.

Granny: Look, What a nice gingerbread!

Granddad: Wow!!!

Granny: Oh, God! It’s hot. Let’s go for a walk.

It’s hot, it’s very hot, let’s stop and go for a walk.

Gingerbread: In the oven I was baked . I am wanted to be eaten. It’s better to run away.

Granny and Granddad appear.

Granny: Granddad, see he ran away, even didn’t say good day.

Granddad: Oh, it’s you who said to wait, and now there’s nothing to wait. Our dinner ran away.

Granny: Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go after him.

Granddad: Oh dear, say it good bye.

They go away and Gingerbread rolls on the stage.

Gingerbread: I am found on the shelf. I am rosy, I am funny. I am a rosy gingerbread. I am funny gingerbread.

A hare appear.

Hare: I am a grey hare, I run everywhere, I hear with my ears, I eat with my teeth, You are so sweet, I want to eat you.

Gingerbread:I don’t want to be a dinner, I ran away from Granny and Granddad, I am not afraid of you and I run away too.

Hare: Stop!!!

They run around the stage to music

Gingerbread: You may run all day but never catch me.

He leaves the stage to music then appears again.

Gingerbread:  I am found on the shelf. I am rosy, I am funny. I am a rosy gingerbread. I am funny gingerbread.

Wolf appears on the stage to music.

Wolf: I am a wolf, angry and hungry, I am a hungry wolf, I am angry wolf, I want to eat you.

Gingerbread: I don’t to be a dinner, I ran away from Granny and Granddad, I ran away from hare, I run away from you.

They leave the stage.

Gingerbread: I am found on the shelf. I am rosy, I am funny. I am a rosy gingerbread. I am funny gingerbread.

Bear appears on the stage.

Bear: I am brown bear, I like honey very much, You are so lovely and I want to eat you.

Gingerbread: : I don’t to be a dinner, I ran away from Granny and Granddad, I ran away from hare, I ran away from wolf. I run away from you.

They leave the stage. Gingerbread  appears again.

:  I am found on the shelf. I am rosy, I am funny. I am a rosy gingerbread. I am funny gingerbread.

Fox comes to music.

Fox: Have you ever heard of fox? I say you will be eaten now.

Gingerbread: : I don’t to be a dinner, I ran away from Granny and Granddad, I ran away from hare, I ran away from wolf. I ran away from Bear. I run away from you.

Fox: You are singing so sweetly, sorry, sorry, I can’t hear you, Will you sit on my tongue and sing your sweetie song?

Gingerbread: I am found on the shelf. I am rosy, I am funny. I am a rosy gingerbread.

Fox: Gingerbread……..

He ran away from Granny and Granddad,

He didn’t want to be a dinner, But he sat, oh how tasty he was.                              
















28 грудня 2022
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