Позакласний захід з англійської мови "Вивчати англійську-весело!"

Про матеріал

Позакласний захід "Вивчати англійську - весело!" розроблений для учнів 5 класів. Він містить цікаві завдання для мотивації вивчення англійської мови.

Перегляд файлу


Ніжинська гімназія №3











Вивчати англійську-весело

















Урок-гра з англійської мови у5-А,5-Б класах

                                                               Учителі Лапко Т.В.та Василенко І.К.












Вивчати англійську – весело






-активізувати вживання вивченої лексики;

-практикувати у написанні слів;

-продовжувати формувати навички діалогічного і монологічного мовлення;

-сприяти розвитку мовної здогадки;

-розвивати навички аудіювання;

-розвивати почуття співпраці, взаємодопомоги, уваги;

-розвивати творчі здібності учнів;

-виховувати вміння самостійно приймати рішення, почуття відповідальності;

-виховувати любов до мови, гімназії, повагу до інших.






  -малюнки предметів, розрізні слова, рядки тексту для читання, завдання для розуміння аудіювання























Learning English Makes Us Fun


Dear friends, teachers, guests! We gathered today to take part in our competition "Learning English makes us fun". We are glad to see here great lovers and learners of English. Let's have an exciting competition and check your knowledge.

The motto of our competition is "Train Your Brain with Success".

Well, we have 2 teams. They will participate and the honored jury will give points. Our jury is teachers of English. So, let's start! It's time to introduce our teams. (Kopomкий вucmyn кожної команди:назвa, емблема, девіз)

1. So, to warm you up, answer the questions.

  •       Where do you study?
  •       What form are you in?
  •       How many lessons do you have at school?
  •       What is your favourite subject?
  •       Is Math important?
  •       What is a difficult subject?
  •       Is PT noisy?
  •       Do you like English?
  •       Is it useful and interesting to study English?

2. The first task is to read the words and circle the "school" words.

 You have 2minutes.

Bag, board, cinema, museum, park, pencil, map, ruler, office, pen, book, brush, bank, library, pencil-case desk, hotel, trousers, uniform, lesson, teacher, comfortable, window, subject.

3. Our friend Johnny has some lessons today. Help him to name them. You have
the set of different things. Name the lessons. Write them down.

(учні показують предмет і називають до якого уроку він належить)

e.g. It's a ruler. - It's Math.

4. Now, it's time to have Brainstorming task. Name the places at school and
things you use at school.

For team 1:

 1)This is a place where we have lessons.

 2)This is a place where we jump and run.

 3)This is a place where we have concerts.

 4)This is a place where we have lunch.

 5)This is a thing we write with.

 6)This is a thing we sit at.

 7)This is a thing pupils wear at school.

 8)This a thing we draw with.

For team 2:

 1)This is a place where we take off our jackets, coats, caps.

 2)This is a place where there are many teachers.

 3)This is a place where the director works.

 4)This is a place where we can see a doctor.

 5)This is a thing we put our pens, pencils in.

 6)This is a thing we rub off.

 7)This is a thing we put books, exercise - books in.

 8)This is a thing we use at Math.


  1. The next task is to make up sentences with the adjectives. Interesting, important, terrible, easy, difficult, noisy, useful, boring
  2. It's time to see our captains and have their contest. Their home task was to prepare 3 questions about school. And now try to make up a dialogue.
  3. You all like breaks very much because you can go to the school canteen and have lunch. The task is to make the correct order of the letters to have words.


- h c k c e n i

z i p z a

- p a p el

n aab n a

- m at o o t

tp o aot

- h e c e s e

kl m i

- sihf

i c e uj

- ate

u n at

- o m e 1 n


- p u o s

ke ac

8. I have a friend. His name is Tom. He is a pupil. But he is so naughty! One day he wanted to tell about his school but the sentences were missed in his head. Help him to arrange the sentences in correct order.

You will have 3 minutes.

Tom is an English pupil. It is his first year at school. One day he comes home from school and he is not very happy. "How do you like your teacher?" his father asks. "Not very much, Daddy", answers the boy. "She can't count well". "Why do you think so?" father asks.

"Well, Daddy, at first she says that 3 and 3 are 6, and then she says that 2 and 4 are 6. I am sure she can't count well".  .

  1. Now, we have a sound letter from Richard. He speaks about his school.

Listen to it and choose the correct item.

My school

My name is Richard. I study in a famous English school for boys. The school is very old. The building of our school is in the countryside, but it has modern classrooms. Our lessons start at 9 o'clock and finishes at 4 p. m. We have a morning break and a lunch break, which are the longest ones. We study Maths and Literature, English, French and one more foreign language which we can choose in school. There is a wonderful Music Study where we learn to play different musical instruments. For going in for sport we have a large gym and a swimming - pool. We spend a lot of time in school and go home only for the weekend.

Choose the right item:

1. Richard studies in a school for...

a) boys and girls         b)boys

2. The school is...

a) new  b)not new  

3. The school building is ...

a) in the country            b)in the city

4. The lessons in school start at...

a) half past nine             b)nine o’clock

5. There are ...longest breaks

a) three                          b)two

6. Richard studies... foreign languages.

a) three                           b)two

7. Children go home...

a) for the weekend        b)every day

10. As you like your school, try to present it.


It was your hometask to make projects "MyDream School".





8 лютого 2018
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