Позакласний захід з англійської мови '' З англійською на'' ти''

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Розробка позакласного заходу з англійської мови для 5 класу , доцільна для розвитку діалогічного мовлення. В розробці подано гумористичні ситуації в житті.
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Позакласний захід з англійської мови








«З англійською на «ти» –

сміливо в світ іди »



Вчитель англійської мови

Міліївської   ЗОШ   І – ІІІ

ступенів ім. Дмитра Загула

Вижницької ОТГ

Ткачук   Олег  Дмитрович




















We  offer  to your  attention  some  humorous  scenes  in English.


Situations and dialogues

At the lesson


Teacher:    Good morning, children.

         Sit down, please.

         Let’s start our lesson.

         Why are you late, Lisa?


Lisa:           Because of the sign.


Teacher:     What sign?


Lisa:           The one that says, “School Ahead, go Slowly”.


*    *    *


Teacher:  Andrew, come to the board, please.

      Where’s your homework?


Andrew:  I couldn’t do it.

       There was too much noise at home.


Teacher:   Noise? All evening? What kind of noise?


Andrew:   It was the TV. It was too loud.

       I couldn’t do my homework.


Teacher:   You could have asked them to turn the sound down.


Andrew:   Oh, no, Miss.

        There was no one else in the room.









At the English lesson


Teacher:   What is the longest word in the English language?


Pupil:      “S m i l e s”


Teacher:  Why do you think so?


Pupil:       Because there is a mile between its first and last letters.



We think you all know the storytelling characters of English writer Arthur Conan-Doyle Detective Sherlock Holmes and his trusted assistant in investigating the most complicated cases of  Doctor Watson.

We offer you their situational dialogue.


Two guys go on stage, they cover the floor with a blanket, lie on their backs and look at the ceiling.


Sherlock Holms:    Doctor Vatson, can you see that stars on the dark sky?


Doctor Watson:    Yes, of course, Mister Holms.


Sherlock Holms:    What does it mean?  How do you think,  doctor Watson?


Doctor Watson:    Obviously good weather tomorrow.


Sherlock Holms:    I’m afraid you are not quite right, doctor Watson.  It means we

                                 have  a tent stolen.

In the cafe

 Two girls are sitting at one table: a Ukrainian and an American one. The Ukrainian is eating a bun, the American is drinking  her coca-cola. A minute or two later, an American suggests the Ukrainian  to drink her coca-cola, saying, "Will you?" and extends her hand with the bottle:

And here ... the angry reaction of the Ukrainian girl:

  • Я тобі зараз виллю !




Student:    And at the end of our performance, we will perform you a flower song in

         the  rap-style.





Girls:  I wake up early,

Boys:  Early in the morning.

  Greet my neighbours –

  Beautiful flowers.

  Get out of bed,

  My green soft bed.

Wash my face,

Pretty nice face,

To present beauty –

This is my duty.

Thank you for attention,

And that’s all.



Together:  (more slowly) Thank  you  for  attention,   and  that’s  all.


До підручника
Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
14 листопада 2021
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