Практичне заняття з іноземної мови для студентів 1-2 курсів навчальних закладів І-ІІ рівня акредитації на тему "Проблеми вивчення іноземної мови та шляхи їх подолання"
The problems of English language learning and the effective ways of their overcoming
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Plan I. Knowledge and importance of learning the English language for modern young man. II. Why don’t we know English? 1. The absence: a)definite level of native language knowledge; b) motivation; c) interests, desire and enjoyment of the learning process; d) specialized dictionaries – geographical, historical, chemical, physical, mathematical; e) favourable conditions for practice communicative skills;2. The ability to overcome the language barrier.3. From speaking to fluency abilities.4. Learning foreign language is an art. III. Practice is the key to learning any language. IV. Secrets of learning English. V. Special recommendations for learning the English language.
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New ideas in science, medicine and technology. Tourism. Knowledge and importance of learning the English language for modern young man. Politics Cultural and educational exchanges with other countries. A good job Communications with foreigners Foreign films, music and books Internet
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Why don’t we know English?a) definite level of native language knowledge b) specialized dictionaries c) interest, desire and enjoyment of the learning process d) favourable condition for practice THE ABSENCEOFe)motivation
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Secrets of learning English. P L E A S U R EMusic. Watch movies. Do a lot of grammar exercises 1-2 hours Audio-books. Teach vocabulary actively. Imitate as close as possible the intonation. Do speak up
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Practice is the key to learning any language Friendshipwithnative. Englishspeaker. Travelling Training in English speaking country. Business trip
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Special recommendation. Learning a language is a never-ending process. Your knowledge of a language is like a rolling snowball. The more you read the sooner you will get the feeling of language. It is always better to say something than not to speak at all
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The ability to overcome the language barrier From speaking to fluency abilities Learning foreign language is an art