Phrasal verbs to take, to run, to turn. Тренувальні вправи.

Про матеріал

Подані нижче тренувальні вправи на правильність вживання фразових дієслів допоможуть вчителю на різних етапах роботи на уроці англійської мови. Теоретичний матеріал до кожного дієслова стане в нагоді при виконанні завдань.

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  1. Study the entries.
  1. Take after sb – to look or behave like an older member of your family, especially a parent.

eg.  I hope the children don't take after their grandfather.

  1. Take sth away- to remove sb/sth.

eg.  She took the scissors away from children.

  1. Take  sth back – 1) to return sth to the place that you got it from. 2) to admit that sth you said was wrong.

eg.  If the skirt doesn't fit, you can take it back.

  1. Take sth down -1) to remove  structure by separating it into pieces it is made of. 2) to write down sth that it is said.

eg.  They took the tent down and started the journey home.

  1. Take for- to identify wrongly.

eg. She looks so young I took her for your sister.

  1. Take sb in – to invite sb who has no home to live with you.

eg.  Her parents were killed in a crash so she was taken in by her grandparents.

Take sth in – to understand what you see , hear or read.

eg.  There was too much in the museum take in at one go.

  1. Take off- 1) ( used about an aircraft)  to leave the  ground and start flying .

2) to remove clothes.

eg.  When should we expect to take off?

  1. Take on – to accept a responsibility or decide to do sth. 2) to employ sb.

eg.  He’s taken on a lot of extra work.     The firm is taking on  new staff.

  1. Take sb out – to go out with sb ( for a social occasion)

eg.  I’m taking Angela out for a meal tonight.

Take sth out (of) – to remove sth from sth.

eg.  He took a notebook out of  his pocket.

  1.  Take over- to get control of sth or responsibility for sth.

eg. Who’s going to take over as assistant when Tom leaves?

  1.  Take to – to start liking sth.

eg. She's taken to basketball like a duck to water

  1.  Take up- to start doing sth  regularly ( for example as a hobby).

eg. I’ve taken up yoga recently.


  1. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions. 
  1. Take after sb                      a      to start the flight
  2. Take sth away                    b      to resemble sb
  3. Take  sth back                    c       to give accommodation
  4. Take sth down                   d        to  begin a hobby
  5. Take for                             e        to be hooked on sth
  6. Take off                             f        to go out socially with sb, especially a date
  7. Take on                             g        to gain control
  8. Take sb out                        h        to give sb a job
  9. Take over                           i        to transport into a new location or state
  10. Take to                               j         to return something to some location
  11. Take up                              k        to make notes
  12.  Take in                              l     to believe sth, usually wrongly, about sb or sth


  1.  Fill in the gaps with necessary phrasal prepositions: after, away, back, down, for, off, on, out, over, to, up, in.
  1. The two dogs took…… each other immediately and started to play.
  2. She takes…… her mother – they have the same green eyes and curly brown hair.
  3. My friend lost his job and his apartment, so I took him ….. for a month.
  4. I always take …… my shoes as soon as I get home.
  5. The company has taken …… three new staff members.
  6. I’m sorry I said you were stupid. I take it …… .
  7. I’ve recently taken ……. yoga.
  8. Germany took ……. several other countries during World War II.
  9. She took ….. my address and phone number and said she’d call me later.
  10. I’m taking my girlfriend….. to dinner on our anniversary.
  11. Mum was so cross with him, she threatened to take all his toys…..  .
  12. Sorry, I took you …… someone else.


  1. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verbs: take after, take away, take back, take down, take off, take for, take on, take out, take over, take to, take up, take in.
  1. Jane is very short – she ………… her grandmother.
  2. You could earn some extra money ……. students.
  3. After some discussions he decided …….. the leadership in organizing of this expedition.
  4. For some reason, I …….. him quickly.
  5. I have to …. our new TV …..because it doesn't work.
  6. …….. your socks and shoes and come in the lake!
  7. My grandparents …. us ….. for dinner and a movie.
  8. I can't eat any more, thanks - you can … it …. now.
  9. The platform ……. for safety reasons.
  10. I won’t tell anybody – what do you…. me ….?
  11. We…….  any new staff at the moment.
  12. Have you ever thought of ……. acting?


  1. Translate into English.
  1. Їй завжди говорили, що вона схожа на матір.
  2. Вибачте, але я прийняла вас за свою давню знайому.
  3. Чому б тобі не зайнятись вивченням східних мов?
  4. Вона наполягала , щоб квіти забрали.
  5. Якщо я щось купую і йому не подобається, я повертаю покупку.
  6. Джейн записувала кожне слово з виступу.
  7. За декілька хвилин ми злітаємо.
  8. Вони вирішили взяти її на роботу.
  9. Джек зміг вивести свою подругу до ресторану.
  10. З недавніх пір він набув звички пити молоко вранці.



I. Study the entries.

1. Run after –to  chase or pursue

               eg. I ran after the bus, but it didn’t stop for me.

            2. Run away -to run away from somebody who is chasing you, or in the            opposite direction from something.

                eg. Everyone ran away from the explosion.

           3 Run into someone – to meet someone unexpectedly.

                eg. I ran into my English teacher at the shopping mall.

  1. Run out of sth –to have none left

eg. We ran out of beer at the party, so we had to go buy some more.

  1. Run over - to hit with a vehicle (car, train, truck)

eg. She’s upset because she ran over a cat while driving home from work.

  1. Run through –to explain quickly

eg. Let me run through the schedule for the tour.

  1. Run up -to run to somebody or something

eg. As soon as I come home from work, my kids run up to me and hug me.

  1. Run with-  to spend time with people (normally bad)

eg. My son’s been running with a bad crowd – his friends like to cut class.


  1. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions. 
  1. Run after-                  a  to meet by accident
  2. Run up-                     b  to collide with, knock down, and often drive over
  3. Run through-             c to exhaust a supply or quantity of,
  4. Run over-                  d to chase someone or something that is moving away                      
  5. Run away-                 e to  escape from people chasing you
  6. Run with-                  f to move quickly to where someone is
  7. Run out of-                g to stay in the company of someone or some group
  8. Run into sb-               h to read or examine something quickly.


  1. Fill in the gaps with necessary phrasal prepositions: after, away, up, through, over, with, out of, into.
  1. I ran …… James in a bar in the City on Friday.
  2. She runs ……some dodgy characters.
  3. The police ran…… the guy who'd stolen it, but he was too fast for them.
  4. We've run ….. sugar; I'm going to the shops for some.
  5. The driver couldn't stop in time and ran  the fox ….. when it ran in front of his car.
  6. He ran …. next to me and started shouting.
  7. He ran …… from his attackers.
  8. We ran …….. the list, but none of the machines seemed any good.


  1. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verbs: run after, run away, run up, run through, run over, run with, run out of, run into.
  1. I'd like…….. these points/questions with you, if that's okay, because you've made several mistakes.
  2. Graham …….. someone he used to know at school the other day.
  3. He …….. from home when he was only twelve.
  4. The children …….  the geese in the park when it started to rain.
  5. Let's go out and …….. the other guys this morning.
  6. I …….. to the mailman and said hello to him.
  7. I …… a rabbit and was in tears all the way home!
  8. "Do you have any milk?" "Sorry, I'…….. it."


  1. Translate into English.
  1. Кого вони переслідують?
  2. Якщо ми будемо так марнувати воду, то її запас швидко вичерпається.
  3. Вона підбігла до мене із великим букетом квітів.
  4. Ми швидко пробіглися по списках, але наших імен не було.
  5. Машина рухалась надто швидко і переїхала бідолашну тварину.
  6. Як їй вдалося втікти від охорони?
  7. Мама насварила Ніка за те , що він вештався з тими хлопцями.
  8. Я випадково зустріла її на розі вулиці.



  1. Study the entries.

1.Turn around – to change direction and go/look the other way.

                eg. (while driving) We’re going the wrong way. We need to turn around.

            2. Turn away- not allow someone to enter a place.

                eg. You have to be 21 to enter the club, so my 19-year-old cousin was turned away at the door.

            3. Turn down-1) Decrease volume or heating/air conditioning:

                eg. Could you turn the music down, please? It’s too loud.

                                   2) Not accept an invitation or offer (can be used for romantic dates, job offers, etc.)

                 eg. He asked her out to dinner, but she turned him down.

             4. Turn into –become.

                 eg.  Caterpillars turn into butterflies.

            5. Turn on- start a machine, light, or electronic device.

                 eg. When I get to work, the first thing I do is turn on my computer.

            6. Turn off- stop a machine, electronic device, or light.

                 eg. Time to turn off the TV – you’ve been watching for the past three hours!

            7. Turn over-to invert.

                eg. Cook the pancakes for 3 minutes on one side, then turn them over.

            8  Turn out-1) same as TURN OFF or SHUT OFF for lights.

                eg. When she finished her book, she turned out the light and went to sleep.

                               2) have an end result (especially a surprising one).

                 eg. I thought I was unqualified for the job, but it turns out that the company provides training – so previous experience isn’t necessary.

  1. Turn up- 1) increase volume/temperature.

eg. Turn up the volume on the TV – I can’t hear anything.

                    2) appear.

eg. The manager finally turned up for the meeting – 45 minutes late.


  1. Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions. 
  1. Turn around                   a  to change into something different. To transform.
  2. Turn away                      b  to stop a machine or device from working.
  3. Turn down                     c in the end.
  4. Turn into                        d   to increase the volume.           
  5. Turn on                          e  to refuse or decline a request.
  6. Turn off                          f to start a machine or device.
  7. Turn over                        g not allow someone to enter a place
  8. Turn out                    h to turn so that you are facing the opposite direction.
  9. Turn up                           I to turn something  so that the other side is towards you
  1. Fill in the gaps with necessary phrasal prepositions:  around, away, down, into, on, on, off, over, out, up.
  1. My credit card application was turned ……. by the bank because of my bad credit.
  2. Ben is a nice guy until he drinks alcohol. He then turns ….. a monster!
  3. Turn …… the TV if no one is watching it.
  4. I looked for my keys all over the house. It turned ….. they were in my jacket pocket all along.
  5. I hadn't seen her for months and then, one day, she turned…. at my house.
  6. You may turn ….. your exam papers now.
  7. I turned the radio… get the weather forecast.
  8. Turn …… and let me look at your back.
  9. Reporters who visited the team’s training ground were turned ….  .


  1. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verbs: turn around, turn down, turn away, turn into, turn into, turn on, turn off, turn over, turn out, turn up.
  1.  There is no need to book – just ……. on the night.
  2. It looked as if we were going to fail, but it …… well in the end.
  3. The doorman …… him ….. from the nightclub because he was wearing trainers.
  4. The room was too hot, so she ……  the heating …..
  5.  There was enough room for a wheelchair to get in but not ……
  6. The empty factory ……… a museum.
  7. …. your computer ……. ?
  8. Don't forget …… the tap ….. when you've finished washing your hands.
  9. Liz picked up the blue envelope and ……. it….. curiously.


  1. Translate into English.
  1.  Нам слід розвернутись-ми їдемо у зворотньому напрямку.
  2. Як завжди, вона прибула із запізненням.
  3. Через одяг нам відмовили у вході до клубу.
  4. Мама попросила мене зробити музику менш гучною.
  5. Вечірка виявилася досить непоганою.
  6. У новій сукні Джейн перетворилася на справжню красуню.
  7. Вчителька попросила перегорнути сторінку підручника.
  8. Вимкни телевізор-вже пізно.
  9. Йому ніяк не вдавалося ввімкнути той дивний пристрій.








II. 1-b;  2-I;  3- j;  4-k;  5-l;  6-a;  7-h;  8-f;  9-g;  10-e;  11-d;  12-c.

III. 1- to ; 2- after ; 3- in;  4- off;  5- on; 6- back; 7- up; 8- over; 9- down; 10- out;

 11- away; 12- for.

IV. 1- takes after; 2-  taking in; 3 to- take over; 4- took to; 5- take… back; 

6- take off;  7- took…out;  8- take… away;   9- was taken down;  10- take…for;

 11-  aren’t taken on;  12- taking up.



II. 1-d; 2-f; 3-h; 4-b; 5- e; 6- g; 7-c; 8-a.

III. 1-into; 2-with; 3-after; 4-out of; 5-over; 6-up; 7- away; 8- through.

IV.1-run through;  2- ran into;  3- ran away;  4- were running after;

      5- run with;  6- ran up; 7- ran over;  8- ‘ve run out of.



II.  1-h;  2-g;  3-e;  4-a;  5-f;  6-b;  7-I;  8-c;  9-d.

III. 1-down;  2-into;  3-off;  4-out;  5-up;  6-over;  7-on;  8-around;  9-away.

IV. 1-turn up;  2- turned out;  3- turned away;  4- turned down;  5- to turn around; 

      6-  has been turned into;  7- Is ….turned on;  8- to turn off;  9- turn over.




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