Presentation "Ukrainian artists of the 19-20th century"

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Дана презентація містить додатковий пізнавальний матеріал з теми "Мистецтво" , яку вивчають в 11 класі.Учні мають змогу ознайомитися з іменами відомих художників 19-20 ст. та з їхньою творчістю.
Зміст слайдів
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Ukrainian artistsof the 19-20th century

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Arkhip Kuindzhi. Among the people that Ukraine can be proud and which worthily represent our country at the international level - a figure Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi. It is believed his Russian painter, but above all he Ukrainian artist. Kuindzhi originally from Ukraine, raised in its coastal plains, proud that Ukraine - its land, he wrote mostly about Ukraine, which brought him recognition and fame, and all his world-famous paintings devoted to the nature of Ukraine, "Ukrainian night" and "Moonlit night on the Dnieper" - the spirit of Ukraine, its beauty and magic, so we can certainly call Arkhip Kuindzhi Ukrainian artist.

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Sergei Vasilkovsky. Sergei Vasilkovsky (* 7 (19) October 1854, Raisins - 8 October 1917) - Ukrainian painter, landscape painter. Sergei Vasilkovsky born October 7, 1854 in the picturesque town Raisins Kharkov province in the family clerk. The environment and the environment in which the future artist grew Slobozhanshchyna it was especially beneficial to the formation of his creative personality. While appreciating the creative independence, not bound themselves Vasilkovsky membership in any one of the union and presented exhibitions of different societies Petersburg, Kharkiv, Kyiv. From Academy Vasylkivsky away.

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Ivan Marchuk. Ivan Stepanovich Marchuk (* May 12, 1936, p. Moskalivka, Lanovetsky district, Ternopil region) - Ukrainian painter, People's Artist of Ukraine, winner of the National Prize of Ukraine. Taras Shevchenko. Honorary Citizen of Ternopil. In 2007 in the rating 100 greatest geniuses of our time, which has signed the British newspaper «The Daily Telegraph». In 2006 International Academy of Modern Art in Rome Ivan Marchuk accepted into the ranks of the "Golden Guild" and elected an honorary member of the Scientific Council of the Academy. This is the first recognition of the Ukrainian artist of such high level institution. Today, the "Golden Guild" includes 51 artists from around the world.

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Alexey Polyakov. Alexei Polyakov was born in 1943 in the village Kalinovka of Lugansk region. In 1965 he moved to Donetsk. Worked as an artist House of Culture in Donetsk, artist-performer in Donetsk Art Fund of the Union of Artists and became a member of the Republican creative group «Azovstal». He was awarded honorary titles "Honored Artist of Ukraine" and "People's Artist of Ukraine".

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Nicholas pymonenko. Nicholas Pymonenko- Ukrainian artist, author of many paintings on the Ukrainian national subjects. The works of the artist in the form made poetry depicting the life and work of the Ukrainian people; in his paintings of genre scenes often combined with the landscape. Pymonenko born in Kiev on March 9th 1862. From an early age with his father traveled through the villages, helped him in painting iconography local churches. A passing acquaintance with the peasants, with their life, fishing, their way of life. Apparently, these children's experiences formed the basis of domestic generic and paintings, written much later. Pymonenko Participates in Opening Day of Kyiv. The paintings attracted the audience, their mention in the press, but the real success came in 1888 with the painting "Svyatochnoe fortune." Here's how it evaluates one of the contemporary artist: "Two Ukrainian girls for festive divine with a candle in hand cast in wax. The picture was a success. Since it made up. "

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Osip Kurylas. Osip Kurylas born in 1870, the year in Lviv, graduated from the Lviv Art and Industrial School and the Krakow Academy. Already a mature artist in August 1914, joined the volunteer Legion of Ukrainian. For the organization of cultural work among Riflers command established a special body - pressing apartment that brought together talented artists artist handful which led the 45-year-old Osip Kurylas. Shooting artists created images that genre whose range was very wide, cartoons, caricatures, portraits, images of everyday life, battles, cards and decorations. The rich spiritual creativity and hard work structure has become an important factor of the national Ukrainian cultural life.

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Taras Shevchenko. Among the galaxy of outstanding figures of Ukrainian culture Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861) belongs to a special place. A champion of truth and call it freedom. It is my ardent poetic and artistic creativity expressed primordial freedom-loving aspirations of our people. Taras Shevchenko as an artist is one of the most prestigious places in Ukrainian art. He had a great time all known means of graphic images. Gifted by nature boy soon felt a craving for drawing. Another childhood chalk and carbon were his extraordinary joy. They painted walls, benches, table . He painted in the house and outdoors, at home and away .

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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 січня 2019
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