Урок "Суспільство. Золоті віки Європейських країн. Золоті віки України (Київ)

Про матеріал
Тема "Суспільство", підтема "Золоті віки Європейських країн (Італія - Флоренція, Греція - Афіни, Англія - Лондон) та підтема у розділі "Порівняння культур, Золоті віки України - Київ). Мета: активізація лексичних одиниць та словосполучень, формування умінь працювати з дефініціями у тлумачному словнику, розвиток навичок працювати в групах через інтерактивні технології (прес-конференція, дерево рішень тощо), ІКТ, самостійно працювати з додатковим матеріалом. Реалізація змістовної лінії - Громадянська відповідальність: демонструвати розуміння цінності історичної спадщини країн та рідної країни.
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Розробка уроку за темою «Society. The Golden Ages of European countries.

                                The Golden Ages of Ukraine»     Рівень В2 (11 клас)


учитель англійської мови гімназії №267 м. Києва Кузнєцова Галина Іванівна

Practical objectives:

  • to practice using Key Words: Social problems and the words of Rich English for the description of the period of the great development of some countries;
  • to develop Speaking skills to make up dialogues and monologues due to the content of the text;
  • to develop Reading skills to understand the content of the text in details and be ready to discuss it;
  • to improve skills of summarizing and analyzing the text, emphasizing the most important information;
  • to improve the communicative skills using language phrases, collocations to make the language to make it much more emotional and persuading;

Educational aim:

  • to broaden the students’ knowledge about the most important times of the development of the native country

Developing target:

  • to develop skills to be logical while expressing your own points of view, opinions, thoughts;
  • to develop skills to work effectively in pairs and groups.

Bringing - up goal:

  • to form (mould) the feeling of being proud of the native country

Resources used: teaching cards with words, the text “The Golden Ages of Ukraine”,

                                slide show (presentation to the lesson)

Technologies used:

Interactive technologies: pair work, group work, microphone, press-conference, the discussing the problem in a circle, tree of decisions (solutions)


Procedure of the lesson


I. THE BEGINNING OF THE LESSON               slide 1


Nice to meet you. It’s time we’ve started our lesson. Are you ready for the lesson? Is everything needed for the lesson on your desks? All right!

By the way, how are you feeling today?

Are you sad, nervous, confused, frustrated, happy, scared, shocked, surprised etc?

In a chain ask each other questions about your state at today’s lesson of English.



Are you exhausted?

Not at all. I’m full of energy in spite of Friday. I’m going to have a great time and a good rest at the weekend.


Are you frustrated?

More or less. It’s because of some my failures in IT. But it’s a good push to start doing everything more seriously.


Are you confident?

Certainly. I’ve revised the whole material both Vocabulary and Grammar carefully for the lesson and have nothing to worry about.


Are you frightened?

A little bit. I’ve missed some lessons because of illness, so there are some gaps in my Grammar. In some days we’re having a Module Test.

Are you surprised?

Really! I’ve just found out that we’re having the lesson at which a lot of guests will be.

Are you bored? (at the English language lesson)?

Never. I enjoy foreign languages. I feel like travelling around a new island.


Are you happy?

Surely. This is the end of the working week. I’ve got great plans for my weekend.



Are you angry?

May be. You see, I have some poor marks in chemistry and physics, and my parents won’t let me surf the Net if I don’t improve the situation. This is very painful for me


Are you hopeful?

To a great extent. I hope I will manage to pass all those difficulties with mathematics and physics. Besides, I hope to have a great time at the weekend.


Are you shocked?

Pretty shocked. The news I’ve heard about my favourite football team and their lost game is really shocking.


Are you confused?

To some extent. I suggested that we have Grammar lesson today. That’s why I haven’t taken my Students’ book with me.




1) What is the title of the Module we are dealing with?     -  Society.    slide 2

      2) What are your associations with this word?   -  people, relationships, 

     behaviour, morality,  problems, culture, achievements etc.

      3) Let’s work with the dictionary and remember the definition of this word.

          Society   noun, plural - societies                                                          slide 3


1 PEOPLE IN GENERAL (U) people in general, considered in relation to the laws, organizations etc that make it possible for them to live together: technology and its effects on modern society / Children are the most vulnerable members of society.

2 A PARTICULAR GROUP (C U) a particular large group of people who share laws,  

  organizations, customs etc: Britain is now a multi-racial society. /the capitalist societies of

  the West /the conservative segment of American society

3 CLUB (C) an organization or club with members who share similar interests, aims etc:

 the university film society / the American Cancer Society / the Society of Black Lawyers


4) There are great quotations, sayings and proverbs about society. Let’s remember them and express your opinions, your point of view, your understanding.


 Society exists only as a mental concept, in the real world there are only individuals.

  Oscar Wild (Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic)                          slide 4


A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they shall never sit in.

                                                                                  Greek proverb           slide 5


5) One of the words mentioned is the word “problem”. What social problems would you refer to any society?

 Possible answer: poverty, drug abuse, domestic violence, homelessness, vandalism, violent, crime, racism etc.                                                                                      slide 6


6) What social problems do exist in our country? 

    Possible answer: political instability, economic crisis, homelessness, unemployment,

    drugs and alcohol addiction


7) Is Ukraine a developed country?

      Of course, it’s so if to compare it with ….


8) How are the times when the country goes through the greatest period of its development called?  -   The Golden Ages                                                                slide 7

So, this is our theme of today’s lesson. We’ll speak about the Golden Ages of some European countries and get acquaintance with the period of flourishing of Kyiv Rus.



To speak about the Golden Ages of any country we need Rich English – synonyms and adjectives, collocations and word combinations.

Now you are working in pairs.

. Divide the words and expressions into 4 positions.

 SB p.103, ex.6 (Opportunity Upper-Intermediate)


  1. a great time for art and culture        

an explosion of creativity   a golden age,   a frenzy of creativity,   a creative flowering,   a burst of literary activity,   sculpture and painting flourished                              slide8


  1. changing a lot

 in a period of transition,   undergoing dramatic changes,   living through major changes,   in a state of flux,   being revolutionized,   bursting with new ideas                   slide 9


  1. really good

    outstanding,   masterful,   breathtaking,   magnificent                            slide 10

  1. it was the start of

     the birth of,   was born,   was the cradle of,   was emerging



       At the previous lessons we got acquaintance with the Golden Ages of Athens, Florence and London. Let’s remember the main points: the century it happened, the main individuals who influenced that society, the reasons why all those state countries experienced the flourishing.

 (The technology of collective group work. The discussing of the problem in a circle + “microphone”) – students work in a chain


Guides are taking us to the historic past – to the Golden Ages of Athens, Florence and London.

Try to present your information to us so that we can understand the key to the creative outburst in these state cities.

Don’ forget using Rich Language in your information.


3 students work with slide shows prepared at home.

The question: What are the reasons these cities lived through major changes?


1st student Athens                   slide 11 – 17

2nd student   Florence             slide 18 – 23

3rd student     London             slide 24 - 26


The Golden Ages of Kyiv Rus

The question: What flourishing periods (golden ages) were there in the history of our country?

The Golden Age of Kyiv


1 Ukraine has lived through major dramatic changes in its long history. The term Ukraina appeared in the chronicles of ancient Slavs in the 12-th century as a geographical name for the southern lands of the ancient Kyiv Rus. The state of Kyiv Rus, one of the most powerful states of medieval Europe, was founded in the 9-th century. This was Kyivska Rus which included Kyiv, Novgorod, Chernihiv, Galich, Polotsk, Rostov, Suzdal. The famous Dniepro route “from the Varyagians to the Greeks” ran through Kyiv and the Zalizny route to the Azov Sea. Varyagians who first settled around Ladoga and Novgorod, gradually moved southward eventually reaching Kyiv in 880.

2 The Golden Age of Kyivan Rus began with the reign of Volodymyr the Great (980 – 1015) who undertook the task to turn Rus toward Byzantine Christianity as the official state religion. The christening of Kyivska Rus took place in Kyiv in 988 on the Dnipro river. Two monks settled in the caves under Kyiv hills in the 11-th  century. Soon a cave monastery appeared there culminating in the magnificent Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra. It was a period of power and glory. After the death of Volodymyr the Great, Kyiv, the most prestigious and influential principality, became the subject of many rivalries, as it drew a lot of Princes as the most valuable prize in the quest for power.

3 In 1019 Yaroslav the Wise became the Prince of Kyiv. Why is it reasonable to speak about the Golden Age of Yaroslav’s reigning? Because Kyivan Rus reached the frenzy of its cultural development and military power. Yaroslav the Wise continued to strengthen his father’s ideas – the unity consolidation, centralization of the state and turning it into a real European state. Great attention was paid to security of the borders of the city. In order to shore up the role of Kyiv as a political centre Yaroslav began building of fortifications round Kyiv. It was surrounded by magnificent banks and walls. The greatest landmarks of Kyiv were erected from all sides: in the south – Maidan Nezalezhnosti, Mala Pidvalna Street and Yaroslaviv Val, in the west – Lvivska Ploshcha, in the northeast – Velyka Zhytomyrska Street and Dniepro Hills. The system of fortifications of Kyiv included such gates as the Golden Gate, the Liadski and Zhydivski Gates.

4 The Kyivan society continued its transition from old beliefs to Christianity. The name of Yaroslav the Wise is connected with the birth of the first set of laws of Kyivan Rus called “Yaroslav’s Chart” or “Rus Pravda” which regulated feudal relationships. The city underwent great positive changes.  Progress in the development of culture and education flourished in this time. Writing emerged, as a result. Kyiv was the cradle of Slavic alphabet written by Kyrylo and Mephodiy. Spreading of writing promoted building and increasing in the number of schools both for the rich and the poor, either for boys or girls, which improved literacy rate. The first school for women in Europe was opened at Andriivskyi monastery in 1068. The first library in Rus was founded at St. Sophia’s Cathedral, where chronicles were written and books were translated from different languages, especially from Greek. The creative flowering of music, theatre, arithmetic, geometry and geography were at a high level. All these facts promoted individuals and gave them opportunities to develop and go up socially.

5 Taking into consideration all these facts, it’s worth emphasizing that at that time Kyivska Rus was one of the richest and most developed cities in Europe. The high level of skills of Kyiv craftsmen can be proved by the number of buried treasures found on the territory of the ancient city and by its monuments of architecture and monumental art: St. Sophia Cathedral, the Golden Gate, Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra (Kyiv Cave Monastery). 


 Tasks to the text “The Golden Age of Kyiv”         slide 27

Task 1

Read the text to get the general idea and identify paragraph topics. Match the headlines

(A – E) to the paragraphs of the text (1 – 5)

                                                                                                                   slide 28

A The strengthening of the city state.

B The creative flowering of Kyiv.

C The foundation of the state of Kyiv Rus.

D Masterful citizens.

E The reign of Volodymyr the Great.


                                                                       1 C     2 E     3 A     4 B     5 D



Task 2

Find and underline the key sentences in each paragraph. Then find the information

 that backs it up.

  1. The state of Kyiv Rus, one of the most powerful states of medieval Europe,

       was founded in the 9-th century.

  1. The Golden Age of Kyiv Rus began with the reign of Volodymyr the Great.
  2. Yaroslav continued to strengthen his father’s ideas. Great attention was paid to security of the borders of the city.
  3. The progress in the development of culture and education flourished in this time.
  4. The high level of skills of Kyiv craftsmen.


Task 3

Write notes of the main points and the key information of each paragraph. Summarise the main information.


Task 4

Work in groups. Use your notes to tell each other about your extract. Use the information you have collected to write a paragraph about the flourishing of Kyiv Rus.    slide 29 - 30

Begin like this.

So, what are the main reasons why the period of Yaroslav the Wise is considered to be

the Golden Age of Kyiv Rus? What is his role and of his father Prince Volodymyr the Great?

First of all, …..

Secondly, …..

Thirdly, …..

The next point is …

Finally, …

All things considered, we’d like to say that …

To sum up, we’d like to pay everybody’s attention to …..

In conclusion, we’d like to stress …..

 (2students,the speakers of each group, tell the information they collected)


Task 5 (extra activity)

Writing. Complete the paragraph with words from the text.

In the 10-th – 11-th centuries Kyiv went through a 1 _____ age. Great 2 ____  ___  has the city state lived through.  A great task of turning Kyivska Rus into Christianity was 3 _____ by Volodymyr the Great. A lot of rivals were 4 ______ to the influential principality. In 1019 the Prince Yaroslav the Wise strengthened the borders of Kyiv by 5 _____  fortifications and powerful 6 _____ .

The city was 7 _____  great positive changes in culture and education. As a result, the increasing number of schools improved 8 _____ rate. The creative 9 _____ of music, art and theatre promoted  individuals to go up socially. In this way, Kyiv played an important role in the 10 _____ of creativity that was 11_____ in this period.


1 golden     2 dramatic changes     3 undertaken     4 drawn    5 building   6 landmarks    

7 undergoing     8 literacy     9 flowering     10 frenzy     11 flourishing


VI. Speaking.  

Teacher: Well done! You are now well informed about the major flourishing events in European countries and in Ukraine.

 I’d like you to make the conclusion in the form of an interview.


Discussing technology

The Interview

The participants: the presenter, the experts in culture, journalists

Presenter: Good-morning and welcome to the interview with the experts in different fields of culture. The subject of today’s interview is connected with the Golden Age of Ukraine, about the main personalities and their role in the development of the country.

So, let’s start! Your questions, please!


1-st journalist: Journal “Universe” My question is … (# 1 - music)

      When was the flourishing of Ukrainian music?

Expert 1: Well, the question is interesting. Personally, I consider …       slide 31

       that the roots of Ukrainian music go back to Kyiv Rus but the outburst takes its beginning in the early 19 century. The main genres were …. The famous musicians are …


Presenter: Right. The next question, please.


2-nd journalist:  the newspaper “Weekly News”

An important question is … (#2 - architecture) What architectural style are the historical places built in? What period of time is considered as the Golden Age of architecture?                            


Expert 2: Well. That’s a very big question. I mean that …                       slide 32


Presenter:  Right. Next question, please. Yes. That journalist in the back row.


3-rd journalist: I present the newspaper “Personal Life” The question is … (# 3 - painting)

about painting. Was it developed? If it’s so, give the examples, please.

Expert 2: You see, I can’t but say about …                                             slide 32


Presenter: We go on. Be active. Your next question, please.


4-th journalist: journal “Discoveries” I’d like to know … (# 4 - theatre)

some facts about a theatre. When did it emerge into life?


Expert 3: I’m ready to give some interesting information …                 slide 33


Presenter: I think you’ve managed to get answers to all the questions you are interested in.

                Thanks a lot for the participation.


VII. Conclusion

Teacher: Well, we’ve done great work today. Now you are aware of The Golden Ages

 of Kyiv Rus (Ukraine)

Teacher: What have we managed to do at the lesson?


  • We’ve revised vocabulary.
  • We’ve found out a lot of profound information about culture, education, music,

theatre, architecture etc. 

  • We’ve read and discussed an interesting and meaningful text.
  • We’ve practiced to work in groups and pairs.


      VIII.   Homework

                     Be ready to tell about the Golden Ages of our country,

                      write the  summary of the  text The Golden Ages of Kyiv Rus (Ukraine)



  1. The Final of the lesson                                                    slide 34

Your marks for your work at the lesson are …

I’m satisfied with your work. Have a good rest.

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