Урок "Save the Environment Together"

Про матеріал
Урок закріплення знань, презентування учнівських проектів про проблеми довкілля Aims: to improve listening, reading and speaking skills; to discuss the ecological problems; to learn about different ways of saving the environment from ecological catastrophe; to be taught to take care of the environment; to develop creative abilities and communicative skills; to be responsible in group work.
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Відкритий урок з англійської мови

«Save the Environment»

11 клас


Проведений учителем англійської мови Образцовою Л.В.








Theme: Save the Environment Together

Aims:  to improve listening, reading and speaking skills;

            to discuss the ecological problems;

            to learn about different ways of saving the environment from  ecological catastrophe;

            to be taught to take care of the environment;

            to develop creative abilities and communicative skills;

            to be responsible in group work.

Equipment: slide-presentations «Save the Environment Together», «Air Pollution», «Water Pollution», «Land Pollution», pictures of ecological disasters, signal cards «True/False», badges «The Environmental-conscious person», «The Green», emblems, a poster «Save the Environment Together».


  1. Introduction
  1. Greeting.
  2. Motivation.
  • Pay attention to our today’s theme «Save the Environment Together». (Slide 1)
  • And the motto of our lesson is Ecology suggest activity.
  • What are your expectations for the lesson? (to improve English, to discuss ecological problems, to find ways to save the environment, to use English, to speak with classmates, to work in groups).
  1. Aims. (Slide 2)
  • So our aims for the lesson are:

to improve listening, reading and speaking skills;

            to discuss the ecological problems;

            to learn about different ways of saving the environment from  ecological catastrophe;

            to be taught to take care of the environment;

            to develop creative abilities and communicative skills;

            to be responsible in group work.

  1. Warming up.
  • Begin our work with warming up. Look at some posters and say what do you think  about their contents? (Slides 3 - 5)
  • On the next slide you can see a quotation of Lee Talbot who said, Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned you by your children. (Slide 6)  How do you understand this quotation?
  1. Main Part
  1. Listening.
  • You say that our planet is polluted every day and there are many environmental problems, you’ve named them. So I suggest listening to the information about one of these problems.

1) Vocabulary.

  • At first pay attention to the words. (Slide 7)  Read the definition of them

2) First Listening.

  • Listen to the information for the first time and answer: What kind of pollution is this information about?

3) Second Listening.

  • After the second listening you’ll complete sentences of the exercise 3 from the page 144. Open your books and exercise-books. Prepare your exercise-books, write down the date.
  • Listen to the information for the second time. Complete sentences. (Учні працюють у зошитах).

4) Check of writing.

Now let’s check your endings. Look and correct. (Slide 8) 

  1. of air pollution;
  2. to plants and animals in these ecosystems;
  3. fuels  and produce polluting gases;
  4. tiny drops of water in clouds;
  5. rain, snow and mist;
  6. spend more money to research ways of producing energy;
  7. when you need them
  1. Group projects. Discussion. (Slides 9 – 19, 20 – 27, 28 - 40) 
  • As you see (звернути увагу на дошку, малюнки) air pollution is one kind of pollution. It is not less dangerous water and land or soil pollution. So our 3 groups of researchers have made a research of these kinds of pollution by the plan: problem, reasons, effect, statistics, possible solutions. And you have a chance to learn their results. I invite the speaker of the air researchers group. Others have to be very attentive because next you’ll answer the questions.
  • Now I suggest that other members of the 1 group check members of  second and third groups how they understand the air pollution problem. (Учні запитують товаришів з інших груп і називають хто відповідає).

(Так проводиться і захист інших груп).

  1. Reading.
  • Ernest Hemingway said, The Earth is showing us the red warning sign – to be careful. Please, read the letter from the Earth and answer the questions: (Slides 41- 43)

 What kinds of water pollution are mentioned?

      Is cutting down of so many life-giving trees a serious reason of bad air quality?

      What does the Earth call us to?

  • Now continue your group work, let’s find the challenges to save the planet. In the middle of your place you can see the sheets with some points. Read and tick only those of them, which are connected with your kind of pollution. Next you’ll read and explain your choice. (Учні читають і пояснюють рядки).
  1. Situation. Interview.
  • You know that there are many environmental organizations and groups which try to protect the environment. They organize meetings, actions, demonstrations and campaigns against pollution and destruction of the environment. Imagine the situation you meet one of the Greens. (Slide 44)  The Green is an environmental activist  or someone who belongs to or supports a political party which stands for protection environment. What would you ask, suggest, advise on the place of the Green and environment-conscious person?
  • Pay attention: you can see green and yellow badges in front of you. Green badge means that you are the Green. Yellow means you are the environment-conscious person. Two minutes are done to prepare questions and ideas for the conversation. Help to each other in group.
  • Now let’s make pairs and try to act the situations. (Учні виступають з діалогами).
  1. Summing up. Evaluation

1. Conclusion.

  • In conclusion let’s play True/False Game and complete our poster «Save the Environment Together» with right ways. (Slides 45 - 46) 
  • Look and tick as true or false using signal cards to show your opinion (green is true, red is false). This is our conclusion for our theme.

2. Finishing.

  • And I want to finish  with a golden rule due to our nature: (Slide 47) 

If you want the life be cool,

Like a full of coloured picture,

Don’t forget one golden rule:

Be a real friend of nature!

  • So future depends on us! (Slides 48 - 49) 
  • Have your expectations been come true?

3. Evaluation.

  1. Home Assignment

(Slide 50) 

Exercise 4 page 145:

1 – 6 marks: a small report about 1 of the problems;

7 – 12 marks: a dialogue about 1 or more of the problems



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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 січня 2019
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