Презентація "British schools"

Про матеріал
План-конспект уроку англійської мови у 8 класі на тему: «Schools in Great Britain» The objectives: To speak about education and schools in Great Britain. To broaden students` knowledge about Great Britain, its traditions, culture. To develop pupils` listening, speaking, reading, writing skills through various creative activities. To revise the grammar material – modal verbs. The type of the lesson: New lesson Equipment: Text-books, computers, computer presentations, cards for group work. Procedure I. Greeting T: Good morning everybody! Students, please greet our guests! Glad to see all of you in good health and mood! (slide 1) II. Warm-up activities T: Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What day is it today? What is the weather like today? Today we are going to speak about education and schools in Great Britain. (slide 2) But first look at the screen and try to match the advice with the possible situations. (slide 3) You should take an umbrella. It might be cold. You shouldn`t smoke. It might rain. You should wear a coat. You might cause an accident. You shouldn`t drive fast. It might be bad for your ears. You should sunbathe less. It might be bad for your skin. You shouldn`t listen to loud music. You might have health problems. III. The main part of the lesson 1. Practice in reading. Ex.1, p. 68. 1) Pre-reading activity Presenting new vocabulary. (slide 4) 2) While-reading activity (slide 5) Practise the new vocabulary. Find the following words and expressions in the text and give their English equivalents: - типова школа, - початкова школа, - середня школа, - однакові предмети, - складати іспити, - національні екзамени, - інформатика, - однокласник, - ніхто з них. 3) Post-reading activity (slide 6) Match the parts of the sentences 1. British schoolchildren take national GCSE exams A at 11. 2. British schoolchildren take “A” level exams B at 13. 3. British schoolchildren leave the primary school C at 16. 4. British schoolchildren choose the subjects to study for the national GCSE exams D at 18. 2. Watching the video 1. Activities before watching T: Boys and girls! Before you watch the film let us do an exerсise. Put the words below into the correct columns. (slide 7) Geography, badminton, Science, primary, Literature, drama club, orchestra, boarding, Religion, History, independent, rugby, football, state, secondary. School Subjects Extra-curriculum activities Schools 2. Activities while watching T: Now you will watch the first sequence. Try to complete the table with words and numbers from the box. (slide 8) Sequence 1 training, university, 17, 5, 70, secondary, advanced, primary, certificate, 20, 16 Age Education ----11 100% of students go to ________ school. 11 ---- 100% of students go to ________ school. ---- In England, they take GCSE examinations (General ______ of Secondary Education) ---- 18 ______% of students continue at school. At 18 they take A – levels ( _____ level examinations) 18 ---- 20% of 18 – year – olds go to _______ . --------- Another ______ % of 18- year- olds go on to other kinds of education and _______ . T: Watch the sequence again and check your answers. And now is sequence 2. (slide 9) Look at the pictures and see if you can identify what class is taking place just from the pictures. Watch the sequence and number the pictures 1 – 7 in the order that you see them and write a subject under each one. T: Watch the sequence 3 without sound and tick the activities you see.(slide 10) football cooking hockey badminton netball athletics rugby music chess lunch T: Watch again with sound. Cross out the incorrect answer in the sentences below.(slide 11) 1. Students have a break of an hour/ half an hour for lunch. 2. Most /Some students bring sandwiches for lunch. 3. School finishes at four/five o’clock. 4. Students also play rugby / chess. 3. Activities after watching Group work. (slide 12) Group 1 - introduce information about the education system in Britain; Group 2 - introduce information about school day, school subjects & extra – curricular activity; Group 3 - introduce information about British students. What do they think about their schools? IV. Summing-up T: It's time to get homework for the next lesson. You’ll write a letter to your pen friend telling him or her about your school & your life at school. Thank you for being active and hardworking. Our Lesson is over. Have a nice day! Bye! Матеріал є цікавим і корисним при вивченні теми "British schools"
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Topic: British. Schools

Номер слайду 2

PLAN:1. Education system in England;2. School day and school subjects;3. Extra – curricular activities.

Номер слайду 3

{69 CF1 AB2-1976-4502-BF36-3 FF5 EA218861}You should take an umbrella. It might be cold. You shouldn`t smoke. It might rain. You should wear a coat. You might cause an accident. You shouldn`t drive fast. It might be bad for your ears. You should sunbathe less. It might be bad for your skin. You shouldn`t listen to loud music. You might have health problems. Match the advice with the possible situations

Номер слайду 4

Vocabulary : an education [edju`keɪʃn] освітаa technology [ tek`nɒlədʒi ] технологіяnational [`næʃənl] національнийprimary [`praɪmərɪ] початковийsecondary [`sekənderi ] середнійtypical [`tɪpɪkəl] типовийto take an exam – складати іспити

Номер слайду 5

Read and find the following words and expressionsтипова школапочаткова школасередня школаоднакові предметискладати іспитинаціональні екзамениінформатикаоднокласникніхто з них

Номер слайду 6

Match the parts of the sentences{69 CF1 AB2-1976-4502-BF36-3 FF5 EA218861}1. British schoolchildren take national GCSE exams. A at 11.2. British schoolchildren take “A” level exams. B at 13.3. British schoolchildren leave the primary school. C at 16.4. British schoolchildren choose the subjects to study for the national GCSE exams D at 18.

Номер слайду 7

Put the words below into the correct columns. Geography, badminton, Science, primary, Literature, drama club, orchestra, boarding, Religion, History, independent, rugby, football, state, secondary. School subjects. Extra – curricular activities. Types of Schools111

Номер слайду 8

Try to complete the table with the words and numbers from the box training, university, 17, 5, 70, secondary, advanced, primary, certificate, 20, 16 Age. Education __- 11 Most children go to _______ school.11 -__They all go to _______ school. In England they take GCSE examinations (General _______ of Secondary Education) __- 18______% of students continue at school. At 18 they take A – Levels ( _______ level examinations.) 18+About _____% of 18 – year – olds go to _______ . Another _____ % of 18- year – olds go on to other kinds of education and __________ .

Номер слайду 9

Watch the episode & number these pictures in the correct order1.

Номер слайду 10

Watch the episode without sound & choose the activities you see football cooking hockey badminton netball athletics rugby music chess lunch

Номер слайду 11

Watch the episode & cross the incorrect answer Students have a break of an hour/half an hour for lunch. More/Some students bring sandwiches for lunch. School finishes at four/five o’clock. Students also play rugby/chess.

Номер слайду 12

Work in groups Group 1 - introduce information about the education system in Britain;Group 2 - introduce information about school day, school subjects & extra – curricular activity;Group 3 - introduce information about British students. What do they think about their schools?

Номер слайду 13

YOUR TASK : Write a letter to your pen friend telling him or her about your school & your life at school.

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Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 квітня 2020
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