Презентація "Christmas is coming " .

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Презентація для проведення позакласного заходу про Різдво в Британії. Діти розігрують сценку, читають вірші, співають пісню, розгадують вікторину, читають побажання.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

The day before Christmas is very busy for families in England. They wrap presents, bake cookies, and hang stockings over the fireplace. Then everyone gathers around the tree as someone tells the favorite story, “A Christmas Carol.”After hearing their favorite Christmas story, children write a letter to Father Christmas with their wishes. They toss their letter into the fire so their wishes can go up the chimney. After the children fall asleep on Christmas Eve, Father Christmas comes to visit. He wears a long, red robe, carries a sack of toys, and arrives on his sleigh pulled by reindeer. He fills the children’s stockings with candies and small toys. CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND

Номер слайду 3

On Christmas Day, everyone sits down to the midday feast and finds a colorful Christmas cracker beside their dinner plate. A Christmas cracker is a paper-covered tube. When the end tabs are pulled, there is a loud crack. Out spills a paper hat to wear at dinner, small trinkets, and a riddle to read aloud to everyone at the table.

Номер слайду 4

The family enjoys a feast of turkey with chestnut stuffing, roast goose with currants, or roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. Brussels sprouts are likely to be the vegetables. Best of all is the plum pudding topped with a sprig of holly. Brandy is poured over the plum pudding and set aflame. Then family members enjoy a dramatic show as it is carried into the dining room. Whoever finds the silver charm baked in their serving has good luck the following year. The wassail bowl, brimming with hot, spiced wine, tops off the day’s feast.

Номер слайду 5

Номер слайду 6

Номер слайду 7

1. Who delivers presents to children in Italy? ( a witch, La Befana)2. In Victorian times the Christmas pies were filled with ….? (beef and spices)3. Where do many kids wear fancy dresses, dancing in the streets? (Ghana, Africa)4. Where do people decorate Christmas trees with sparkly fake spider webs? ( Ukraine)5. What do people have on Christmas Day in Australia? (barbecue)6. What trees are decorated in India to celebrate Christmas? (Mango or banana)7. Where do children can get a rotten potato instead of a gift? (Iceland)8. Where do people have a huge bonfire after Christmas? (Amsterdam, Holland)Let`s have a short QUIZ, dear spectators. For the right answer you`ll have a prize!

Номер слайду 8

Celebrating Christmas. Celebration of the birth of Christ. He who is the Savior. Resting in a manger, in a bed of hay. In the light of the Christmas star shining above, showing the way. Shepherds and kings all followed the light to pay tribute to Him. To leave gifts at his feet and acknowledge their King. Mary’s son, and the Son of God. A man, too, and mortal, able to die for our sins, and so. Save us from ourselves, and grant us eternal life and light

Номер слайду 9

The Little Christmas Carollers. We are a band of carollers,We march through frost and snow,But care not for the weather. As on our way we go. At every hall or cottage. That stands upon our way,We stop to give the people. Best wishes for the day. We pray a merry Christmas,Made bright by Christmas cheer,With peace, and hope, and gladness. And all they may hold dear. And for all those that happen. To pass us on our way. We have a smile, and wish them. A merry Christmas-day.

Номер слайду 10

Christmas is for giving. Christmas is for giving. And for showing that we care,For honoring the Christ Child. With the loving gifts we share. The wise men gave of riches;The shepherds, faith and love. Each gift, in its own measure,Was smiled on from above. Let every gift be treasured;Not always size or price. Determines the extent of love. And willing sacrifice. Handsome gifts with festive trim. Bring smiles of sweet content,But modest gifts of humble meansare ofttimes heaven sent. Whether it be large or small,Each gift will share in part. The message of true Christmas joy. If given from the heart!

Номер слайду 11

Номер слайду 12

•May the Christmas Season bring only happiness and joy to you and your family.••The gift of love. The gift of peace. The gift of happiness. May all these be yours at Christmas.••Wishing you a season full of light and laughter for you and your family.••Best wishes for a joyous Christmas filled with love, happiness and prosperity!••May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!meaningful wishes

Номер слайду 13

•Merry Christmas! Wishing you all the happiness your holiday can hold!•May your holidays sparkle with joy and laughter.•I hope the magic of Christmas fills every corner of your heart and home with joy — now and always.•Our family wishes you love, joy and peace … today, tomorrow and always.•May your family have a holiday season that is full of wonderful surprises, treats and nonstop laughter.

Номер слайду 14

•Wishing you a Christmas that's merry and bright!•We hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday season.•I hope your holiday season is full of peace, joy and happiness.•Merry Christmas with lots of love.•I hope your Christmas is filled with joy this year!•Happy Holidays! I hope all of your Christmas wishes come true.

Номер слайду 15

Як застосувати шнформацію для уроку?1. Розіграти сценку Christmas is coming. Ведучі читають текст, а актори виконують певні ролі ( ялинка, камін, Санта, святковий стіл з картинками страв, хлопавка...)2. Учні декламують вірші про Різдво.3. Учні зачитують інформацію про святкування Різдва в різних країнах.4. Проводимо вікторину по інформації.5. Учні виконують пісню Silent night6. У чарівному мішечку діти дістають раніше виготовлені привітальні листівки.7. Фото на згадку.

Номер слайду 16

19 січня 2024
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