Презентація " Distance learning "

Про матеріал
Дистанційне навчання - це сукупність технологій, які забезпечують інтерактивний зв'язок викладача та студента без фізичної присутності здобувачів освіти у навчальному закладі. Незважаючи на певні недоліки, дистанційне навчання має безліч переваг, особливо в умовах воєнного стану та під час пандемій . Однією з основних переваг є мобільність, можливість навчатись у будь-якому місці в будь-який час.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Distance learning. Advantages and disadvantages

Номер слайду 2

Distance learning , also called distance education is the method of studying where students do not need to be present in a physical classroom,but can take classes and learn through virtual methods. This method of learning uses the internet`s advantages and can be done through broadcasting live lectures or pre-recorded videos.

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Different types of distance learning. Synchronous distance learning Asynchronous distance learning Hybrid distance learning Electronic learning. Fixed time online courses. Correspondence learning Open schedule online courses

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Advantages of distance learning. Greater flexibility. Accessibility. No commuting. Self-paced learning. Your own schedule. Significant cost saving. Learning while working. Pursuing education of your choice Gain extra knowledge

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Disadvantages of distance learning. Social isolation. Lack of interaction with teachers. High chances of distraction. Advance planning. Complicated technology. Internet availability or affordability. Lack of seriousness , competition and learning environment. Questionable credibility of online degrees. Not all courses are available

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Conclusion In summary , distance learning has many benefits which physical classroom does not necessary have. Despite of numerous drawbacks , the greatest benefit of distance learning is that it allows students to access numerous learning tools using minimum financial resources. Generally , distance learning is the perfect option for working students.

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Modern education gives different types of learners a comfortable environment to gain new knowledge and skills , and accommodate their education needs.

20 липня 2023
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